
Migrant students, my heart, the ganu, full-scale composition

2022-04-12 17:59:18 6


Hold your hands, suddenly, a cool scratch, hit it close to it, you want to capture it, but find it, it has already occupied heart, Hui Chengchuan stream.

What is the moistive my heart?

I think of your fine, gently sound, and a warmth. Such as blocking the millennium cage, ignoring a bunch of light, very glaring, but wants to reach out to capture it.

At that time, as the mouse in the ditch, I only confuse myself in my own range, I didn't want to take a step. And you, you have a butterfly colorful. You can make a piece with anyone, there are a lot of friends around you, your face is always filled with happiness. Compared with you, I will always look dimless, and I will make me free.

When the third grade of elementary school, the teacher arranged me is your same table. I will be a pet, always carefully get along with you. But you are very generous to call me brothers, clearly remember that you said "cover" with me. Let me most touching it. "You don't play with her, I don't go, you will play, I want to accompany her." I remember that you are really like a warrior. They also left. In order not to let you embarrass, I am trying to wipe it out of my painting, and others are friendly, but I will make some friends, but I will never forget, you are your heart, you are my heart.

Now, I have been strong, not surprising, but there is similar personality. I have acknowledge that I am learning to learn, I have learned that I have the same habits. It can be said that if you are the sun, I will pick up the moon behind you; if you are the moon, I just steal your rays. From the time of my time, I am your little fan, I will keep you behind you every day. I swear in my heart, you will never have a chance to open me, even if you hate me.

Waitful, it is a kind of love, and the stream is still in the heart. You are the nectar of my heart, I will always friends.

Second article

Tagore said: "The birth is like the summer flowers, and it is like the autumn leaves." Birth is like summer flowers, you can't get some drop of rain. And nourisher my heart is the top of the book.

It's like the bee butterfly flying over the flowers, the spring water flows through the valley, I can't help the joy in the juvenile era. For me, a few times is like a page streamer, and the book is often a concentrated, accounting for great proportion.

In a strange place, panic is unable to. At this time, I always took a small horse, holding a book, read the whole world quiet. Book, I became the only pass for I am going through the north of the world.

I have heard of a little story, and a woman spent five days fiftynitarian in the dark. She has food, there is water, the only enemy is loneliness, and almost gives her spirit to destroy. That is a long suffering! In the case where you can't do it, she desperately recalls the book I have read. Leiver Tolste's "Anna Carlinina" made her forgot all kinds of fear and pain.

This story makes me deeply inspired, so when I have no books in the hands, I close my eyes ,-- also there is no eyes, it is condensed, and the book reads the book, but it is like a "ruminant" general, repeated Chew, it is also known to be new.

So, in the alley of the umbrella, he would think of the fantwoman who was obsessed with a lilac crisswork; when I saw the first meal of the earth, I would think of Han Yu's "Day". The street light rain is like a crisp, and the grass is close to but there is no "; when listening to a soft and soothing no night song, I will think of the lotus pond, I think of the gunna, the slim flowers are dancing. In short, no matter how there is anything in the hand, it is like a scene related to it immediately, just like Baoyu dreams to swim too virtual cave, although it is not true, but it seems to have met.

So since the way walks through the book and reality, I am often half a day. They are all read, and people are more slow.通过这种方式,我无法做出大活动。






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