2019-11-28 08:15:06 84
本课您将学到:形容词后缀-less,关于婚姻的短语,怎样区分because, for, since和as
它无色无味,无影无形,杀人不见血,让你求生不得求死不能这不是萨达姆的生化武器,也不是什么高科技产品,它随着人类的诞生而诞生,随着人类的发展而发展,look! Here it comes
Hello. You know me. I am in your office, at your parties, and on your phone. For amusement(消遣), I will break your heart and cause you to have sleepless(失眠的) nights. I have made governments collapse(瓦解) and marriages fall apart.
Since I have no face, you have no protection against becoming my victim(牺牲者). Who am I?
I am Gossip(流言). I have existed(存在) since people could talk, and I will be there long after you are gone. So remember to ask yourself the next time you repeat a story about somebody: Is it true? Is it fair? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then perhaps you should keep quiet.
打个招呼,除了hello,还可以说Hi! Hi, guys/folks! 这个藏匿在我们的办公室,出现在聚会和电话中的家伙,表面看起来似乎挺懂礼貌。可事实上,它会为了消遣,让我们心力憔悴,夜不能寐。(For amusement, I will break your heart and cause you to have sleepless nights.)