

2019-11-06 12:39:21 82




















1. 段落与整篇文章的关系

就像句子是组成段落的基本单位一样,段落是组成文章的基本单位。一般来说,一个或几个段落组成文章的一个部分(section), 一个或几个部分继而组成一篇文章。看下面这篇文章:


Going to a new school can be exciting, but for an international student, first day on campus can be confusing. When I first arrived at State University, I was overwhelmed by size of campus and number of people I saw hurrying from building to building. I did not know what to do or where to go. Fortunately, I found three helpful people who saved me from confusion.

The first person who helped me was director of dormitory, Mrs. Stanton. She helped me register at dormitory and took me up to my room. Since my roommate had not yet arrived, Mrs. Stanton showed me all around “dorm” (as I soon learned it was usually called). She showed me where bathroom was, where creation room was, and where cafeteria was. She very carefully explained to me all of dormitory rules and told me she hoped I would enjoy my stay re.

After checking into dorm, I went到自助餐厅,在那里我遇到了一个好人罗伯特·朗(Robert Long)。他看到我独自一人坐下来,问我是否需要任何帮助。他说我看上去有些迷茫。我告诉他我是洪都拉斯的新学生,我没有迷路,只是不知所措。他告诉我,我不要担心。他说,他在州立大学的第一天也感到困惑和不知所措。然后他带我去了行政大楼帮助我找到顾问。在他离开我之前,他给了我他的电话号码,并问我将来是否需要任何帮助,请给他打电话。

在行政大楼,我遇到了我的顾问托雷斯博士,他被证明是非常有帮助的。他非常友好地向我解释了如何注册课程以及在国立大学的期望。托雷斯博士给了我一些有关国际学生协会的信息,并建议我参加其中的一次会议。我很高兴知道在校园的外国学生有一个组织。在托雷博士之后s gave all necessary information about registering for classes and purchasing books, he told me to come and see him at time that I have any questions.

All of se people, Mrs. Stanton, Robert Long, and Dr. Torres, were very kind to me first day. They made me feel at home when I was feeling lost and lonely. I will never forget se people.

这篇文章由五个段落组成,第一段是一个部分,点明了主题:Three helpful people saved me from total confusion;第二、三、四段是一个部分,这三段彼此并列,分别叙述了Mrs. Stanton, Robert Long, 和Dr. Torres三人是如何帮助我的;第五段是一个部分,总结了全文:These three people made me feel at home,并且与文章的第一部分遥相呼应。这五个段落,互相联系,有机地组成了这篇文章。


2 段落的基本特征


(1) Life on this planet began in water, and today, almost wherever water is found, life is also present. (2)There are one-celled organisms that eke out ir entire existence in no morewater than that which can cling to a grain of sand. (3)Some species of algae are found only on melting undersurface of polar ice floes. (4)Certain species of bacteria and certain blue-green algae can tolerate near-boiling water of hot springs. (5)In desert, plants race through an entire life cycle—seed to flower to seed—following a single rainfall. (6)In jungle, water cupped in leaves of a tropical plant forms a microcosm in which a myriad of small organisms are born, spawn, and die. (7)We are interested in wher soil of Mars and dense atmosphere surrounding Venus contain water principally because we want to know wher life is re. (8)On our planet, and probably on ors where life exists, life and water have been companions since life first began.

这段话的主题是:water and its relation to life,其中的任何一个句子都紧扣这个主题,第(1)句开题,句(2)到句(7)例证,中间部分,作者以六个句子例证这一主题所按照的顺序是:从最易见的水中的生命形式到最难见的水中的生命形式,句(8)总结收尾,呼应段首句。本段以八个一致性的句子,按照清晰、连贯的顺序阐述了一个主题,是一个很好的范例。

四六级作文点津(9):前后的特征,主题句的拟定 1

3 如何达到段落的一致性


3.1 主题句的位置及功能



Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to your health.Several years ago, a United States government study was released that linked intake of tar and nicotine, found in cigarettes, with development of cancer in laboratory animals. The evidence was so overwhelming that Unites States government required cigarettes manufacturers to put a warning on outside of each package of cigarettes, which says, “Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that cigarettes is hazardous to your health.” Aside from most serious and dreaded disease, cancer, cigarettes smoking also can aggravate or promote or health problems. For example, smoking can increase discomfort for people with asthma and emphysema. It can give one a “smoker’s cough” and contribute to bronchitis. Finally, recent studies have shown that cigarette smokers are more susceptible to common colds and flu. Wher you get an insignificant cold or major killer, cancer, smoking cigarettes is hazardous. Is it worth it?


Every moment of day world bombards human speaker with information and experiences. It clamors for his attention, claws his senses, intrudes into his thoughts. Only a very small portion of this total experience is language—yet speaker must use this small portion to report on all experiences that exist or ever existed in totality of world since time began. Try to think about stars, a grasshopper, love or hate, pain, anything at all—and it must be done in terms of language. There is no or way; thinking is language spoken to oneself. Until language had made sense of experience, that experience is meaningless.

I hadn’t known she could play piano. She wasn’t playing very well, I guess, because she stopped occasionally and had to start over again. She concentrated intensely on music, and ors in room sat absolutely silently. My mor was facing me but didn’t seem to see me. She seemed to be staring beyond me toward something that wasn’t re. All happy excitement died in me at that moment. Looking at my mor, so isolated from us all, I saw her for first time as a person utterly alone.


Those in favor of genetic engineering argue that exchange of genes taking place during laboratory experiments is merely an imitation of what is done in nature all time. In or words, genetic engineering is a natural process that is being reproduced by humans. Scientists are confident that strict regulation and principles of agreement between private companies and government agencies will ensure safety and efficiency of any基因工程生物。此外,美国分子生物学家担心,红外研究的其他障碍将导致m落后于欧洲竞争对手,并且美国将失去在技术落后领域的领先地位。 基因工程的困境从根本上说是基于一方面知识的发展和竞争与对安全的需求之间的斗争。 反对在开放环境中使用转基因生物的生态学家认为,如今的遗传工程师是20世纪巫师的学徒,其技术尚不完全清楚。 Ors质疑“扮演上帝”的后果。他们感到人类对生命的了解不足以操纵其形式。也不确定谁将对我们的环境造成任何破坏或不可挽回的损害承担责任。


有一天,当我在玩我的新洋娃娃时,沙利文小姐也把我的大布洋娃娃也放到我的大腿上,拼写为“ d-o-l-l”,并试图让我明白“ d-o-l-l”适用于这两种玩具。在一天的早些时候,我们对“ m-u-g”和“ w-a-t-e-r”这两个单词感到困惑。沙利文小姐曾想让我印象深刻的是,“ m-u-g”是杯子,而“ w-a-t-e-r”是水,但是我坚持要混淆两个。绝望的是她放下了时间,只是为了尽快重修。我对她的一再尝试不耐烦,并抓住了一个新娃娃,将它摔在了地上。当我感到脚下破碎的玩偶碎片时,我感到非常高兴。尼尔的悲伤或遗憾都跟随着我的热情爆发。我没有爱过洋娃娃。在我所生活的黑暗世界中,仍然没有强烈的感情或温柔。我感到老师把碎片扫向炉膛的一侧。我感到不满意的原因已经消除,我对此感到满意。她给我带来了我的帽子,我知道我要温暖了sunshine. This thought, if a wordless sensation may be called a thought, made me hop and skip with pleasure.

这一段选自Helen Keller 的My Life Story。要是她写了该段的主题句,可能会是:The events eventually leading up to my discovery of language showed how thoroughly difficult and insensitive a child I was.


Etiquette books used to teach that if a woman had Mrs. in front of her name n husband’s name should follow because Mrs. is an abbreviated form of Mistress and a woman couldn’t be a mistress of herself. As with many arguments about “correct” language usage, this isn’t very logical because Miss is also an abbreviation of Mistress. Feminists hoped to simplify matters by introducing Ms. as an alternative to both Mrs. and Miss, but what happened is that Ms. largely replaced Miss to become a catch-all business title for women. Many married women still prefer title Mrs., and some resent being addressed with term Ms. As one frustrated newspaper reporter complained, “Before I can write about a woman, I have to know not only her marital status but also her political philosophy.” The result of such complications may contribute to demise of titles which are already being ignored by many computer programmers who find it more efficient to simply use names; for example in a business letter: “Dear Joan Garcia,” instead of “Dear Mrs. Joan Garcia,” “Dear Ms. Garcia,” or “Dear Miss Louis Garcia,”

尽管这段话的主题句没有明确给出,但是,读过这段话,我们可以概括出其主题句:There has been a great deal of confusion about politically correct title or address for women.


四六级作文点津(9):前后的特征,主题句的拟定 2

3.2 如何拟定适当的主题句


TOPIC: country life


(1)It is more healthy for people to live in country than in city.

(2)It is more economical to live in country.

(3) Itis more enjoyable for children to live in country.

主题是:country life,但是除了上面三个主题句,你还可以列出更多,每个主题句都可以发展成一个段落,以阐述country life的一个方面。


TOPIC: go to college

TOO GENERAL : I want to go to college.

TOO NARROW: I want to get a college degree.

PROPER: There are several reasons why I go to college.

TOPIC: doing exercises

TOO GENERAL : One can keep fit by doing exercises.

TOO NARROW: Jogging requires getting up early.

PROPER: Jogging rewards one with stronger muscles and a stronger mind.



夏天来了!夏天快到了!我穿上漂亮的衣服去享受夏天的美丽。 公园里的鲜花是紫色和红色,竞争开放。其中最引人注目的是红玫瑰花;开花的树,分层的花瓣,火红的颜色,远处看起来像一片红色的海洋


5月31日中午吃完午饭后,妈妈赶紧把我的车开走了。 我将在这个世界保证金酒店待一段时间。我母亲不是刚吃过饭吗?你在酒店做什么?我母亲不理我,和我一起去。该死的!里面很漂亮




1,发现400字的构成 我们生活的世界非常令人兴奋,就在今天,也许校园里有一朵美丽的花;也许你的狗和小猫做了一个有趣的举动;也许你有一个新的想法;也许... 我有一张女同性恋桌


微笑是露水,滋养人心;微笑是太阳,照亮了灵魂的每个黑暗角落;微笑是春风,吹走了灵魂的每一个方块;微笑是绿茶,席卷灵魂的每一个角落。 我记得那天,我才七岁,我坐火车去外地的祖母家。我不知道为什么


你知道我最佩服的人吗? - 我的语言老师。她聪明,有尊严,美丽善良。虽然不是名人,但在我看来,老师是一个有帮助且知识渊博的人,就像一本活字典。 老师长发,一双明亮的眼睛就像两颗小珍珠。别看她不高


作文的开头: 俗话说:“失败是成功的母亲。”失败并不重要,只要你吸取教训,勇敢地前进,并且会成功。激动人心的时刻又来了。 这篇文章由编辑老师出版。欢迎在下面发表您的意见


组成的开始: 当树枝吐出芽时,当土地发芽时,树枝的花蕾开花,当鹅从南方返回时,蝴蝶是在空中捡起来。 4] 本文由编辑老师出版。欢迎您在下面发表您的意见。 请记住这个网站的域名:www


在新年的第二天,天气很冷,就像上帝有些不快乐。我一直是一个从不流泪的女人。今天,我也厌倦了上帝。我被四岁的弟弟抽泣了。 下午,我姑姑决定带我们去摘草莓。我听到了这个好消息。我的兄弟很高兴


是谁唤醒了许多沉睡的生物并为世界创造了美丽?是谁,让五彩缤纷的花朵绽放笑容,开始竞争?当然是我 - 春天顽皮可爱的小雨滴。 春天我是一个小雨滴,我来到地球母亲的怀抱。地球母亲期待她的孩子很快回来