2019-12-06 23:22:01 69
1.good 好的
perfect, excellent, outstanding, superior
2.many 许多
a lot of, a host of, a sea of
3.some 一些
quite a few, several
4.think 认为
acknowledge, hold the view that
5.more and more 越来越多
increasing, increasingly, growing
6.bad 坏的
wicked, dreadful, harmful
7.helpful 有益的
beneficial, rewarding, contribute to
8.customer 顾客
9.in my opinion 以我看来
from my part, from my perspective
10.very 非常
exceedingly, extremely
11.cause 引起
result in, be triggered by
12.want 想要
desire, be eager to
13.remember 记住
memorize, bear in mind that
14.have 拥有
own, possess
15.poor 贫穷的
needy, impoverished
16. rich 富有的
wealthy, affluent
17. excellent 棒的
fabulous, marvelous
18. obvious 明显的
apparent, evident
19. healthy 健康的
robust, wholesome
20. surprising 惊人的
amazing, miraculous
21. beautiful 美丽的
attractive, gorgeous, eye-catching
22. popular 流行的
prevailing, prevalent
23. improve 提高
enhance, promote, boost
24. solve 解决
resolve, tackle, cope with, deal with
25. develop 培养
cultivate, foster, nurture
26. complete 完成
fulfill, accomplish, achieve
27. keep 保留
hold, preserve, retain
28. energetic 有活力的
dynamic, vigorous
29. destroy 破坏
damage, ruin
30. influence 影响
impact, the effect of...
31. pollute 污染
taint, contaminate
32. because of 因为
due to, as a result of, thanks to
33. guess 假设,猜想
hypothesis, speculation, assumption
34. suggestion 建议
proposal, recommendation, proposition
35. motivation 动力
impetus, momentum, incentive
36. evaluation 评估
assessment, appraisal, estimate
37. tool 工具,设备
appliance, equipment, device, instrument
38. way 方式
manner, approach, tactic
39. hope 希望
desire, eagerness, hunger
40. sense 意识
consciousness, awareness, perception
41. character 性格
disposition, personality, temperament
42. promise 承诺
commitment, pledge, engagement
43. feeling 情感
mood, emotion, sentiment
44. duty 责任
responsibility, obligation
45. choice 选择
option, alternative, selection