
20 years of marriage classic blessing SMS I wish friends

2022-03-31 04:18:33 4

Friends bless your 20xx year marriage commemorative, for you to send a classic blessing, what are you giving a 20XX year? Below is the first Fan Wen network Xiaobian for you 20XX year marriage classic blessing text message I wish friends For everyone to read!

20xX year marriage classic blessing SMS wish friends [warm version]

1. White head is eyebrow, Qingyang Qiui peach plums. He is the word, you are a spectrum, you are a harmonious song. A natural fit, happy couple.

2. I wish you a good time, a hundred years! Happy newly marble, sweet and sweet!

3. May I love to fill in your sweet life, let every day in the future, like this brilliant joy today!

4. Let this lingering verse ring the bells of happiness. May you have a good bath to the river, white-headed!

5. The highest realm of the two love is relatively unine, blessing a new couple sincerely love, meet forever! Congratulations to the new marriage!

6. Find her in the vast sea, distinguish between the millennium, I wish you both happy and harmonious.

7. Today, I took joy, grateful mind, and the church of the representative church will sincerely wish: the leader of the main work, the love is in love; May God bless your love than high, longer, you The situation is deeper than the sea!

8. Three big life, dear friends, the days in your newly married, let me sincerely wish you a happy wedding!

9. May God's love, the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the temptation of the Holy Spirit, often with you! Until forever, Amen !!!

10. Wisdom, no matter where you are, in the case of how to do, you have a new style; don't worry from the wicked, the road of sinners, do not sit down the seat of the person, respectively The law of thought of the Lord; it seems like a fruit tree next to the stream, as a result of the results, the leaves are not dry; where you are going well!

20xX year marriage classic blessing SMS I wish friends [personality version]

1. Today is your day, I congratulate you on behalf of my family, I wish you two happy and happy, Yongxing is old!

2. Love is loved by knowing, and more known by each other. People often say that the gods are you! I wish you all the age of life, knowing your age! I wish you love, join hands with beautiful life.

3. May God's love, the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the holy spirit of the Holy Spirit, often with you and everyone! Until forever, Amen!

4. I wiped the god light of Aladdin, the lights came out, so I said to the lights: Please let me brother and my Yongren be love, Yongqi, love the river! White head!

5. Candle smile to welcome the wing bird, the cave is happy and head.

6. White head is eyebrow, Qingyang Qiui Tao Li concentric.

7. May your love life, as the fruit of the fig tree is gradually mature; if the vine is blooming, he is a witness to Christ, a witness, and a daily day, every day, every day, talk to God!

8. The highest realm of the two love is relatively unwanted, blessing a new couple sincerely love, meeting forever! Congratulations to the new marriage!

9. May my brothers are like Sae, honest and brave, and believe in obedience, such as the flying eagle; I hope my sister is like Lixai, gentle and sweet, hardworking, such as a varied grape tree!

10. I wish you love forever, join hands with beautiful life. The combination of sincere love is the purest, bless you.

11. The golden house is song, the cave, the cave is happy.

12. You are born, build a pair, and today, in the future, you need to be tolerant, take care of each other, bless you!

13. Give you a happy friendship with a good friendship!

14. Today is the day of your good edge, I congratulate you on behalf of my family, I wish you both happy and happy!

15. In this spring, in the days of the group, you are always the same, the so-called natural pair, the life is a pair! I wish you both love, old man!

16. Ten years of repairing with ships, a hundred years to repaira total pillow. Find him in the vast sea, distinguish between the millennium; countless accidentally accumulated inevitable, how can it be carefully engraved on Sanyi Stone? Use sincerely care for this kind of grace, true love you.

17. May I love to fell in your sweet life, let every day in the future, like this brilliant joy today !!

18. May you sincerely love the fire, such as the sun, the longer it is more prosperous; let the people can't go out, the big water can not be overwood!

19. The combination of sincere love is the purity of the purest, bless you wish to fell in your sweet life, let every day in the future, is like today's brilliant joy!

20. The millennium has a thousand years old, and it is a hundred years of sleep. The natural talents are equipped with, just embarrassed.

20XX year marriage classic blessing SMS wishes friends [hot version]

1. The combination of sincere love is the purest, bless you!

2. May your descendants have godly and add! May you teach the descendants, in line with the leadership and alert; you should also follow the will!

3. May you use love to go to each other, understand each other and sharing each other, sharing the future and fun. I wish you a hundred years, good endless! I wish you love forever, join hands with beautiful life!

4. So many beautiful text messages, one word is input to the phone, it is better to use China Mobile Fetion, you can do it without typing, just copy - paste - send, or free, come Free to register Use

5. Beautiful bride is like a red wine, the groom is the wine glass.祝贺! Wine and cup from this movie!祝福你! Wine and cup of En-love!

6. May you use love to wrap each other, understand each other and care together, and share the future and fun. I wish you all the best in a hundred years. I hope you can always hug your sweetness.

7. Extended the loved hand, the blessing of the profit, let the happiness bloom splendid flowers, welcome the future of your future ... I wish you a happy new marriage. He is a deep blessing.

8. In this spring, the days of the group, the two of you, the two are good, the so-called natural pair, the land is a pair! I wish you both love love, white-headed!

9. Beautiful bride is like a red wine, the groom is the wine glass.像这样?祝贺! Wine and cup from this shape!祝福你! Wine and cup Ethi love !! The taste of the fusion congratulations!

10. May the LORD from the Sanctuary to you, I hope you will see the benefits of Jerusalem in the Holy City in a lifetime!

11. Ten years of repairing the same ship, a hundred years to win a total pillow. I found her in the vast sea of ​​people, clearly a period of millennium, I wish you both happy and harmonious.

12. At this time, I wish God guide your marriage, such as river water to the sea, become one, no longer two, and the rush, life is endless!

13. Lotus is open, careful to print; 枝 连 理, Lin Feng Yushu Hexin is born, knows how to stay in the world, full of spring breeze, and a deep feelings, the two-inquiry is willing to enter the book. I wish you a happy newly married, love it.

14. May happiness songs will always be with you, I hope that the life behind you is full of joy and joy, and the bathroom is endless happy. I wish you a happy new marriage!

15. Flower and stand, Sangjie, Li Le Mingqi, red candle reflected. A total of hundreds of years Qin Jinyi, the same kind couple in the world. Congratulations, new wedding, sweet, blessing, giving you the best. Wish: Happy Newly Market!

16. May I love to fill in your sweet life, let every day in the future, is like today's brilliant joy!

17. Today is the day of your good year, I congratulate you on behalf of my family, I wish you both happy and happy, Yongshou!

18. May there have a lover in the world, and it is destined to have a good time. Newly marble! Hundred years, good!

19. Bless you, laugh for you, because today, my heart is also the same as you, happy! I wish you a hundreD岁!明亮的头到老!




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