
Walking the corner

2022-04-07 16:51:52 4

On weekends, walking with Mom and Dad walking downstairs. Warm warm guanhmall, the tree, the mites, the night, the osmanthus fragrance, the gods are refreshed, I don't know how to walk, I have walked to the cartoon bookstore that I swear at the corner. Our three people will smile.

That is the three months before the graduation exam, the students are in taking the battle, even the most close-up students seem to have a lot of understanding, no longer obsessed with TV and online games. I also secretly determined, I have to make a good idea.

Perhaps everyone's childhood is destined to refuse some temptation. I went home that day, I found that there were more comic bookstores at the corners of the roadside. Through the glass windows, colorful comic books attracted my life, and the foot is inserted, it can't, I don't want to move, use pocket money. I bought this latest issue of "Stealing Star September", and I walked around the side.

Because of the strict teaching, it is not dare to look at the home without his parents. I have taken the two stages of self-righteousness: I don't want my grandmother to pick me up, I will have a lot of time in the comic bookstore; after completing the homework at night, I will close the door. In order not to pay attention, I don't turn on the headlight, the cat is watching the flash in the nest.

In this way, Feng Yun lost two worships. If it is not because I can't sleep well in a certain class, if it is not the grade, a sudden test makes my grades, it has caused the teacher's horror, maybe I can "lurking", maybe it is In the causing grandmother's speech, it can be immersed in the ocean of comics, and the situation is serious. After the teacher in time and rain, the father told me to him to study, and there were not many words. Three meanings: First, "there is no wall in the world", the installation and the lie will always reveal the horse foot; To concentrate, "Thousands of miles of embankment, collapsed in the ant hole", to properly handle the relationship between learning and interest; three must cherish the body, "The body is the capital of the revolution", hiding in the bed to read books and have a hundred damage. After finishing these words, Dad means deeply looked at me, saying "You think about it, then go out and then go out of this door", just leave.

Can you know that I am on the palm of the palm of the face? Can you imagine that I was in the eyes of the public like when I was in the light day? Can you feel that I am red earlier, unwinding? I am really awkward. I forgot my swipe, I live up to the Yin Yin of the teacher, I am sorry for my grandparents. Hey, it is the comic bookstore at the corner, let me go wrong again, and never go to the store. But when I changed, just the comic bookstore at the corner caused me? More, a "corner" that I booked in these years is tempting me, I am embarrassed.

After school after school, I put all the bought books into the carton, gave the grandfather, looked at the grandfather to put it on the loft, I still took the breath, my father and my mother also showed it. Great smile.

After you go to school, you will pass the corner every time, you will still see the window with a lot of wonderful comic books, but I will walk straight forward, no longer tempting. I have done a true self, and I have become the pride of my grandparents and become the pride of my mom and dad. The graduation examinion that year is also finally done.

On the road of life, there will always be some things in a certain period will tempting you, let you lose you, but if you can correctly know the "corner" and properly control "corner", so that you will be the Kangzhuang Avenue and the sea.

Another breeze blows, I feel more than the osmanthus "Xiang Yuan Yiqing". I hurriedly catching my mom and dad, holding them, and walking towards the lanterns.



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