2022-01-20 20:16:05 3
Rain suddenly flash up. From the yard until the street where even become a pond, dense and powerful rain came down, punched numerous flowering, mitral blisters on the water. The following is a small series finishing describe people with a scene of writing, hoping to help to you!
Look, who was wearing a black gabardine tunic, wearing a black wide-brimmed glasses, his face with a smiling middle-aged teacher, he is our admiration language teacher - Chen.陈老师知识渊博,教学经验丰富,上起课来总是那么轻松、活泼、生动、有趣。 In particular, we want to hear his composition class.他讲起课来总是那么风趣、幽默,引人入胜,使我们兴趣盎然。 We fell in love with writing unconsciously, and gradually understand the "mystery" a little writing.
"Jingle Bells", the class bell rang, this section is a writing class. Chen marched into the classroom. Today he is particularly excited, went before the podium, smiled and said: "Students, I am particularly pleased today, you know why I'm happy?" We all grinned, shook his head.陈老师接着说:“今天早上,我到贸易市场,一元钱,买了两只老母鸡,你们说能不高兴吗?”
Students coax a laugh, Zhang Jin laughed their waist is not straight up. I thought: Chen quasi again kidding.哪知陈老师却一本正经地说:“真的,我从来不说假话,不信,我读给你们听。”说着,他拿起一本作文本大声念了起来。 I had a student write in the essay he told my father to trade the market to buy chicken, and my father paid only a dollar, buy a large hen two fat is. Students suddenly realized, Chen criticized some students writing in spite of the fact fabrications. Chen said: "No matter how vivid your description, how rich words, untrue article makes no sense, it is not good writing." I think I also often make such problems, such as when used to write fall camp, the total write “春光明媚,百花争艳……” 打这以后,同学们写作文时,总要细心琢磨,深入了解,遇到不明白的问题,便问老师、家长或者查阅资料,类似的错误就大大减少a.
又是一堂作文课。 Today, the always affable Chen, suddenly a pulling Chen Jun students out of the door. We are scared the atmosphere did not breathe one. Unexpectedly, Chen closed the door, turned and smiled and said: "Students, we do not stress, and now I want to test to everyone's eye you are familiar with Chen Jun you.?" "Familiar" the students answered in unison!. Chen then asked everyone: "You said Chen Jun today wearing what color, what style of clothes feet wearing shoes, shoes or running shoes??" Is asked, everyone Zheng Zhu, who do not say anything 。过了一会儿,陈老师叫陈俊走进教室,我们这才打量起来:他上身穿一件天蓝色拉链衫。下着海蓝色的裤子,脚穿一双解放球鞋。陈老师笑着对我们说:“这就叫仔细观察。”接着又讲了几个仔细观察的小故事,然后布置我们去观察校园的花园。 This time we see more carefully. To spend the secondary of each flowers, from their color to the shape, habits and patterns of life, both in-depth observation, some also find out the relevant reference books. This essay, it is well-written. Through this, we know: To look closely, you can write a good essay.
陈老师就是这样指导我们学习和作文的。你说,我们有这样一位优秀的语文教师,能不感到高兴吗? How can we not have a strong interest in writing it?
2 Spring is here
Spring is here, every corner of the person on the earth is full of the breath of spring.
Campus, full of beautiful spring Lu like. Willow out of thin Stir above conjugated to clean the yellow leaves; grass with the fragrance of the earth drilled out in bunches, clusters, tender green flowers are stretched, hit yawn, he stuck his little head; the kids are off the heavy winter clothes, put on both light and bright spring; the birds from the family to fly out, singing beautiful songs, tell us: spring is here !
春天真的来了,在池塘里,在田野上,在天空中,到处都焕发着勃勃生机。 Scenery of nature has become rich and colorful. Sunny day, warm sun shines on the body, soft spring whisk in the face, warm and comfortable: a rainy day, occasionally exploding waves of Jubilee, both thrilling and exciting.
春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美。 Stooped for a whole winter erect a cheerful smile full of hope. The park has swelled, photography of young, fishing for the elderly, catch insects children, one by one to revel in the embrace of nature, away.
春天里人们更忙了。 As the saying goes: The spring. You see, in the streets of the city, coming and going to the shuttle busy, fields, villages, farmers are in spraying the seeds of hope. Close to the timetable of the new semester on the walls of the classroom, a books new book, knowledge fruit are many, many waiting for us to pick.
Winter grandfather left, spring girl, carrying their one hundred flowers, accompanied by the spring breeze, with rain, quietly came to the earth, suddenly, the earth is recovering, Ukrainian language of flowers, showing a pack of angry.
You see, the spring breeze gently blowing the earth, grass drilled from the ground up, and their body verdant green, a distance like covered with a green carpet.春风一吹,它们就左右摇摆,好像在给春风点头呢,有趣极了。
You see, the flowers are competing in full bloom, red like fire, white as like Xia snow, pink, colorful.山上的桃花远远望去像云霞。 The flowers are to the world wearing a flower dress, very beautiful.
You see, rain rustling down, and like a needle, like ox hair.河面的雪融化了,雪水汇成小溪,淙淙地流着。河水中,一只只小蝌蝌顽皮地游着,好像在找它的妈妈,可爱极了。
You see, swallow and geese are flying back from the south, is why? Certainly feel that spring is so beautiful it j they called in the air and twittering, as if calling to and it play another swallow. Groups of butterflies and bees in the flowers dancing bees with nectar, butterflies collected the pollen, busy extremely.
3 He
他说:“我们班这一次出现了120分的作文,你们想听一听吗?”接着,李老师就读了起来:“星期天,我十分高兴,因为爸爸答应带我去游览人民公园。进了公园,我看到这里的人十分多,我十分兴奋。啊,公园里,空气十分的新鲜,树木十分的茂盛,花朵十分的鲜艳。再看那绿色的草坪啊,十分的平坦;如镜的lake ah, very clear;! distance that flowing white clouds ah, very beautiful ...... this day, makes me very memorable, "Li read the writing, smiled and asked," now you know why this essay is 120 points yet? "the students all of a sudden come to understand, the original which 120 points is a composition in 12" very "composed.
Read this story, you might find it interesting, but in the composition of students in, and indeed often such a situation.只是这个故事里的作文被夸张了而已。
当然, 同样的风景,在不同人的眼里也各不相同,因此写出来就各有各的。例如,同样是写梅花,宋代王安石这样写道:“墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。遥知不是雪,为有暗香来。”唐代诗人卢照邻吟出了:“梅岭花初发Tianshan snow is not open snow at the suspect took full lace like snow back to the "great poet Lu You (Plum blossom), wrote:".. intention of suffering embodied the optimism, term Qunfang jealousy Desolated for dust, only incense before. 。”而毛泽东却在(咏梅)中高唱:“俏也不争春,只把春来报。待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。”
转瞬间严冬已逝,春天已悄悄地来到人间。 Spring is a beautiful season, is full of poetry season; spring, in turn, means a vibrant start. Since ancient times, poets like spring, praise the spring, because spring scenic, everywhere Jieke into poetry.漫步古诗百花园,只见咏春诗姹紫嫣红、争奇斗艳,令人目不暇接,随意采撷几朵,慢慢品读,不知不觉已陶醉其中。
“一夕轻雷落万丝,霁光浮瓦碧参差。有情芍药含春泪,无力蔷薇卧晓枝。”这是北宋诗人秦观的(春日)。 This poem rain of spring. Look, rain garden, morning mist thin cage, glazed tile crystal, spring sunshine; peony rain tears, tenderness Feelings, rose lying dendrite, tender and charming. There are close-range there is vision, there is movement there is quiet, affectionate attitude, random dyed, scattered mixed. The poem Thinking of dense, depicting vivid, self with a fresh, Wanli flavor, very likable.
“朝来庭树有鸣禽,红绿扶春上远林。忽有好诗生眼底,安排句法已难寻。”这是宋代诗人陈与义的(春日)。这首诗写春天早晨之景。耳盈鸟语,目满青枝,绿红相扶,异馥诱人。 Poet few pens, a spring intended to drop the picture will be displayed in front of the reader, then, the poet simply stop pen, no description of spring, instead lyric.春意浓郁,灵感忽生,但诡谲的诗人却用“已难寻”的遁词来诱使读者自己去感受春意,这种虚实相生的方法,给读者留下了很大的想象空间。
"Far mesh with the day to go, the setting sun the trees next year. Dogs know where the bark? People in Mid-Levels line." This is the Southern Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli (spring). This poem spring evening the King. Sunset Phi clump of trees, green and sky then, dog tits, people coming home.这首诗自然贴切,常中见巧,平中见奇,将读者带进全景式的春之氛围,这里有春之境的美妙,有春之色的绚烂,有春之味的浓烈,有春之声的和悦, outside the meantime, people will be open-minded, enjoy the song.
“春水初生乳燕飞,黄蜂小尾扑花归。窗含远色通书幌,鱼拥香钩近石矶。”这是唐代诗人李贺的(南园)。南园的春天,生机勃勃,富有意趣。 Spring newborn, Ruyan began to fly, bee children flowers honey, fish hold hook feeding, these are the very scene spring characteristic and vision straight into the study through the window, people comfortable cozy, endless joy. This poem vivid, fresh and circulation, is read to God clear air to escape.
"Ancient Yin Department of short canopy, Zhang Li helped me through the east. Zhanyi For wet apricot rain, blowing side is not cold Wind in the Willows." This is the Southern Song Dynasty monk Sengzhi Nan's (quatrains).这是一首描写春游的绝句。 Glorious Spring, brought the monks of the Xing Yu, went out from the temple, watch spring.驾着小篷船出游,将船停泊在古树下,拄着藜杖桥东漫步。虽是平铺直叙,但古木阴中停泊着小船,这个画面很雅,很古朴,颇如一帧中国古代的文人画。 After the two accurately concise demonstration of spring apricot bloom, rain have, willow wave, wind and warm beautiful and pleasant sight, it is passed down through the famous through the ages.这首诗情与景汇,物与心谐,诗人抓住春风春雨的特点,略加渲染,便透露出内心的喜悦和对大自然的热爱。
4 of the most beautiful landscape
niceLi nature, a landscape; childlike innocence, is a landscape; helping others, is a landscape; hard figure, a landscape; buried hard study, a landscape; parents meticulous care, but also the landscape.一道风景都令我们陶醉,为我们的生活增光增彩。 .
美丽的大自然,是一道波澜壮阔的风景。从阿尔卑斯山上无暇的白雪,到爱琴海上明媚的阳光,从西伯利亚的广袤无垠的森林,到得克萨斯州一望无际的平原。 Constitute depicting beautiful picture, expand on the beauty of nature.
孩子们拥有的童真是一道天真烂漫的风景。 I seem to see Lu's children to take up a Shacheng blocking the Confucius path, naively asked, should "car so that the city or town to let the car" Confucius was forced to take a detour, but also thanks to the child as a teacher. This Scenery is not eternal, but this Scenery has been for thousands of years countless people praise pursued.
助人为乐是一道无私的风景,这道风景不如同转瞬即逝的童真,这道风景一直被善良的人们所保留,所传诵。 Lei Feng, an ordinary Chinese soldiers, while he had limited life, helping countless people who have difficulty to solve others numerous problems. But his life is too short, God did not favor this kind person. But God had him in spirit left countless people.
Teacher hard figure of a dazzling scenery, "Till death do us part, wax torch ashes tears dry" Many teachers began to force to work from their own in the prime of waiting until the white-haired, until lying on his deathbed回想到自己一生奉献给国家的栋梁。