

2021-09-13 08:17:59 35



  Growing up is a journey that everyone must go through in life.

  I heard such a story: on the African savannah, every morning, sheep eyes think the first thing to do is: "I must run faster than the fastest lion. Otherwise, I will be eaten by a lion." And at the same time, the lion awoke from his sleep, the first thought of first flash in my mind is: "I must run faster than ran the slowest sheep. Otherwise, I will starve to death." Then, almost at the same time, the sheep and the lion sprang up to meet the sun. Due to the pressure of existence, the sheep became a runner, and the lion became the "hunter" of the prairie.

  In our lives, we don't have the same pressures of survival as sheep and lions. But the pressure to study and work still exists. It is this pressure that makes us successful and makes progress. Without these pressures, our lives would have been unanticipated.

  Stress does cause us a lot of pain, even if we run away from our family and betray our parents. But in pressure, we tasted the joys and sorrows of life, bittersweet, give us to physical exercise, mature in mind and growth of the enlightenment.

  In stage of students, teachers and parents to give our pressure almost let's breath, but we did not go to think this is perhaps teachers and parents care about us another kind of performance? So, when we feel the pressure, don't cry because it is hard and retreat, don't cry because it is more boring and resist, but under this pressure, as far as possible to their own strong, live a little better.

  Growing up in the future, regardless of the amount of pressure to meet, as long as we know only the courage to try this kind of pressure, such ability can obtain new experience and exercise.

  Growing stress leads us to the first step of success. Growing stress will lead us to overcome more difficulties in later life learning. Growing stress gives us a new starting point.


  It is not hard to see the news of "ten years old and young people running away from home". Why? Because of too much pressure, facing school, from the family, from the society, from the teachers, from the students.

  Many parents and teachers to relish their children "coercion", not this, not that, and fantasy to a satisfactory result, however, stress is such amazing works? We have never found in examination room experience of the proud I thank to my school and home "oppression" in a word, such as the lines above are undoubtedly also is a kind of satire.

  People often say that "pressure is the driving force", but how? The pressure is in the vertical direction, and the motivation is horizontal, where is the "qiankun shift" to make you melt?

  The pressure in the sports competition is also a kind of poison, the Olympic Games the Chinese women's volleyball team, was too much expectation, before the final players with great pressure, tied, lose two innings, on the edge of the failure, the players push pressure, lose yourself and your competitors fighting, dripping fun playing instead, even the final three games, to win.

  We've only heard of "putting down our baggage and packing light," but we've never heard of "putting on the baggage and putting on the show".

  Roberto baggio, the soul of the Italian football team, but in the World Cup final on fly critical penalties, cause the team goes easily.when defeat, from all walks of life the strong pressure of public opinion, baggio was depressed, even lost confidence to play football, but in the end, baggio still stood up, cast aside his years of nightmare winding, kicking yourself in the ball, let others say. At the end of his athletic career, the light is shining and a perfect ending is painted.

  A philosopher once said, "where is oppression? Where is resistance?" If stress is a good thing, why do people resist? (teacher's comment: change the concept.)

  History has proved that the most high pressure on Chinese culture of the qing dynasty, the literary works extremely prosperous, the most politically high pressure of the yuan dynasty, people's uprising was up to.

  A person to move on, the pressure will only slow down his pace, if a person want to rest, the pressure will only make his tired, on the other hand, a person would not to go forward, pressure cannot be forced him to action, a person don't want to rest, pressure also is unable to stop.

  Stress, nothing but hurtful.


  In the present society, with the human need, the pursuit, the pursuit of desire! Human beings have been pushing for the festival. And most people don't follow the evolution of the festival, they will feel the pressure of life, the unkind of life!

  Don't always want to do much more than what they can accomplish the work, because the end of the day, you will be because of work frustrated, less than planned. It will only increase your own stress. You should try to improve the situation now. Relying on your own ability to do the work, so you won't be disappointed by having done less than planned. People hold such a state of mind should be: do one thing, no matter what encounter difficulty, always to the point of perfection, at work, to show their talents, play to their potential, do not mean by work humble causal depending on yourself.

  In fact, it is just to survive, to meet the needs of life! That is to satisfy individual desires!

  I think all the origins are a common place in the world. It can fade, evolve, and sublimate everything! What you think, it's what! Hehe, can make you painful whole life, also can let happiness whole life! As long as it is how we went to the light to see it, how to share it, how to drive it, direction only you know, you permeability test to the surrounding environment to identify and drive your life!



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一次学校组织的旅游(My School Trip)

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