
Classic proverb about flowers

2022-04-07 21:43:32 5

1. There is a heavy opening day, and the old man once again.

2, flowers under the mortgage, the lotus root, just eat.

3, cotton looks at the sky. (Shallow species)

4, plum rain is rising, it is cutting the sky.

5, the flower is not as good as planting willow, and the birds are not as good as the chicken.

6, spring peony, to the old flowers.

7. The autumn planting hibiscus is hidden, and it is planted in the year.

8, flowers have reopened the Japanese no longer boy.

9, Zhu Dinghong deep planting is suitable, and it is losing to flow.

10. Yin is not dead.

11. Take a tree that has been planted, and the chicken is better than feeding the duck.

12, raise the leaves first, and raise the roots first.

13, winter months the water fairy case, the twelfth month of the cold, the frost.

14, no roses without thorn

15, the people in the moon hall.

16. The eggplant caescurrent strads.

17, the flowers are not there, and the room is not big.

18, high room temperature, air dry, tea buds easy.

19. The sunny pomegranate is like a fire, and the sun apricots are sour.

20, there is a heart and flowers, no heart to add Liu Ying.

21, the Buddha's hand is out of the house, the thin fertilizer is supported, and the drug is used to prevent the disease.

22, often walk in the flower, live to ninety-nine

23. Fertilizers fertilizers in the blossom season, the flowers of flowers are burned.

24, seeing flowers is easy to embroider. Tofu is easy to eat.

25, Western Duzhang is zero, keep sleep, no long, and the petals are multicolor.

26, the eggplant does not open the virtual flower

27, the spring breeze is divided into the old man.

28, there is no southern wall in the home, do not plant jade and sea otter.

29, water-raised narcissus carefully tube, colorful flowers are more full.

30, the change in the pot is ready to use the soil, select the potion, and the base fertilizer will be decomposed.

31, small flowers, not home.

32, the gentle and moist and environment, the rice tea is good.

33. Summary, the basin can not move.

34. Large cotton, valley, sugar cane.

35, sleeping old cow in cotton. (稀有的)

36, jujube hair, cotton.

37, people who raise fish, lazy, flowers.

38, no drying, pouring will now.

39. Zhu Dinghong has no flowering, and the winter coral water is not hanging.

40, spring cutting, one pilot, autumn can be formed in autumn.

41, thin oil, miper, cotton one foot. (Jiangxi)

42, the rose of the rose, the flowers will have no stop.



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