
About the Spring Festival

2022-04-01 00:31:02 13

Spring Festival is 300 words

"When, when, when" The New Year's bell rings, the households have already been posted or the golden or golden couplet on the door, and each old old man is happy. Excited children have stared at the TV, taste the annual party - Spring Festival party; some are eager to give their elders, send text messages, call, all New Year's blessings seem to be I can't finish; the child is "asking" to "ask" lucky money to his father; the firecrackers outside the house will come to the pot, blow up the pot, the colorful fireworks are more gorgeous with this special night.

In the first day of the first month, the Lunar New Year is coming to the first day of people. I usually go to bed, I have a big morning today, because I really want to put on my beautiful new clothes, go out to show off. I have to go to visit friends, this is undoubtedly a happy thing. Our children walked in front of the New Year's team, and saw the elders to worship, say a few Juni words, you can harvest a lot of lucky money, then get the street to buy your favorite things - toys, snacks, firecrackers ..., parents seem to have changed, so the indulgence is so tolerant, everything is there! This is the feeling of New Year.

"Set firecrackers!" I don't know who shouted, the children will get together. A string firecracker is ignited in people's hands, the sound is shocked, and there is a splash everywhere, as if you want to send a beautiful wish to thousands of households. A burst of firecrackers continued, lively.

When I got to eat, I looked at the dishes that I usually eaters in the table. Our children didn't feel hungry at all. Adults are between the push cups, talking is the most: Today, the happiness is the best explanation from the table, now people live well, every day is like a New Year!

On the way to visit and relax, I saw the spring of the field, a new highway shortened our itinerary, and the mud road leading to the village was also covered by the Cement Road of "Village". City high-rise buildings like a spring bamboo shoot, a year, a year ...

The Spring Festival is for our children, that is, everything is changing, everything is new!

Spring Festival is 3 words 1000 words

我希望! I hope, I am coming to see the Spring Festival. I can't help but laugh. Before the Spring Festival, people are happy, and they are full. People in shopping are endless, some are buying new year paintings, some are buying new year, some sitting on the fire box watching TV, and some people play mahjong playing, and so on.

Anyway, the colorful, all kinds of people have, all kinds of goods are complete, dazzling, people I am afraid I want to buy anything!

Before the Spring Festival, every household is clear, and every family dresses the house unique, each has its own personality.他们送了新的一年。如何发布购买年份,然后每个人都有自己的风格和偏好。有些人是贴纸,有些人倒了,仍然有一个帖子,每个篇秋天。人们都制作了所有的菜肴,等待春节,你可以拥有一个完整的明星。 The family has a firecracker, people put on new clothes, ready to welcome the New Year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if you have met a good friend, you always don't forget to say: "On the street!"

People killed pigs and slaughtered sheep, busy preparing for the Spring Festival and drinking.

The Spring Festival is here, and the children will get up early and come to Mom and Dad, started the traditional New Year's ceremony. Children talk to their parents some auspicious words, parents took out the year of money and let the children are happy. Everyone hopes that this year can be able to have a good fortune, and make a fortune.

"New Year, the new year, we will put firecrackers ..." This is what we sing it yourself, you look, more happy Spring Festival! Every household is a piece of Hongdund, the mounted, hanging lanterns, dumplings, family busy I have been busy.

After eating the New Year's meal, I pulled my sister's hand, I ran to the street, "so beautiful!" I can't help but admire. The street is extraordinary, and the mountains, the sea, and the car horson. We went to the eastern tour of the street.嘿? Lion lights come! You see, the lion head left right twist, it seems very fierce, but when it drills, I am a little worried, what do you stop? I thought about it, how can a smart lion will! So I will continue to calm down. There are too many people, I have to jump up.

"Sister, sister! The flower light is coming again! Look at the flower light! Let's go there!" The sister shouted. "Flower lamp? Flower! I finally saw you." I thought that the light is getting less and less, this year may not see the flower light. This is so happy! I am pleased to respond yes: "Let's go!" Sister listened to me, I didn't understand, it was really a monk, I couldn't touch my mind, I was pulled by me, watching the flower light.

Colorful landscapes are really beautiful. The lanterns changed in the hands of the men and women, and the four big words were discharged at once: "Happy New Year," I am "worship the New Year." I can't remember how many words, anyway, I just remember that the drums God, the melodious lock flute is sent to the eardrum. Not to mention those men and women's walked songs. We enjoyed the blur of dreams, and there are many programs below. The big flowers are unhappy.

Spring Festival, Wenzuo 800 words

"The sound of firecrackers is one year old, the spring breeze is warm into the Tu Su. Qianmen Wanjiao, always replace the old man." This is a good poem, a good poem, every year, I started to kneel in this happy poem, adding a festive atmosphere, and my hometown's Chinese New Year's customs are not out of mouth, I still have an unforgettable.

Liaoning in Northeast, every time, the Spring Festival is endless. In the morning of the Spring Festival, I came to my grandmother to go to my grandmother to go to my grandmother. First, I introduced the eye blind. The pair of exquisite couplets, the fresh red paper is a dragon flying dance, like a smiley face, full of spring festive The breath contains a strong style. Into the hall, the green food on the table, I'm dazzling: all kinds of melon seeds are scattered in the "butterfly"

Going to the family, Mom and Dad take me back to the rural grandparents, go to the grandfather to find a sister who is almost a year, very fast, and a family is gathered together to eat the New Year's Eve, midnight Every household has a firecracker, I am waiting for my grandparents to put firecrackers. The firecrackers were deafening, shocking, we hide far away, the heart jumped like a bunny, just because this firecracker was like a monster of the claws, a terrible voice. After the smoke is exhausted. Our family went home to see the Spring Festival Gala.

Every year, everyone is going to watch the Spring Festival Gala, this year, I have already gone through the 14 Spring and Autumn, reviewing the previous New Year's Eve, I have been in halfway, I have been sleeping, I don't know if I am here. Can you stick to a few more?

The Spring Festival of the hometown makes me an endless aftertaste, and the people of the Hometown Spring Festival make me feel the beauty of the human affection. The New Year is indeed a lively and happiness, but it is also husted behind the year. We are not only one year old, but also harvested a hope for life. In the face of the new year, how to adjust yourself, meet new pressures and competition, with new self in the new challenge. I think this is the true meaning of the New Year!

Spring Festival, Wen 500 words

In winter, thousands of plants have slept, only birds are lonely, only fish swim in the stream without water waves. At this time, the sky is also dull.

But one to the Spring Festival, they woke up. They use their natural musical instruments and unique ports to welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival.在春节前一天,我们的家庭早起。快速包装一切,充满不满,并准备回到新年的乡村。








This year's Spring Festival is really happy, I will deeply print this happiness in my mind.



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