
Loan mortgage dispute lawyer hires an agreement

2022-04-25 03:10:18 3

Party A: _________

Party B: _________

鉴于甲方与_________就贷款合同、抵押合同及保证书一案发生纠纷,甲方拟向_________提起诉讼和/或仲裁(下称“该案件”),并需聘请律师代理,为此Both Partcha of Party B reached the following agreement with Party B, representing Party B, and / or arbitration matters:

The first Party A, in this regard, Party A and ________. The case of the mortgage contract and the guarantee dispute, commissioned to assign its lawyers to serve as the case litigation and / or arbitration and implementation of the agent, but relevant to the recognition, give up , Change the claims and / or arbitration requests, reconpricted, filed an appeal, and must be written by Party B. Party B.

The second Party B accepts Party A. Party A in the first article, assigns _________ 和 and / or _________ lawyer as Party A as Party A for the case of the case and / or arbitration agent.

The third article, Party B agreed that Party A will pay a lawyer fee of Article 4 of this Agreement on Party B to Party B, and Party B shall, in addition to the actual overhead of the case. Party A is paid. The actual overhead described above includes the telephone bill, fax fees, copy fees, domestic travel expenses, transportation and other miscellaneous fees, but Party B discussion, the travel fee of the case to collect evidence is taken by Party B. .

Article 4 Party A shall pay for Party B according to the legal fee and actual overhead of the following provisions, according to the provisions of the above third article:

4.1 The first lawyer fee is _________ US dollar, should be paid to Party B within five days from Party A to Party B.

4.2 The second lawyer fee is ________1, should be summarized by Party A in the first trial of the lawsuit (including judgment, mediation book by the first trial), or immediately pays the arbitration agency Give Party B.

4.3 The third issue of the lawyer fee is ________, the US dollar, should be paid to Party B immediately after applying the court to the court or the arbitration or arbitral award, and will be paid to Party B immediately after the court is filed.

4.4 The fourth issue of the lawyer fee is 1% of the loan principal and interest (including overdue interest) of the payment (including overdue interest) for the US, requiring the defendant or by the applicant. After the case of the case, the mediation book or the arbitral ruling is fulfilled or executed, or at Participation transfer stocks, debt offset, collateral or other property discounts, use other collateral or guarantee alternatives, etc. In the way, the debt recombination or all or part of the request amount is completed in other similar ways, Party A shall immediately pay the fourth lawyer fee to Party B.

4.5 Party B shall compensate to Party B at any time as the requirements of Party B shall be charged by Party B.

Article 5 Party A shall, according to the above paragraph 4, shall pay the payment to Party B, shall pay a bank account written by Party B.

Article 6 The contract is entry into force when the contract is signed from both parties.

Party A (stamp): _________ Party B (Party): _________

Legal representative (signature): _________ legal representative (signature): _________

_________ year ____ month ____ _________ year ____ month ____

Signed a place: _________ sign a place: _________



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