
2022 Shandong College Entrance Examination

2022-04-24 12:41:19 8

Please write an article that is not less than 800 words with the "world needs you".

Requirements: 1. Customize your own. 2. Except for poetry. 3, static characteristics.

Shandong 20XX ENTET is "This world needs you", in fact, every college entrance examination composition is released, there is a deep social thinking, or reflects a concept, but also to cultivate a social responsibility for candidates. More importantly, in order to explain the common value of a society, there is only such a composition to match the new curriculum standards and cultivate qualified social individual goals. It should be said that although the Shandong college entrance examination composition is very faster, it is a lot of thinking. If you can't explain it, you can't grasp this composition, or you can't do it very much. Below I am a little interpretation of the college entrance examination in Shandong.

Proposition concept

The college entrance examination is a selection test. The composition is reflected in the comprehensive inspection of the special group of candidates, social morality, etc. If the college entrance examination composition reflects these requirements, it is a good composition topic. Shandong's composition should say that it is very strong humanistic. First, from the requirements of the form and language, intimately, close to the distance from the candidates, just like talking to the candidates, you can make the candidate to tell your own ideas, not the kind of rejection Outside the thousands of miles, the face-to-face reprimand is not the kind of thamia. Second, this topic reflects a consciousness of sadness, fully reflecting the cost of the topic for social individuals, and there is no more publicity, or It is said that it is a reflection on the individual's individual personality in today's society, has a good social意识。

Interpretation of topics

"This world needs you" this topic has three parts, "you" is an object, "need" is a behavior, "this world" is the scope.

As an object "you", from the context, it can be a specific person, it can be something, things, or even a concept, point of view, ideology, behavior, etc .; differences on this object, in a certain The extent of how to determine the writing of the writing, can be a narrative or lyrics, or it can be a discussion with argumentation, such as "this world needs you", this "you" is "integrity "Is an example.

As a "need", it means that there is two layers, one is selectivity, emphasizes the need for object requirements, is essential, irreplaceable; second is recognition, illustrative "you "The affirmation is that regardless of the low status and other aspects, as long as" you "is one of the people of this natural world.

As a part of "this world" is the broad range of the scope, not in a small collective, nor a kind of interest forces, more is the world of "this" all individuals, is closely related to us. Surrounded, of course, you also include yourself.

Thinking analysis and lift

From the topic interpretation, we can conclude that the connotation of this topic is wide, and the surface is wide. Also, we have to write this composition, you should follow the small and fine, west, slightly, point and deep, can't face, can not talk, you can't step on watermelon, you should have a clear object. , Clear ideas, obvious tendencies, simply, "shrinkage range, fixed object, clear attitude".

In the "scandal", you can reach the punctuation. For example, "This world needs you", and later is "exclamation number", then it is a confirmation of this, it is a confirmation. Only need to proof in the text, explain, to explain it. If you add "question mark", then the negation and doubt about this "you", such a text should be questioned with the conclusion, perhaps this article is more new, more tension. If the "omitted number" is "omitted", it is necessary to explain that my understanding is only one aspect of the world, anD一个认知的一部分是“表明”。







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