
Chinese exam "answer" essay Fang 400 words

2022-04-07 11:01:56 13

"May 5, is the Dragon Boat Festival, full of flowers," It is a year of the Dragon Boat Festival, this song sounded in my ear. " I finally understood what the previous answer is.

When I was young, my grandmother always bought a pile of ingredients before the Dragon Boat Festival. She cut her meat, put it in the refrigerator, and soaked green beans and glutinous rice. In the past, I always don't know why I have to pass the Dragon Boat Festival. Every time I see my grandma, I am thinking; the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat the scorpion, it is my answer.

I always take a small wooden chair to look at her bag. Her hands climbed with 蚓-like blood vessels, and blue and purple, covered with wrinkles, nail cracked. But such a hand is like a hand magic, the hand makes the leaves into a funnel, put glutinous rice with a spoon, put on the meat, mung bean and other ingredients, and then cover a spoonful of glutinous rice. After you can make a triangle, take a few laps around the hemp rope, and packet a scorpion. She also sang "May Five, the Dragon Boat Festival is full of" May Fifth, "I thought about a answer in my eyes: my grandmother likes to boy.

Then, her "battlefield" was transferred to the kitchen, she put the bag in the hot water, and she sang her singing. I am always the first person to taste, she looked at me and took a scorpion of her bag, covered with wrinkled face, showing a smile. The answer in my heart has changed again, my grandmother likes to watch the scorpion that I eat her bag.

It's another year's Dragon Boat Festival, since I don't live with my grandmother, I didn't look at her bag, and I didn't listen to her singing, I didn't eat her brown. I have eaten my mother from buying a dice from the supermarket. I can't swallow, this is no longer the taste I am familiar.

At this time, I understand that the answer to the problem with me for many years is not just a grandmother love bag, not just the Dragon Boat Festival to eat the scorpion, not just a grandmother likes to watch me to eat scorpion but the inheritance of traditional culture is an old man. Pay attention to the tradition. Grandma wants to inherit the Dragon Boat Festival.

"May 5, the Dragon Boat Festival, full of flowers," This song is accompanied by this answer in my mind, can't swell. " (Text / Ruiying)

结尾:Thank you very much for reading the "Middle School" answer "Composition Fan Wen 600 words", more exciting content waiting for everyone, welcome to pay attention, grow together! 是




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