2021-10-09 13:41:27 29
The dog quickly became ubiquitous across culture across the world, and was extremely valuable to early human settlements. For instance, it is believed that the successful emigration across the Bering Strait might not have been possible without sled dogs. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This versatility, more than almost any other known animal, has given them the nickname "Man's best friend" in the western world. Currently, there are estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world.
Dogs usually refers to the dogs, also known as dogs, a common canine mammals, is a close relative of the wolf. Often referred to as human best friend is also the highest rate of keeping pets. His life was about ten - more than three decades, in the absence of an accident, the average life span of small dogs to be longer.
狗通常指的是狗,也被称为狗,一种常见的犬类哺乳动物,是狼的近亲。通常被认为是人类最好的朋友也养宠物的最高水平。他的一生是大约10 - 30多年,在没有意外的情况下,小型犬的平均寿命更长。