

2021-10-17 22:17:06 53








  The final exam is over and the summer vacation is coming. In order to make the summer holiday meaningful, I have the following plans.

  1, exercise. At the school summer football team, I insisted on playing badminton, tennis, basketball, volleyball and cycling with my father every day to make my body better and stronger.

  I will finish the homework assigned by the teacher and review the knowledge of the textbook.

  3, if I was the exam, as a bonus, mom and dad took me to Beijing to play, see the beauty of the Great Wall, the imperial palace, tianan front teeth, the China millennium monument, water cube and other attractions, for students to share a lot of photos.

  This is my summer vacation plan.



  我的计划是:星期一~星期五每天8点准时起床,写两个小时的作业,玩三十分钟,看三十分钟电视,中午再睡一会儿午觉。星期六~星期日上午写一个小时的作业,再看一会儿电视,下午去妈妈给我报的课外班。   到了七月的时候,爸爸要从外地回来,和他的大学朋友去聚餐。于是,我们一家三口人准备到首都北京去旅游一个星期。因此,我一直在盼望着爸爸赶快回来,好带我去北京玩一圈。



  Summer vacation is very long, so I want to make a summer vacation plan that belongs to me.

  My plan is to get up at 8 am on Monday ~ Friday, write two hours of homework, play 30 minutes, watch 30 minutes of TV, and take a nap at noon. Saturday ~ Sunday morning write an hour of homework, watch TV for a while, and go to my mother's after-school class in the afternoon.

  By July, dad will be back from the field and have a potluck with his college friends. So our family of three are going to Beijing for a week. So I've been looking forward to my dad coming back and taking me to Beijing for a tour.

  By August, my mother is going to give me a few extracurricular classes. So, I have to go to class again every day, so I have to hurry up and finish my homework.

  This is my summer vacation plan, under the supervision of my mother and my own execution, I must be able to make this summer rich and wonderful. What are your plans for the summer vacation?







  Children, a happy summer vacation is coming. What are your plans for this summer vacation? My arrangement is this:

  During the summer vacation, I will take the basic skills of the dance and practice it at least once in three days, so that my body will be as soft as "noodles". While practicing basic skills, I will also make up a solo dance. You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, Maybe even a gold medal!

  However, I also need to improve the ball skills! As soon as summer vacation arrives, I will insist on playing 2 -- 3 hours of table tennis every day (except for special circumstances). Only with such diligence can I catch up with my best teammates. Next year, I will try to compete! Besides, it takes half an hour to read the book and another half an hour to read the book. In this way, I will be very helpful to my writing level.

  When I do well, I ask my mother to take me out for a while and relax. Because this can work and combine to prevent brain fatigue. When I spend a month in the summer vacation, I will go to other cities with my friends (such as world expo, century joy garden...). Play a game. Forget all that is unsatisfactory for a month.

  All in all, I want to have a meaningful vacation this summer.




  My summer life is colorful, this is the last day of school, the teacher just announced: the summer vacation from the beginning of tomorrow, the students will cheer loudly! The teacher just finished the announcement. My plan of summer vacation came to my mind. Slowly open, and into my summer vacation plan...

  First, turn over the summer vacation life plan the 20xx edition of the first page, write just wanted to write, but think I don't know what to write, when I spent n more brain cells, and finally with summer vacation the first side of life... With a hot in the summer, a lot of people at home and play computer, watching TV, also fan fan, leisurely, but I think that person is very boring, but also a waste of electricity, in order to save resources, I decided: "I want to be in August to perform every day with a plan (except for special time)". Use it every morning to learn. After lunch, help my mother to wash the dishes, then nap for 1 hour, then get up to write the summer homework 10. After finishing writing, I will rest for half an hour, listening to English, maths and Chinese. The rest of the time is my time! My summer vacation is so simple, so relaxed!






  Although the colorful summer holiday has passed, I still stay in that happy time.

  Books make me happy. Since my parents are busy with work, I have no time to take me to travel. I had to indulge in the beautiful words in my home, from the sixth grade tutorials, I saw the naughty sowbrook, the beautiful mountain rain... I'm totally absorbed in it. Here, I learned to be a man. Books made me not feel lonely during the summer holidays.

  Housework makes me happy. One day, my father and mother had just left, when I saw the dirty and disorderly home, I thought of a good idea. I'll clean the table and then the bowl. Then take the cloth and wipe the dust off the furniture. Again it is sweeping the floor, after sweeping the ground, I picked up a rag to wipe to again, this brush is also have tips: 1 the brushing is to have the order, a brick a brick to brush, so as not to have wiped. 2 before you wipe it, you won't step on the area you've erased. Sometimes it's hard to erase something, so it's my way. Put your hands on the bottom of your chest, then your front legs arch your hind legs, and then push the cloth on your hand and the floor will be much cleaner. I'm no longer the baby princess. Today, I feel the joy of labor.

  How happy this summer vacation is!



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