
Campus Spring View Composition 700 words

2022-04-08 15:30:16 11

The cold wind is finally left, and the spring green flower is quietly coming. The flowers of Spring Festival are happy in the campus, and the new colors have been infiltrated to the school. At this time, when the positive spring is bright, the campus has become like that purple and colorful.

In the morning of Spring Day, from the school's side door into the campus, the spring view of the campus immediately showed in front of him. Then, the giant guarded the yellow trees in the school gate, blooming a sprout during this hundred martial arts; Zi Yulan is in full bloom, open the fragrance and rotten; birds sing in the branches, dance in the spring breeze Flying in the sun. What kind of vitality is full of vitality!

I walked through a small bourseway at the door of the campus, I came to our event, play, playful big playground. The playground is surrounded by a new green. A small leaflet is like a row of soldiers standing around the playground, the shade is a good place to catch the cold and talk. Although Xiaoyan is evergreen, but the spring of the small leaves is more fun.

Then, the new buds that have been sprouted from the branches, flashing the light of life; the root of the branches, like a beard of the grandfather of the white beard; there is a joyful bird to play, and between the tree Nest, perched. The railings on the right side of the chairman are the red leaf Li, which is full of flowers, looks pleasing. Smell, the flowers have a spring and natural integration. At this time, how powerful spring energy makes this flowers full of life!

The small topo on the right side of the school teaching building is a small plantation. From the stone wall, there are countless welcome spring flowers and climbers, and they have a vitality. The light yellow flower, inlaid in the thick leaves, looks particularly spiritual. At a glance, all flowers and leaves, such as the light of the stars in the green ocean. The hillside is full of peach blossoms, a cluster cluster, a group of flowers put the branches to the waist. A beautiful spring scene!

Come to the teaching building, the flower bed outside the floor railings is full of gorgeous flowers. Rosa, roses, rhododendrons, small butterflies ... all flowers, the grass is struggling. Langlan's reading sound and cheerful laughter were introduced to this beautiful campus!

Spring campus, always like this new green, a beautiful, a thousand purple! I love this beautiful campus spring scene, I love this good spring!

结尾:Thank you very much for reading "700 words of the school spring scenery", more exciting content waiting for everyone, welcome to continue to pay attention, grow together! 是






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