

2023-07-27 19:28:57 21

The 2022 Asian Games, also known as the 19th Asian Games, will be held in Hangzhou, China from September 10th to September 25th, 2022. This highly anticipated sporting event will attract athletes and spectators from across Asia, and as such, there is a great need for volunteers to help ensure the games run smoothly.

The Organizing Committee for the 2022 Asian Games has launched a massive recruitment campaign to find approximately 100,000 volunteers to help with various aspects of the event. The roles available range from sport-related roles to administrative support roles, and there is a place for almost everyone. The volunteer program aims to attract candidates from all backgrounds and experiences, and there are no age restrictions as long as applicants are over 16 years old.

Volunteering for the 2022 Asian Games is not just about being part of a major sporting event. Being a volunteer also affords candidates the opportunity to meet new people, gain valuable work experience, and contribute to the development of their local community. Volunteers will receive training on their assigned roles, uniforms, and meals and will be provided with accommodation if they live outside Hangzhou.

Applicants can submit their applications online, and the recruitment process is ongoing. The requirements for candidates are a passion for the event, enthusiasm, and a desire to work as part of a team. A proficiency in Chinese and/or English is preferred, but not mandatory. Successful candidates will be notified of their acceptance via email or phone by the end of August 2022.

In conclusion, volunteering for the 2022 Asian Games can be a life-changing experience and a great way to contribute to the development of your community. Interested candidates can visit the official website of the games to apply and learn more about the volunteer program.


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