

2021-09-27 12:38:14 44



  Now everyone in the community have a car, my family also has a big car. But what do you know about the future car? let me tell you!

  "Call ...", to the. I represent the people of the 21st century, take the time shuttle, through the tunnel of time, came to the future of the 25th century to study, compared to the 25th century and the 21st century, is simply a world of difference. Do not say anything else, we say it car.

  The 21st century car is too old, polluting the air, and prone to a car accident, but also the driver, and only in the land to exercise, a lot of disadvantages. And the 25th century car? Heaven, earth, water can move freely. Its fuel is very strange, need ozone, carbon dioxide, the 21st century car exhaust, this row of fresh air. If you want to see the world in a day, do not think that there is no wing, you can not fly like a plane. In fact, there are three buttons on the car, a heaven, one on the ground, one into the sea. God, press the button on the car day, it will be on both sides of the "long" out of a pair of wings, do not think there is no propeller, car "ass" is not there two holes? God will spray the fire, as the rocket booster Oh! When the sea, the top of the car will emerge out of a glass cover. The water in the propeller and the air can be very different from the propeller, the car's "abdomen" has a suction device, Moreover, the absorber only absorb sewage, the absorption of sewage through the filter into pure water, Drainage at the same time, will produce power.

  After the study, I returned to the 21st century. I believe: as long as we now study hard, grow up, in our human joint efforts, relying on our wisdom, this car will be born ahead of time.

  I believe that as long as I study hard, hard study, it will certainly be able to produce such a car.


  Do you know what the future clothes are like? If you want to know, let me tell you!

  The future of the clothes will be tailored according to the size of our body, if someone is a special body, as long as ten minutes, will make a proportion of her clothes the same clothes. This kind of clothes has a variety of colors and looks, it is made of waterproof cloth. This dress has a control system, this control system is a mini computer.

  Clothes on the buttons connected to the computer, blue, red, yellow, green four buckle, just press a blue button, you can sneak into the sea, and can breathe the air under the water; if you think of a very distant place , Then just click the green button can be instantly transferred to the place you want to; to the winter, you are not feeling very cold, then just click the red button, the clothes can become warm; If it is rainy days, there is no umbrella, you can click the yellow button, the umbrella will come out from behind, for your rain.

  Mini computer can also set a lot of features, so we now have to learn, master some science and technology, to produce this magical clothes to!


  The future of the road is very long, crossroads will make us confused; fork in the fork will let us get lost; only look forward to guiding us forward direction. - Inscription candles look forward to burning, birds look forward to flying; frozen winter look forward to the arrival of spring. And whether we want to look forward to, look forward to the future, whether it has a great ideal to look forward to? We live in a harmonious family, the conditions are good, the peace and prosperity of the country through the well-being of life, always thought that everything is so beautiful, but the good things are not eternal, beautiful flowers also fade the day, and look forward to is Become our motivation. Expectation is a driving force for our growth.

  Fast test, we look forward to excellent results, we should expect the arrival of every day. I remember that summer, my results in a mess and I was seriously, the teacher to find parents, parents educated me and I just left ear into the right ear out. And did not consider too much. But the teacher's words have so far affected me, that day noon language teacher took me to the office, I thought he and other teachers as my criticism and then please parents, but I was wrong. He said to me, "Do you think about your future?" I puzzled the "future?" "Go back and think about it." Walking in the tree-lined trail I thought. What will happen to my future? What will happen to me like my future? Finally I figured out.

  Class seriously listening to a lot, a chance to write homework when I saw the teacher laughed at me, laugh so pleased, so brilliant. I work harder. Tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow, how much more. We should grasp today, look forward to tomorrow, to today's efforts to complete, establish a lofty ideals, with practical action to achieve the ideal, that time the future will give you a bright smile. The future of the road is very long, crossroads will make us confused; Sanchu Road will let us get lost, only look forward to guiding us to the direction. Looking forward to the future, it shines with golden light.



  第1篇 一堂难忘的课作文600字  在我记忆长河里,上过数不胜数的课程,大多都已经淡忘了,只有一节课——数学课,直到现在还记忆犹新。  那天,邓老师拿着书,迈着轻盈的步伐,微笑着走进教室




  郑人买履,是先秦时代一则寓言故事,出自《韩非子外储说左上》。它既是一个成语,也是一个典故,但它更是一则寓言,下面为大家分享了郑人买履的扩写作文,欢迎阅读!郑人买履扩写作文1  从前


  机器人楠楠   我的生日快到了,在北京工作的舅舅给我寄来了一个大礼包,里面躺着一个可爱的机器人,听舅舅信上说,这个机器人是他们最新的科研成果。我非常喜欢这个机器人,就给她取了个名字——楠楠



一次学校组织的旅游(My School Trip)

  一次学校组织的旅游(my school trip)  i was happy on tuesday because i went to chimelong paradise with my cla


  渐渐的,感觉到手里的什么已经消失了。流光一般的时间从我身边悄悄地溜走,消失不见了。  算了算,十六年的日子已经从我的生命中走去了,以前的生活倒也是那么索然无味。仿佛没有放盐的汤一般



小学生优秀作文:禁毒有我 阳光前行

  【第一篇】  今天,我们学校整个初一级要去参观禁毒所,我们的心情是既兴奋又紧张。  坚决禁绝毒品是中国政府一贯立场。建国以来,党和国家一贯重视禁毒工作,国家制定了一套严厉的禁毒工作方标


  春天来了作文_第1篇:  春天是一个万物复苏的季节。每到春天大雁都会从北方飞回南方,小草长出了新的小苗,桃树和樱桃树长出了嫩芽,开着粉红色的花。  阳光暖洋洋地照在大地的脸上,使人陶醉