

2021-09-22 11:57:46 39


  In eighteenth Century, the French paper dealer, Phil brothers, was inspired by scraps of paper rising in the stove, experimenting with paper bags and hot gas, so that the paper bags kept rising with the air

  In June 4, 1783, the Phil brothers in the Mongo square in Lyon anno public performances, a circumference of 110 feet for the simulation of the balloon rises, floated 1.5 miles.

  In September 19th of the same year, in front of the Palace of Versailles in Paris, the Monge Phil brothers carried out a hot-air balloon lift for the king, Queen, court minister and 130 thousand Paris citizens

  In the afternoon of November 21st, Mungo Phil brothers in Paris Mu Aitken fort of the world's first manned flight, balloon flight twenty-five minutes after landing, over half of Paris near Italy square. The flight than the Wright brothers flight whole 120 years earlier.

  After the Second World War, the high and new technology made the ball skin material and the heating fuel popularized, and the hot air balloon became the public sports project which was not restricted by the place and operated simply and conveniently

  In 80s, a hot air balloon into the famous "Mr. Forbes" magazine founder Forbes publications China.1982 balloon, motorcycle travel from Yanan to Beijing to China, and completed the balloon flew over the world each country's desire.

  The balloon as a sport is becoming more and more popular, it has created a rising height of 34668 meters record of.1978 in from August 11th to 17th, "double eagle III" successfully flew over the Atlantic, 1981 "double eagle V" success across the Pacific.

  Now the world has a hot air balloon in flight more than 20xx0. China now has more than 100 goals, successfully held the first session, the second session of the Beijing International Balloon Invitational, the Taishan International Balloon Invitational competitions, 99'and other large national hot air balloon championship.


  Disney fans brace yourself - there is a real life version of the house from Up.

  Hot air ballooning enthusiast Simon Askey has taken to the skies in an inflatable wonder that mimics the house in the Oscar-winning Pixar animated flick.Just like the film's main character Carl Fredericksen - whose motto in the movie is 'adventure is out there' - he is travelling the world using the multicoloured floater.

  The Bristol-made balloon has been enchanting guests at the Canberra Balloon Spectacular in Australia. Hordes of eager visitors have taken to social media to excitedly report its presence.

  Owner Askey says this will potentially include a trip to Japan later this year. But fans can only hope the balloon makes its way to Angel Falls, Venezuela, which was the original inspiration behind Up's 'Paradise Falls'.



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