

2021-08-09 08:27:24 30



  Saving water is associated with the life of the earth and the future of mankind. Unfortunately, many people in our lives do not save water.

  Before, my sister and I didn't save water. Sometimes, when the shower is cold, I open the water very big, and, wash the head also not to turn off the faucet in time, the water splash the ground to go away, what a waste! Not only I waste water, the elder sister also often put the faucet on loud, sometimes forget to turn off the faucet, said two days before, my sister let the tap open, actually is playing computer.

  Now, our school is carrying out the activities that cherish the water of life, the students understand: water is more precious than life! The teacher let us see the pictures of the scene of the disaster, and some of our classmates cried sadly. I know how important it is to save water! Whenever I see my classmates wasting water, I remind them that water is precious!

  I take these good habits into the home, I put the dirty water used to flush the toilet after bathing, wash dish and put the water that clean out rice used to water the flowers sister saw me so to save water, also embarrassed to waste water.

  Now, our family is not wasting water as it used to be. I feel that a waste of water is as painful as losing the blood of the earth. Didi shimizu, small thoughts, huicheng river, benefit the world! Water, you are the most precious thing in life!







  On the night of a full moon, the mother of the earth sighed and asked, "what's wrong with you mother earth?" The earth mother to tell sister moon bitter: "in the last few years, I for the benefit of the eyes, raising the human children don't know to protect the environment, now I am black and blue, not know that there are a few years of life!"

  "Remember I was full of colorful flowers all over my body, and the smell was so sweet, and it was so delicious!"

  "But now, the big chimney smoking every day in the factory, the sky was black smoke hung over. These not only pollute the air in the exhaust, and the whole family of plant and animal life to me is a serious threat, this also includes the human of life! Now human life rich, almost every family bought their own cars, car emissions of exhaust gas, let I breathe heavily however, coupled with reckless deforestation, they clearly know a tree is a small oxygen plant, trees can absorb harmful substances in the air, and to the point of hollowing out is deforestation. More let I can't stand is excessive open arbitrary mining in my body, especially those individual illegal small coal mine, regardless of me artery or vein, install the machine will start, I really can't stand it!" The mother earth had turned into tears, poor thing! The sister said, "mother earth, you have so many pains! I always thought you had so many children, you will live happily!" Here, mother earth was even more sad, and she was crying. "You should give your children some color to see," she said. "I don't know how to make a mother's heart to open a knife to her child! I can't do it!..."

  Friends, listen to this conversation. What do you think? Do you think saving the earth mother is an urgent matter? So let's all of us, the children of the earth, who are raised by the earth's mother, know the ensign, and get up, and save our mother earth!


  Once upon a time, there was a beautiful face in the green water show of the earth, and now people litter and make the beautiful face of earth mother a lot of black spots. Now we can no longer make the face of the earth mother spots, but remove the spots on the face.

  At the end of the first quarter of this week, the school informed sixth-graders that they would arrive at the playground. "What is it? I thought as I walked. On the playground, the teacher told us to carry out a meaningful activity -- to pick up litter in the street. The whole sixth grade is divided into three groups, and our task is to "clean up" the main street. The teacher gave each classmate a glove and a pocket for the trash, and then we set out to the destination. To securely avenue, I saw the cement road surface is clean and tidy, but both sides was ugly green belts, red, white, black, blue, green, is really "flowers". We split up into two groups, one in charge of one, and we spread out quickly, scrambling to get to work. As we walked along, we picked up some of our classmates, and we found them in one place. Some students go away with obvious picks. The pocket was suddenly filled with garbage. The teacher asked us to put the bags full of garbage. After a while, a tricycle came up. It turned out to be a cleaning worker who took out the trash, and the cyclist's uncle put the garbage in the car and said, "thank you!" It is. All of us were embarrassed and our faces were red. Then a breeze blew, the flowers and flowers moved in the wind, as if to us: "red scarf", thank you very much! We put on our new clothes again. Then we went back to school with a happy heart.

  If no one litters, we won't pick up trash during study time. If do not have a cleaner, decades later, the earth will be garbage engulfed, earth will become a waste, then the earth will be stinking, human will not survive on the earth. People can't litter the earth mother, they can't let the garbage swallow the earth and make the earth fly. So we need to protect the environment so that the earth won't become a garbage planet, and humans can live on the earth. As a young pioneer, I should take the lead and throw the rubbish into the garbage can and send it to the garbage factory. We should give a lesson on how to protect the environment from the people who don't care about the environment, and let them take care of the environment and throw rubbish into the trash.

  The earth is the home of man, there is no earth, there is no place for man, so the earth's environment depends on everybody. Let's cherish and cherish our home.



  第1篇 一堂难忘的课作文600字  在我记忆长河里,上过数不胜数的课程,大多都已经淡忘了,只有一节课——数学课,直到现在还记忆犹新。  那天,邓老师拿着书,迈着轻盈的步伐,微笑着走进教室




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一次学校组织的旅游(My School Trip)

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小学生优秀作文:禁毒有我 阳光前行

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  春天来了作文_第1篇:  春天是一个万物复苏的季节。每到春天大雁都会从北方飞回南方,小草长出了新的小苗,桃树和樱桃树长出了嫩芽,开着粉红色的花。  阳光暖洋洋地照在大地的脸上,使人陶醉