
Harvest composition 1000 words

2022-03-31 02:34:24 8

The sun in the autumn is free to sprinkle the land, bringing a lazy, lazy, for the leaf of the classroom window, plated with a golden side. The osmanthus has just been exhausted, and Yu Zhixiang is still there. It is the most beautiful scenery in the autumn.

Baihua finally had a different day, and there was still a return. While falling, it also means a beautiful harvest while it is.

In the classroom at this moment, the atmosphere is not affected by the sight of the dead outside the window - many classmates's faces, all over the happiness, full of joy of harvest.这是什么? How is it so happy? Take a look, it seems to have a little pride!

With a burst of 啦 包 包, a brand new, emitting a light ink, under the illuminating of the fluorescent lamp, seems to flash a faint light. It turns out that this is the prize of our class outstanding group! The collective honorful classmates, in the past few weeks, with a complete homework, one time, a perfect silent, a little plus the group score, use the constant cultivation, exchanged today reward!

A person, a book. One person, enjoy a satisfaction and pride of success. Get the prize group member excitedly, let the study committee cover a big "award" chapter. At that moment, all efforts and hard work, all made a gratified look, a clear smile, melted in the autumn slightly dry air.

Without award-winning group, some of the chest, regretting himself because of a little poor performance, giving the team to the group; also use some small desire to look at the prize, but also secretly decided to make a sure to work hard, Give the team!

As a member of the winning group, I stand on the podium, holding a "old man and the sea", standing with other group members, let the class teacher with mobile phone, put this kind of tidal scene forever fixed in mobile phone inside.

Looking at the "comrades" of the past and his work together, I can't help but recall the twists and turns on the road.

"It's finished, this time is completely lost, don't do it, do you have to fall?" The teammaker smashed the head and said that the sound seems to be squeezed from the teeth. "Xiao Li did not bring homework, was founded Deductive 20 points! Originally, our total score is not particularly picking, this is good, the friday clearance is only two days now? "

The team leader is also angry and weak, sitting on the seat, moving the lips, it seems to be something to say, but only four words of the last spit: "That's it?"

In this case, he was shocked. Even I was also surprised, I widened my eyes. I would like to know that Xiao Zheng can be a "steel team leader" in the class. Even if they encounter a big difficulties, deduct more points, they will help our groups.什么! Creation, it is, it is:

你可以吗? I can't always fall so low? Look at this look, it seems to lose, don't defeat! I don't know where to come, I suddenly said: "Is there anything as easy? Isn't there two days? English default, language default, mathematics small practice, several homework? Not all extra points Opportunity? There is still two days to remedy, you are already discouraged, it is better to cancel the evaluation directly! "I thought that I said that I would like to make the team members to survive, who knows, they are still one The eyes of the depth disease, symbolically should have a few times, and they will go all the busy.

The incentives on the speech are unreasonable, I can only use action to infect our "dying" squad. It may also be due to the heart of the heart, can't bear to see your own team, I am going to make a chicken blood, the homogeneous, small practice is all right, is it all right? Only by me, I added 22 points a day, and I didn't just put the small Li buckle to make back, and added 2 points.

Looking at the group members, when they face the score table, it returned to the angry face, and a pair of shunned eyes, I know, unlimited fighting spirit is burning in their hearts! I am succ!






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