
Reading "Dear Wind" is 400 words

2022-04-09 23:14:24 6

Outside the window, the snow of the goose is raised, and the cold is wrapped throughout the city. But when I think of this love - big love; this kind of heart - self-esteem; this childhood - suffering childhood; this story - pure story, a warmth is full of heart ...

The hot summer is coming, it is hot everywhere. But the most cool, or the "Dear Wind" of Wu Tongjia. It is also because of this wind, let the enthusiasm, simple Wudong encountered the boy oak. The oak tree is a lonely child. After the parents leave, he has always been raised by his father. If the disaster is not single, the father has entered the prison because of the stealing, only the blind mother-in-law will take care of him. Oak is the most unpopular child in the village. Everyone said that he is "not clean", and the children don't play with him. Whenever other children enjoy the wind in the Wusong family, he can only run in the fire furnace ...

The village has repeatedly stolen, everyone points the doubtful gaze to the oak. Self-esteem oak wants to prove their innocence, but helplessly, people in the village don't believe him, and think that he is a child who has not been educated, it will not care again ...

The oak tree did not abandon her innocence. So, in one night, he found the real thief - the neighboring village. He didn't speak, quietly returned home, hesitated for a while, "stealing" grandmother hit money in piggy bank. On the next morning, he went to the blacksmith to play a handcuffs. In the evening, the oak tree encountered Guao. He faced him with a long teenager, he did not fear, and the hand was in the hands of Guqiu. After some struggle, Guqiu also felt the self-esteem of the oak, so he told his own stealing behavior in front of the village. People in the village feel that they have been wrong with oak - such a clear white child! Everyone is very embarrassed. The oak tree saw his kind mother-in-law, the tears, helped the old mother-in-law back home. The next day, Wu Tong invited oak trees to go to their own life, but he did not agree, nor did it not promised, only silently took off her clothes, swimming in the river. After a moment, there was only a long trail left ...

This is the "Directive" written by Teacher Cao Wenxuan, the International Anderson Award. Teacher Cao used a delicate stroke to describe a boy's loneliness and stubborn; with warmth and big love, tell a story of guarding and respecting children's hearts. After reading this book, no one is not like this: a good one who is brave and stubborn! A child who is firm and wisdom! It was a great spiritual trauma for the child, but the oak tree used his wisdom and action to prove his innocence and re-acquire everyone's trust. After reading this book, I can't calm for a long time. I am really ashamed for those who misunderstand the oak, so a good person is becoming a thief, it is too sad! You should ask yourself: Is it mistaken in a mistake? Do we have any opportunities to correct the mistakes for others?

For children, how hard is this! For adults, how sad children are this! For the reader, how pure a story!

Fence, long fence long,

A group of geese fly south;

Parallel, vertical,

There is only a lonely geese;

The emperor, the earth emperor,

The geese of the order is singing,

Sing also sing, sing at night,

Sing the sky and cool ...

He combined with the book, I heard the song of Wusong; Close your eyes, I still think about it - thinking about the loneliness and stubbornness of the oak, thinking about the big piece of oil, thinking about this happening in Yau Ma Pure beauty ...



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  我看了一本名叫《西游记》的书,里面的主人公就是大名鼎鼎的孙悟空。  他从石头里出来不久,他就交到了不少朋友,他们发现了瀑布,朋友们说谁敢进去看看,而且没事的回来,就拜他为王,孙悟空进去了


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  寒假期间我读了一本书,这本书的名字叫做查理九世,这本书非常好看!  查理九世这本书主要讲的是:多多一行人去冒险的故事。想必大家也不知道里边的人物,我来给大家介绍一下。查理九世,身份:老大




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