
Summer college students social practice report 2000 words

2022-04-07 20:37:04 40


The long summer in summer has aroused the determination to participate in social practice in the summer vacation. In fact, I have this idea to have this idea, I want to rely on my own hands and my brain to earn my own living expenses. Of course, I want to experience social practice to let me know and cognition this society through personal experience. I have always long been a reality in the external society under the shelter of my parents. I also hope that I can grow in this practice, and more importantly, I want to test whether I can integrate into this social family and want to learn from social practice to find my gap in society.

When I was in the summer vacation, our class was completed, and the squad leader sent a registration form for each of the college students' summer practice activities, requiring us to use the summer time to get into the society, the purpose is to start to accumulate social Experience. Summer social practice is an extension of school education to the classroom. It is also an important means of promoting the process of quality education. It can help college students to contact society and understand society. At the same time, practice is also an effective way to learn knowledge exercise in college students is a good form of college students return society.

We are excited to get the practice activity registration form, and we have participated in the discussion of the summer vacation. Some said that I went to the big city to play a month, they said that this is the truly entered society to understand and cognition society. Some say that I will take a family teacher, so I can consolidate my knowledge at the same time. Everyone has an unprecedented enthusiasm. In fact, we have long been able to use the time to learn from the time of learning to do part-time pentarate. Now we have finally turned to us.

After a holiday, I discussed the summer task of the school. They all support the school's decision, and I also agree that I am going to social practice in the summer, I also think this is really self-exercising.好机会。 But because Mom and Dad still don't worry, I will help me find a relaxed job in my relatives' home. I have said it with relatives. I will take me as the employee. Let me really feel it. It is not easy to enter the society to participate in work. I am really exciting for the first time I have to participate in work, although I am working hard, but my heart is still very uneasy, but I will finally encourage the courage to accept this job. My work is actually there is no time to regulate, the boss is a rice rice factory, I usually say the weight of the rice in the office, and then after they finish the paddy, take a lower skin. The operation is quite simple, but when I just took hands, I really was very busy. Because I was really busy, sometimes there is a lot of cars in the rice, one day or one car, I will not come. There will be a mistake. Sometimes I don't remember the names of the written rice people, sometimes I forgot to write the variety of rice, and sometimes I have forgotten the month, I really think that I have a gray face. There is no time concept in this job. When you are idle, it will go too late. I just got the job, I couldn't stand it. When I was busy, I was so tired. I went wrong with my mistake. I can't be with the boss. I would like to be quarrel. People selling valley are sometimes annoying. They sometimes don't understand electronic saying, they will not believe in us, they will be with us, no way I have to explain with them. Some people suspect that our electronics calls ghosts, saying that our rice is less called, no way, I can't lose their temper, and I can't argue with them. For the business in the rice factory, I can only talk to their heartmather and explain the electronic saying that it is very standard. It is a computer-like thing that does not have problems. Sometimes they are insome business rice prices, they will also be with us, sometimes they will be pulled into me, they can only be swallowed by themselves, but the boss sometimes comforts me, saying to do business, what people are Yes, don't be too true to them, you will be good, you will have a comfortable, you will have a lot of knowledge, you will have learned a lot of knowledge.

A month's summer practice is very fast, you will slowly start getting used to this life and this work, the mistakes have become less and less, the boss also praises my adaptability, the work ability is also wrong, If you still want to practice in the summer, you will come here. It's really a bit awkward when you leave. One month's hard work is also returned. When I get my salary, I am really gratifying, but it is not because of the money, it is not finally ending the hardships of the work, but the result of my own results and return. Your own practice has also gains, thinking about it really feels very worth, how much is it in this month, I can't buy it. After work, I made the following summary:

1. Be good at communicating: I have encountered those who do business and those who are more stubborn farmers. I really want to communicate with them. I can't argue with them, I have to explain the problem they don't understand, every time When I thought they wanted to pass, I really had achievements in my heart; of course, I had to communicate well, I can't always put some work in my heart, sometimes I have any problems in my work. Communicate communicate with the boss, and timely solve, this work will have motivation, and they will not don't do it.

2, have patience and enthusiasm: often smile often, so that those businessmen feel very comfortable, everyone is doing business, they are very happy; they are the first time to sell rice, for our factory The basic process is not very clear. At this time, you will be enthusiastic to tell them the basic process of selling rice, so that we can also save much effort and time, the rice factory can run better.

3, to be hardworking: Sometimes some subtle things can make the boss more appreciate you, it is more likely to be promoted, for example, when I am very idle, I will sweep the office, organize and organize the file, and help the老板。 The boss will praise my hardworking, there is really rewarded.

Short-term social practice, swaying, here, let me know a lot of things, and these things will be used for life. When I returned home, my father and mother also said that I really changed a lot, it became more sensible, filial piety, and the temper became more. The school let us go to social practice really active, which will make us more profitable. Social practice makes me know, it is really not easy to earn money, and I understand the hard work of work, and I will not waste money again in the future.

Social practice pulls my distance from the society, but also makes you have opened the horizons in social practice, and it has grown. The society is also a place to study and education, in the vast world, we have laid a stronger foundation for future competition in the future.

First, practice purposes

Since I entered the university, the employment problem seems to always around us, I have become a topic. In today's society, the big character newspaper at the job fair has always written "Experienced Priority", and how much will our school's social experience in the campus? In order to expand its own knowledge, expand the contact surface of society, increase the experience of individuals in social competition, exercise and improve their ability, so that after graduation, you can truly enter the society after graduation, you can adapt to the economic situation at home and abroad. Change, and can handle all aspects of all aspects in life and work, and I will start to plan my summer life. I hope I can exercise in the summer of more than two months. 。

Second, the actual process

"The paper is very shallow, perceived this matter." In the short internship process, in the internship, I used it, asked, etc., I made a further understanding of the relationship between the people in the work. Analyze the characteristics between people and people. I deeply feel the skin shallow and lack of professionals in practical use. In a period of time, I feel that there is no way to work, bitter, and I feel very sad. Once in contact with the actual, it is found that there is so little, and it really realizes the meaning of "learning without end". This may be my feelings. However, it is clear that our Chinese school education and practice have indeed a distance.

Our education should be combined, using theoretical and practical running model, do the relationship between classroom education and social practice, the relationship between summer practice and usual practice, the relationship between social practice and deep, respectively, with classroom, summer And practices combine our learning and use to make more completely.

"Thousands of miles of trips, starting with a single step", this is a short-lived practice in the past one month, I think it has played a very important role in the future, and it has a great help to the future work将来。 More importantly, we must ask others to be careful, abide by organizational discipline, and units, and some basic principles such as people's civilization should be seriously implemented in real life, and good habits should continue to cultivate in actual life. The experience of leaders and colleagues, good habits and their knowledge will be a major wealth in our life. This practice makes me definitely do the truth in advance, I have to understand the principle of being a person, how to get along with people is the most basic problem of the modern society. For those who are about to step into society, there are a lot of things that need to learn. They are the teachers, the so-called "three people, there must be my teacher", we can learn a lot of knowledge and truth.

Modern society is an open society. It is a rule of society. Our country should be in line with the world. Therefore, for the cultivation of talents, it should face the society, facing the international. The social practice of environmental protection itself is very strong, so the theoretical connection between theory and the actual combination is more feasible. Of course, this is just a personal idea, regularly arrange students' trainees, let students better digest the knowledge. 。 I conducted social practice learning in the Accounting Department of North Guanzhuang Machinery Factory in Gongyi City, Henan Province. The following is some experience and experience of this study.

The accounting department of the XX company did not have too many people, and there was a financial minister, one won, two accountants, just arrived at the accounting department called me to see their previous accounting documents. Since I am lacking in this area, I can only pay a class at night, and I carefully read the company's daily accounting business. After all, the accounting is learned on the book, but some bank bills, drafts, invoices, etc., they can truly contact, there is a more impressive impression. Don't think that light is aware, but also put all the documents on a day, and put the documents of each business, and use the picture to make it ready to prepare for the bill. Enter the billing program. Although the accounting looks a bit like a primary school students will do, it is difficult to reassemble such a big job. Because a mistake is not just a pen or rubbed it with eraser, each step is a strict requirement. For example, write fault numbers will use red stroke, and then cover the chapter of the responsible person. And the wrong abstract bar, you can use the blue pen to write horizontally and write the correct summary, usually we always feel that write a midpoint, but the abstract is not good, you must write to the left can't be spaced, so it is Prevent the abstract column from being tampered with. There is also strict requirements for the writing of numbers, and the writing must be clear and clear. And when booking, you must clear each tomorics and the general ledger name, you can't write, otherwise the long borrowing can not be flattened. Such a cumbersome procedure makes me dare not have a little sloppy, this is not to make an error when it is wrong or the exam is wrong, which is a business of a business, it is a basis for developing a development plan after enterprises. The troubles of checkout is the cost and taxation and taxes, press the computer, and if you don't pay attention, you will go wrong, you have to review it. At first I mastered the calculation formula, I thought it was not under the small matter like a computer.是因为粗心大意反而算错了不少数据,好在妈妈教我先用铅笔写数据,否则真不知道要把帐本涂改成什么样子。从制单到记帐的整个过程基本上了解了个大概后,就要认真结合书本的知识总结一下手工做帐到底是怎么一回事。妈妈很要耐心的跟我讲解每一种银行帐单的样式和填写方式以及什么时候才使用这种帐单,有了个基本认识以后学习起来就会更得心应手了。









从这次社会实践中,我们学到:作为一个服务行业,顾客就是上帝,良好的服务态度是必须的,要想获得更多的利润就必须提高销售量,而想要提高销售量就必需让Customer Satisfaction.这就要求我们想顾客之所想,急顾客之所急,提高服务质量语言要礼貌文明,待客要热情周到,要尽可能满足顾客的要求。对于那些态度不好的顾客我们更要耐心地对待,让他们认为他们的消费是值得的,让他们心甘情愿地开开心心地消费。











  深入挖掘雷锋精神的时代内涵,倡导青年志愿者做到时时学、处处学。今天,小编要跟大家分享的是社区学雷锋志愿服务活动总结,感谢您的阅读!志愿服务活动总结【一】  雷锋精神是我们中华民族宝贵的精神财富




  【篇一】  1、一身的迷彩服,让每一位同学都多了一份英姿,多了一份责任。  2、磨练顽强的斗志,培养吃苦的精神,锤炼良好的品质。  3、做事不怕难,自无难人事。天下无难事,只怕有心人




  尊敬的党组织:  2019多年前,勤劳勇敢的中国人民用智慧、勇气和汗水开拓了连接亚欧非大陆各文明的人文、贸易交流通路,与沿线各国人民共同铸就了辉煌的古丝绸之路。千百年来






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  商场服务员是商场的面向顾客的第一人,服务员的良好绩效能够促进整体效益的实现,下面是小编精心整理的商场服务员培训心得体会,欢迎大家学习和参阅。  商场营业员心得体会  销售是一门艺术

