2022-03-31 21:40:13 6
人们想要进入知识宝藏,这是一生,它是不可能的。所以我们必须学习太多东西。网络教育,给了我们学习的关键。这是日益增长知识和提高思想品质的关键。Today's society has entered the information society, and the world has begun to fully inform and globalization. Therefore, in order to adapt to the development of society, our teachers must first firmly establish the idea of informationization, globalization, and actively participate in training learning, keep up with the era, and be a new teacher in an E environment. Through this training, I have a lot of harvest, and I feel deep. Specific thinking about online learning:
1. Guarantee quality while reducing cost
Everyone knows that economic development can promote the development of education, affecting the size of education, general, education is carried out from two aspects. First, from educational facilities, education technology and facilities improvement, improve education. Second, from the scale of education, the microphone and sound can make hundreds of people gather together. However, this kind of education model has proved that it is not advisable. Network learning can be seen as a typical form of expanding labor scale in the field of education. Labor factors (teachers) have been replaced by the network, and does not mean that teachers' role is excessive. Instead, as a instructor teacher or equipment maintenance The role is also gradually improved.
2, self-determination time and place
Network learning is not letting students, but let the class turn from one place to another place. This method of learning is to adapt to the characteristics of adults, which saves the students a lot of time. For example, our current training can be free to go home for online learning through online courses.
3, on demand training
The biggest in network learning is that adults can selectively learn according to their own development. In the network society, people 's degree is not much more important, alternatively people's academic levels and real skills. A person must constantly understand new technologies at work, master new technologies, and network society need talents, multiple qualifications.
There is still a feature of online learning to interact with excellent teachers. Traditional education teachers face their face-to-face lectures in the classroom, and the quality of teaching is largely relied on the quality and initiative of teachers. However, good teachers are very few, and if the teacher lacks the ability or high quality, the advantages of traditional education will disappear. In remote learning, each course is generally hosted by excellent teachers (now most of the program editor and the preliminary model of the teacher), teachers can grasp the essence of the course in teaching. The students also chose teachers while choosing the course.
Network learning is very high in our teaching concept, and thinking in traditional education model. It is a teacher-centered, teachers through teaching, board book and a variety of media assistants, and passing the teaching content to students or instilled into students. The teacher is the master of the entire teaching process, and students are in passiveness to accept knowledge. In such a mode, the teacher is an active executive, and the student is a passive external stimulus acceptor to infuse the object. The media is a tool for instilling to students, and the textbook is infused. Students participate in teaching activities on the surface, but this is a passive participation. Its advantage is that the teacher's leading role is conducive to the organization, management and control of teachers to classroom teaching; but there is a great defect, which is to neglect the student's initiative, creative cultivation, can't take students. Cognitive subjects are well reflected, students lack the active thinking, exploration capabilities, their autonomy, and difficult to play, unfavorable to cultivate students' divergent thinking and creative thinking, and is not conducive to innovation capabilities and creative talents. 。
In the information age, teachers will neither be replaced通过技术,不应被用作提供知识的权威。教育技术的发展永远不会取代教师的角色。教师是教师的原因,教师可以全面培养和塑造智力,情感,人格,精神和个性的学生。教育的基本特征是人类教育。通过信息技术,教师将不利地免受广播知识的沉重任务,并有能量和时间来真正实现人们的活动。现代教育技术进入教学过程,教师可以从知识的原始权威转变为学生和合作伙伴,设计师,开发商,社会和文化解释器,研究人员,更注重学生学习活动的设计和发展。特别是在网络环境中,教师自然会专注于信息教学系统的设计,监测,研究和评估。在信息技术环境中,学生应该被视为被视为点燃的火灾,学生地位应从被动知识集装箱和知识受体转变为知识,学习主题,并成为教学活动的积极参与者和知识。构造师。
晚上,当我坐在电脑前,我登上了持续的教育网络,这已成为多年的自然习惯。 “持续教育网络”就像一个非常磁性教科书,共享信息丰富的信息,各种课件具有出色的生产。在在线资源中,它不仅仅是知识的存储和播放,我们提供了许多提高实际能力的方法。而且,有一个良好的学习氛围交流。例如,在线回答,教师论坛和其他栏目,让我们的协同研究和独立的学习完成。
1.教师的专业发展为教师提供了“与一些新的想法,新的学习资料,社区成员的碰撞,智力,沟通和情感碰撞”。教育改革反映在新的学习理念中,即学会通过积极活动学会参与建立自己的理解,从这个想法中,最好的专业发展是反映,合作和对话构建概念学习。教师需要通过活动通过社区的深入互动,通过这些机会建立自己的知识;我们需要尝试,也可能需要一定的风险;我们需要为我们的研究提供尊重和支持,它从事我们的研究。通过探索,通过审判不断寻求知识,是教师专业发展的核心。该行业的专业发展不能移交给教师,但鼓励教师在教学实践中找到并澄清问题,寻求解决这些问题。 “在这种专业开发,使用技术和技术支持下,帮助教师反映他们的教学实践,建立理论和澄清。专业发展不是知识过程,但知识的生产过程是支持教师生成的过程他们的个性化实践,并评估社区成员产生的知识。通过专业发展,教师所需的最重要的能力是:技术导致各种关系的变化,目前许多不确定的情况,面临日常遇到的不确定性和问题。教学实践。如何做出明智的回应?如何使用技术支持来改善课堂学习?如何使用更有效的评估方法来更好地了解学生的学习?如何教授如何调整和学习,包括智力发展,文化,性别和学习风格这是一个迫切需要的差异在当前的学校教学中解决,思考这个问题也可以帮助教师深入,分析和澄清他们的教学哲学。
Teachers' professional development provides teachers with a lifelong learning opportunity. This opportunity comes from the spiritual spirit of professional development ------- a spirit of exploration, exploration of teaching practice, inquiry for learning, Inquiry of knowledge and understanding of a broader field. With this spiritual spirit, learning is inevitably able to be a life.