

2022-04-02 11:47:42 3



6月,这是一个大季节;六月是一个习惯的时刻。 9月,我们走进中学,告别了这一日子。刚开始进入中学,仍然有点不舒服,不适合老师;不要适应教师的教学方法;它不适合我们,这对我们来说太奇怪了。因为我们也遵循前五年的快乐而美丽的时光,毕竟,这是一个五年的共同。现在,今年秋风正在令9月份令人耳目一新,我们将我们带入中学时代,我们也有一个新的名字 - 中学生,我们已经改变了,这将成为一个顽强的岁月的少年。




游乐场还有一个大领导者,每周一都有旗帜仪式。旁边有一棵美丽的大梨树和一个小的感恩节游泳池,有一个着名的花园,和植物角度,很多植物。还有一个葡萄藤,年龄大于我们!程鑫源是一个专门的地方,非常酷。还有一名书籍角,所以程鑫源代表这八个大角色:“洒水,真诚的书”。 3楼有八个大角色:勤奋,好学校,好学校,音乐,意思,让我们努力工作,善于学习,喜欢学习,快乐的学习。




郎郎微风,爆裂的花卉,沮丧,甜蜜的空气,让我沉浸在这里;经过一瞬间,这是即将到来的,每一步走路,都充满了骄傲,兴奋,自信等。 “唰唰唰,唰唰唰”风通过校园,树的行被伸展,“笑”,这是最有可能的!期待远处,这条路似乎是遥远的,这棵树,我不知道这棵树被称为什么,我不知道有多少树,也许有一天可能是几天。


走到另一面e corridor, the school's landscape is unborn, and it is increasing. Going this morning, breathe the fresh air of the upper layer; go to this afternoon, you can see the sun is over, feel the warmth of the sun; The wind, look at the sunset, the focus is, every day's sunset is different! Sometimes flourish, sometimes yellow, sometimes red, simple blue. This feeling is too subtle! The school's sunset is always the most beautiful.

Songhuan is not only a good scenery, but the Lakers here are also very good! I was beginning to start, I couldn't adapt, but the result is expected, it is mixed for a few days, and I have been a lot of friends, but I am still attracted by the scenery.

"Songhuan, the place where the dream begins." I will never live up to such a good environment, this can make a better me!

Article 3: Six hundred words describing the new school scenery

In junior high school, enter the new campus, I have encountered many new things: new playground, new teaching building, new rehearsal room, new observatory. Please follow my footsteps!

Into the school gate, "Beijing No. 57 Middle School", a few golden big characters appeared in front of the eyes, there is a large group of students in the door, and the spirit of the classmates, some hands are pushing bicycles, some and classmates around them. Laugh, there is still those mathematics questions that are meditation.

Before going to the front of the big poplar, after the new library, he went to the crossroads of the people. The left side was huge but dignified junior high school, the right side is the high school building and the experimental building of the horizon. In the junior high school building, the whole body uses the Chinese red pigment of the dignity atmosphere as a coat, the front is a big clock, the pointer is not jumping, it seems to be said: "The deceased is asked, not waiting to stay all night, and the right side is written : "A new day, keep the sun," The high school building is very different, the gray-white building is full, the silver metal door, a group of senior school sisters who are in black and white have passed, very handsome.

Through the ramp, I came to the playground, 300 meters runway, and dozens of basketball racks arranged. On the grass, some students are reading, some are writing homework, and there is still a sweet dream ...

The east of the playground is the small building and the medical room. The south is an observatory, the machine room and the rehearsal, and the west is a student dormitory. Of course, our school also has a lot of interesting classrooms. The oil painting class is full of artistic atmospheres, various reagents in the laboratory, and the test tubes are neatly arranged into a square, and the monks are always moving ...

This is my school, new school new environment, where it is very interesting, welcome to visit!

Article 4: Six hundred words describing the new school scenery

Unlike the past, step into the campus, I came to a new middle school - Qingyu Middle School.

When I arrived, I seem to have a new lake, excitedly swim. New teachers, new students, a brand new look like a spring grass sprouting, quietly, gradually, deep into my heart. Bring me a new feelings - a new self-birth.

As the saying goes: "You know more, you will gradually increase". " If you should pick up the course, it is just like a clear brush to clean the human brain. I feel that I am only a micro-sand, and there is endless knowledge, and I will find it.

The reading sound of the campus in the "H" building is echoed in the "H" building, and a wave is one waves, just like the water in the water, the beautiful, moving. The little bee in the flower bed, the little butterfly is busy, and with this reading voice, it is lined with the natural autumn color of this bright sun, making people seem to be in the dream.

"Oh, I heard that this school is built on the mountain!" I don't know what to break like a stone.在山上? My eyes seem to hav虽然山上的情况,虽然我不知道为什么,但我一直觉得这张照片很漂亮,这是非常好的。

太阳仍然很明亮,蓝天只有一点白云。这是小学的幼稚无知,小学笑声漫长的笑声。太阳通过叶子撕成了一点碎金,潘迪亚,就像鱼鳞一样,仿佛冲出我的孩子。 “我真的准备欢迎新生活?”








暑假似乎已经过去了,开始学校的日子,它也在它面前,所以我忍不住问:“我准备好了吗?看起来要落下的日落,我喃喃道语言:“明天,我会开始学校,我如何应对初中生活? “







结尾:我非常感谢每个人阅读“新学校的第一个场景中的第一个是5”。更令人兴奋的内容正在等待每个人,欢迎继续关注,一起成长! 是




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