
Observe the composition of the banyan tree

2022-04-03 00:55:12 4

The truth of writing, summarizes, not "true, thin, live" three words. Below Xiaobian brings you a composition of eucalyptus, for reference only, I hope to help everyone.

Observe the composition of the banyan tree:

In the morning, Mom and Dad took me to the Lakeside Park to observe the big banyan tree.

Take the big banyan tree, its waist is thick, and the rough should be seven or eight children to hold. The ground is winding with a banyan tree, it seems to be a crawling "snake". I looked up, wow, I feel that I am shrouded by a huge sun umbrella. The branches of the banyan trees are cross-faced, and they extends to a four-sided eight parties, very powerful. The leaves of the leaves are lush, and the sun passes through the gap. The color of the color can be comparable to the green treasure. A lot of birds jumped on the branches to jump, and sent people to people.

In the morning, fresh air and flowers and grassy fragrances, it is really a refreshing, a breeze blows, and the big banyan tree is shaken, shaking the leaves, it seems to be intoxicated.

The leaves of the big banyan tree in the evening are like a small umbrella, covering the sun of the sunset, bringing cool to people under the tree.

Every Saturday night, the grandparents of the big banyan song and dance groups under the banyan tree, and the people in the park were a wonderful program.

Ah, big banyan tree, you bring a cool in summer, add a bright landscape to the Lakeside Park.

Observe the essays of the banyan tree 2:

Gray brown trunk, dark green tree crown, this is the big banyan tree in our village.

Spring, banyan tree spit out tender yellow leaves, gradually leaf from tender yellow into light, dark green. The lush eucalyptus caused many birds to make a nest on it, and the birds smashed, singing on the tree, and the sound can be so good. The tree of the big banyan tree, the roots of the roots, the roots of the roots, like the pale beard of the old grandfather.

In the summer, the sun is like a boss of a big fireball, and the light burning is also stopped, and the long tongue has hiding in the cool place under the steps. At this time, the big banyan tree has been the place where our favorite, the big banyan tree blocked the strong sunshine, bringing us a cool cool, we played a happy time under the tree. And the trees pulled the noise, I didn't know how tired, and I will always lead to countless naughty boy climbed the tree. They always like to catch a few more than knowing the home, and listening to it in the cage. I called it.

In autumn, the result of the banyan tree, the wind blowing fruit, "哗" sound, then we gently shake the tree, the fruit is 噼 噼 下 下 下. These fruits are small, the colors are very beautiful: green, red, yellow. These fruits have brought us a lot of happiness. Hey, those naughty boys picked up these fruits in their pockets, and then start "Beans Wars" to hold fruit attacks. The fruit is hurting, so everyone always hides, which is terrible to become a target attack. At this time, the big banyan tree became a veritable "battlefield". And our girls like to pick some good-looking fruits, put these fruits into a chain with a needle and wire wings, and the little fruit bracelet is in the hands of the United States.

This is the big banyan tree in our village, I love the big banyan tree in our village.

Observe the composition of the banyan tree:

The big leaves are the most beautiful in the spring. The big leaves have grown out of the sprouts, the new buds, the sun is sprinkled on it, and it is unparalleled. At this time, the big leaves seem to be a fairy, stand quietly. Of course, this fairy sometimes makes temper and vent it in the wind. Sometimes she will cry, there are a few drops of "tears". We really like to pick up her "tears".

In the early summer, the big leaf also has a lot of "hair", at this time, it attracts a variety of birds to come to watch. Not only that, they are stiLL嵌套上面!这时,大叶不仅是鸟的“公寓”,而且还用作展馆。我们在伟大的林林中玩耍,聊天和幸福。






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