
Fantasy composition 700 words

2022-04-07 10:45:14 4

Shi Yu is a sixth grade student. In the morning, Xiao Yu woke up. He just did a dream, it was a very beautiful dream. He is trying to recall that dream, because that dream is too good, so he doesn't want to forget this dream, he wants to remember this dream forever. Xiao Yu remembered the dream: he dreamed of itself. One day, Xia Yu went to buy lottery tickets, did not expect him to have a special award. The bonus is 2,500 million.

Xia Yu is going to have a breakfast to go to school. Xiao Yu has been sixth grades, and it is necessary to promote the primary school. So his classmates are working hard to learn, and it is to take a good middle school. However, Xia Yu is still immersed in that dream. When the school representative came to the homework, he did not have a lectival representative, and the class representative also tired. So I simply did not accept his job directly to the class teacher. When the class represents, he said loudly at Xia Yu's ear: "The class teacher asked you to drink tea." Sitting in Xiayu surrounded by the classmates. After the captain of the class, Xiao Yu did not learn lessons. He is still forgetting to the dream.

The first class is a mathematics class, but the math teacher's words, Xiaoshu can't hear it. It can't be described in the wind, he is not there. He is still in the fantasy dream: If I have two thousand five million, I first have to buy a large villa, put on a variety of famous brand furniture, each room is installed on a central air conditioner, and the villa also Get an游泳池。 I have to buy a computer, mobile phone, but I have to give the game recharge ... Mr. Xiaoli thinks like this. So he didn't do it in class; classmates called him ignored, and the teacher did not listen. Therefore, the students ignore him.

When he went home to write a homework, he remembered that this day, the teacher said anything, I don't know anything.嘿! I blame the damn dream! On the day, Xiayu is sleeping at two o'clock in the morning. Because all his classes have not heard, he wants to learn the content that day.

Because of the fantasy, it delayed learning. I still hurt the hearts of others unconsciously. It is not as good as it is not as good as it is not as good as the actual action.

结尾:Thank you very much for reading "700 words", more exciting content is waiting for everyone, welcome to continue to pay attention, grow together! 是






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