About primary school teachers Germany
2022-04-12 13:57:18 9
In education and teaching, teachers should constantly improve their business level, and constantly improve their teacher's moral cultivation, constantly innovate and develop, and work hard to write a new chapter of Migteralism. The first Fan Wen.com Xiaobian is organized to organize 3 speeches on primary school teachers, I hope to help you.
About primary school teachers Germany style ceremony articles 1
Dear leaders and all teachers:
你好! School leaders want me to come to this speech, there is no proposition, and there is no limit to it within a few minutes, let me feel hard, this is the first difficulties I have encountered; today I am the first time In terms of speaking, there is an uncomfortable feeling. This is the second difficulty I have encountered. Moreover, several teachers just have a wonderful speech, warm applause can testify. This increases the pressure, it is the third difficulty I have encountered.
However, I am not timid. In contrast, I am full of confidence. I believe that since I stand up at this podium, I will definitely be able to take the courage, do your best, let yourself go first! Because I chose such a speech topic -------- "Love, Teacher Responsibilities!
Friends, as a teacher, do you have this feeling: "The" sharp "student of love learning is easy ------ This kind of love is often naturally natural, sincerely, and the so-called" poor students "is not so It is easy to love.
Do you pay attention to this shot: a student having a good study grade can get teachers and students, parents' attention, loved; and a student with a bad achievement is ignored if there is no man, love with them No.
As everyone knows, this kind of student needs people's love, because they have distressed, even with inferiority. Their heart, there are more things that need to be understood.
Of course, "poor students" like this, you need to pay a certain price, sacrifice some time, spend some energy. But this kind of love is more valuable, and it is more praise. Perhaps this kind of love may not be able to have an effect in learning, but it makes people 's heart, making people no longer falling into the pain, thus producing a positive effect.
How deep this is this!
I took the school gate with childism. I remember how happy I just entered the school gate, because I finally have a blackboard, chalk, and a terpent, a large group of students.
I heard that the most important thing to do teacher is "majesty". So, in order to open my age and the students are too similar to the students, hide the innocent. Childish, make up for many lack of lack of teaching in the teaching, in order to make the children convinced me, I got the outer panel in the class ranked my best and kind face. Sure enough, after half a semester, my "disciple" became the service post, on the road, they saw me, wanted to laugh, but the muscles on the face couldn't open, because I was afraid of me, I wanted to be invisible and dare, because I plan to say, I have a polite when I see it, so I have to tremble with a voice, squeeze out a "teacher," and then turn down, and I don't see it. Sometimes, they played in the door of the classroom. As long as I heard that I "drive", the chicken whispered, and finally nailed in the seat, the atmosphere. This kind of scene, although I feel a kind of vague frustration and uneasiness, but I finally uniforms the students, and thus got disciplined, the future, and I have been rated as an advanced class. I have also obtained the title of excellent teacher. These victories, suddenly sweep those shadows, I am intoxicated in pride. Soon, there is an unexpected thing to wake me. There is a boy in the class called Xiaofeng. He has a difference in learning. Once, his homework was not completed, I didn't ask for green sauce, and I got the "one-by-party order": "Go home." He taught courage, saying "teacher, I am in school." I was acknowledged, and I said: "How, afraid to be beaten? Or返回,殴打,只是记住痛苦,会写作业。“他离开了,我的心也是”宽阔的“,但他没有来,我的心脏不安。我的良心带我去他家。他没有去在家做一份工作,只是对我的母亲说:“妈妈,我不读这本书,我会给你一只猪。”我不能想到这一次。我感觉到我的感受,我只觉得自己巨大的手,我会紧紧抓住我的心。自我责备,悔改,并击中痛苦的击中。萧代渴望理解,渴望温暖,渴望照顾,我,作为一个人的老师,孩子的班教师,什么态度向他呢?你认为他认为他是祖国的希望吗?羞耻,羞耻,老师这是一个神圣的责任,我归咎于!
陶熙志先生说:“没有爱没有教育。”爱学生,不仅是老师,学习,情感和亲和力,事实上也倾向于祖国,人类,未来的爱。因为有爱,我们有耐心;因为有爱,我们会关心它;因为有爱,我们与你的同学亲密。每一分钟“闪点”在爱情学生的成长过程中,实际上是我们教师的最伟大的乐趣。但老师的爱情不是盲目的,爱是一颗艺术,我们不必只爱,而且也是善良的。 “爱”必须是一位同事。学生没有昂贵的积分,他们有同样的智慧和热情,有同样的爱情权,我们应该使用同样的心来爱他们。 “爱”应该被我们的心灵所爱,努力旅行。此时,许多老教师已经设置了我们的一个例子,指示方向。他们伤害了自己的学生吗?有些老师带来生病的学生照顾他们的家;有些老师经常给贫困学生;有些老师甚至和他们的学生挤压。他们都倒了他们的爱,但他们也对学生的要求非常严格,不要让小错误,及时的教育,促进他们的不断进步,这是善良的。 “爱”是基于理解,尊重,信任。平等,民主,理解,尊重,信任将使我们更容易进入学生的心,更好地帮助他们进步。
教师的质量直接影响学生的研究风格和学校赞助商,以及教师的形象与学生的质量的培养直接相关。老师也和老师一样。教师不仅是社会主义精神文明的建设者和沟通,还是学生道德基因的适配器。因此,教师的道德不易教导,而是一种精神反思,深刻的知识内涵和文化品味的文化品味!教师的道德需要培养,需要教育,更有毋庸置轻 - 每位教师的自我修养!使用自己的榜样和个性魅力,让学生钦佩和遵循。 “陶丽说,看着它。” “我相信合格的教师可以塑造合格的学生。我们的老师对自己有严格的要求,继续学习,加强培养,让自己成为一个高贵的老师,为了适应良好的教育的召唤,不要辜负党和人民给出的历史原因。贵族教师是一个很好的教科书,这对学生的教育来说是巨大而深远的。
因此,教师需要成为一名教师,从小事开始,从自动开始,引领领域的领先领域。 Seco.如果你问学生,你应该首先做到这一点。任何需要学生没有做的人。 “不要邪恶,不要小而不是”,教育不小,一切都可以看出真理,所以教师必须始终注意自己的话语,用高尚的个性来感染人,用整洁的乐器影响患有环境态度的Peopletreat人员,引导人们拥有丰富的知识,并保护人们用博达的思想。
最后,教师道德的核心问题是“爱”。老师的爱是老师的灵魂。老师的爱是教师和学生之间情感障碍的保障;老师的爱是培养教师和学生,使它成为一座“亲密朋友”的桥梁;老师的爱是转型后的变化,使他们会发展得很好。冰心说,有一切恋爱,我想说,有一切爱教育,爱是教育的灵魂,是生活的龙门,是生活的基石,是道德的基石。然后我们必须用爱水,把它献给自己的爱,并照顾学生的增长。留下情绪水平,不能施放人们的精神世界。教育,首先,它应该是温暖的,这是一个情感和爱的原因,教师应该与学生沟通,并做一个亲密的学生的朋友。爱需要教师以相当大的热情倾吐学生,注意他们的各个方面,“我”与“你”之间的关系将成为“我们”的关系。和谐教师 - 学生关系是促进学生学习的强大力量。艾盛是一个衡量教师道德的基本统治者。我可以爱是一个水平,爱是另一个水平。每分钟“闪点”在增长过程中要爱学生。 “爱”应该基于理解,尊重,信任; “爱”应该被同事搬迁,“爱”面对所有学生。给他们一个爱情,赞美,微笑和一些教导。要与他们交谈,帮助他们找到“落后”的原因,真正治疗这种疾病。关心他们的生活细节。 “幼苗有快乐的感觉,保湿剂是沉默的。”在上帝的教育厅多年来,我逐渐明白:爱是人类最美丽的语言,教育从爱情开始。要做一个好老师,你必须爱工作,爱学生,爱情集中,爱上大公众,让爱撒上每个角落,让每个花淋浴阳光。