
初中英语说课稿Introduce myself

2021-10-18 20:13:26 24

Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Zhou Yan. I’m an English teacher from Experimental School of Suqian. Now I’ll say Sample A of Lesson Six in Book One. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material (一) STATUS AND FUNCTION1.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each Sample. To attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To start listing “Word Bank” and tell the Ss to remember the new words. To start asking the Ss to write the English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.2.This lesson is the first one of Unit 2.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.3.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.(二)ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTSThe Ss has learned English for about one month so far. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.(三)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDSThe teaching aim\'s basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus\' provision.1.Knowledge objects(1) To make the Ss know how to use the affirmative sentence “This is. . . .” and the negative sentence “This is not….”Everyday expressions for “Apologies”“I\'m sorry”“That\'s all right”.(2) To study the new words “six, hey, sorry, it’s, that’s”, etc. by learning the dialogue of this lesson.(3) To finish some exercises.2.Ability objects(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.(3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures. 3.Moral objects(1) To enable the Ss to be polite and love life.(2) To enable the Ss to look after their things well.(四)TEACHING KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTSThe teaching key and difficult points’ basis is established according to Sample A of Lesson Six in the teaching material\'s position and function. 1.Key points: (1).To help the Ss to communicate with each other.(2).To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.(3).To develop the Ss’ interest in English.2.Difficult points:(1) How to make dialogues and act them out.(2) How to write the right whole sentences. (五) TEACHING AIDSMulti-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: Powerpoint or Authorware, school things and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

Part Two The Teaching Methods1. Communicative teaching method2. Audio-visual teaching method3. Task-based” teaching methodAs we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange five kinds of activities: talking, guessing games, watching CAI, acting out Sample A and having a competition.

Teaching special featuresTo use these methods are helpful to develop the Ss’ thought.

Part Three STUDYING WAYS1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.2.Let the Ss pass \"Observation—Imitation—Practice \" to study language. 3.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.Teaching special features: Let the Ss communicate with each other and adopt competition methods to develop the Ss’ keen interest in English.

Part Four Teaching ProcedureI’ll finish this lesson in four steps. First I’ll divide the Ss into four groups and bring a competition into the class. At last let’s see which group is the winner.Step1 Warm-up1. Free talk between T and Ss .Such as: Hi, I’m . . . . What’s your name?This is …. How do you do?Who is he/she? How are you?Who can count from 1to 5? What’s this in English? etc.

2.A game: Ask the Ss to give T some school things. For example:T: Give me your book.(ruler, box, pen, table, knife, etc.)T: This is your book. This is not my book. It’s your book. etc.In this course I’ll ask them to make a dialogue group by group without repetition. Find out which group will make the most dialogues. Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by imitating and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge.Step2. PresentationThis course is very important. I’ll mainly talk about this step.I’ll use CAI to present the whole dialogue. Arrange some situations to help Ss understand Sample A.First scene: There is a bag on the floor. B is picking it up and get ready to leave. Now A is talking with B. A: Hi, B. How are you today?B: I’m fine, thank you. And you?A: I’m fine, too. Oh, this is my bag.B: No, this is not your bag. It’s my bag.A: (Look closely) Oh, I’m sorry.B: That’s all right.(At the same time, C is running up and hitting A.)C: Oh, I’m sorry.A: That’s OK.I’ll write the key points on the Bb while they are watching. After watching, I’ll teach them to read the words and sentences on the Bb. Make sure they can read them well. Purpose of my designing: To present Sample A by CAI is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better. Step3.PracticeFirst play the tape recorder. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. In this step the Ss are required to practise the Sample in pairs by reading the dialogue aloud. This step is employed to make the Ss grasp the Sample .At last I’ll ask the Ss to think hard and act it out with a partner according to Sample A. Then find out which group will act it out well. I’ll give them red stars.Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the Ss get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the Ss have a chance to practise their listening and spoken ability.

Step4.Production In this step I’ll give the Ss a free space to show their abilities.Second scene: The Ss are having a picnic. It’s hot and they take off their coats and put them together. They are singing and dancing, laughing and chatting. After the picnic, they begin to look for their coats. D and E are talking. F and G are talking. etc.After watching, I’ll give the Ss some tasks to make similar dialogues without repetition and find out which group will make more dialogues. Purpose of my designing: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Tell the Ss we should be polite and take good care of our things. We should love our life. I think proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.2.Skill 1 Model 1.I’ll ask four Ss of the groups to write these sentences on the Bb in the four lines. Then check their handwriting, correct their mistakes. Find out who will write well and whose handing is the best.

3.Finish the Ss’ workbook.Purpose of my designing: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this lesson.Step5.Homework:(1)Recite the words as many as possible after class.(2)Make a dialogue according to Sample A and write it in the exercise book.Purpose of my designing: I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

Blackboard DesignLesson Six Sample ASix This is my….hey This is not your. . . .sorry It’s my. . . . Picture it’s=it is Oh, I’m sorry.that’s=that is That’s all right/OK.



一.说教材分析 1. 说教材所处的地位和作用 本课内容与1.4课《地球运动的基本形式——自转和公转》紧密相连,与1.5课《地球运动的地理意义(一)》是并列的内容。地球的自转与公转运动,产生了黄赤交角






一、教材分析:    1.教材的地位和作用:    人体体内物质的运输是依靠人体循环系统来完成的。人体循环系统包括血液循环系统和淋巴循环系统两部分。血液循环系统的组成


一、教材分析  ⑴教材内容、地位  《微生物在生物圈中的作用》是北师大版八年级生物上册第18章“生物圈中的微生物”中第1小节的内容,本节内容包括3个方面:1、微生物的特点;2、微生物的种类


一、 教材分析  教学内容:本课是初中第二册第一章中的重要部分,是通过使用预设动画、自定义动画为幻灯片中的各个对象设置动画效果,通过设置幻灯片的切换效果,使幻灯片之间的切换像切换电影镜头一样


各位领导、老师大家好! 我说课的题目是初中信息技术教育下册第七单元第一节----《快速建立秩序册》,不足之处敬请予以批评指正


爱玩球的小兔子 一、指导思想 根据新课标的要求,本着“学生为本、健康第一”的原则,安排教学内容,在课的教学过程中注重学生学习简单运动技能的培养




  一、教材分析  (一) 教材地位、作用  本课教材所处位置,是小学所学算术范围的第一次扩充,是算术到有理数的衔接与过渡,并且是以后学习数轴、相反数、绝对值以及有理数运算的基础


课  题:蹲距式跳远——助跑与踏跳相结合技术(广东省教育厅编著  初一下册)说教材    跳远是人类日常生活中最常见与经常用到的一种人体活动,是学生喜乐见闻的、节奏强、兴趣高的一种体育形式




一、 概说:  鸦片战争是中国历史的转折点,它是中国和西方两条不同的历史发展轨迹的必然交汇。它既是中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会的开始,也是中国人民奋起抗争、探索富强的开始


说教材    跳远是人类日常生活中最常见与经常用到的一种人体活动,是学生喜乐见闻的、节奏强、兴趣高的一种体育形式;又是现代奥林匹克体育运动中一项重要的比赛项目之一。所以在初中体育教学中占有重要的地位


  地理组 万思泉  各位领导,老师:  大家好!  今天我讲的课题是《北方地区和南方地区》.  首先,我对本节教材进行一下分析:  一




思有以下几点: 一、 以学生实际情况为出发,认真备好每一堂课   备课是教师课前所作的准备工作。教学是一种有目的、有计划的活动,它既有明确的意义又有大致的范围


活动目标:    为了配合学校开展的爱国主义教育系列活动,进行热爱祖国勤奋学习主题班会。通过爱国主义教育,使学生真正树立起为振兴祖国,提高中华民族素质,奋发读书的远大理想,从而提高学习积极性




活动目标:1. 培养幼儿参加音乐活动的兴趣。2. 引导幼儿安静的倾听,能根据歌词内容配上相应的动作,增强节奏感。3. 学唱歌曲,加深对交通安全的认识。活动准备:录音机、磁带、交通标志、玩具汽车

高三《第四章 第一节 细胞的生物膜系统》教学反思

一、成功之处 1.设计思想的实现   根据教学设计思想,我在教学过程中注意与高中必修教材相关内容的衔接,使学生明确知识的整体性。如:以动物细胞为例复习和回顾高二相关知识点


        这个星期把Unit3结束了,觉得上地有点急,第三单元的单词应该说是在比较难的,对三年级的小学生来说要把pineapple, watermelon能记住是很难的


一、教材分析    《奇异的绘画天地》是小学信息技术教材第一册(下)第二课中的内容,教学对象是小学四年级学生。它是教材关于画图知识铺垫的延伸,并且贯穿着以后整个的画图知识教学


  钞,读音:[chāo]  部首: 钅  部外笔画: 4  总笔画: 9  五笔86: qitt  五笔98: qitt  仓颉: opfh  笔顺编号: 311152343  四角号码: 8972


  地理组 万思泉  各位领导,老师:  大家好!  今天我讲的课题是《北方地区和南方地区》.  首先,我对本节教材进行一下分析:  一