2021-10-28 10:15:52 24
现在,一个人不会单单在做菜——他会同时做菜,发短信,讲电话,看YouTube,上传刚出炉的菜肴的靓照。设计师Paolo Cardini质疑我们一心多用的效率,提出了-深吸一口气-“一心一意”。由他设计的优美的3D效果的智慧手机界面会帮助你。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED演讲:世界里找到你的位置,欢迎借鉴参考。
演说题目:Forget multitasking, try monotasking
演说者:Paolo Cardini
I'm a designer and an educator. I'm a multitasking person, and I push my students to fly through a very creative, multitasking design process. But how efficient is, really, this multitasking?
Let's consider for a while the option of monotasking. A couple of examples. Look at that. This is my multitasking activity result. (Laughter) So trying to cook, answering the phone, writing SMS, and maybe uploading some pictures about this awesome barbecue.
我们先考虑下对于单任务处理的观点。举几个例子吧,请看。这是我多任务处理活动下的结果。 (我)尝试(同时)做饭、讲电话、发短信,同时还可能在上传这次野炊的照片。
So someone tells us the story about supertaskers, so this two percent of people who are able to control multitasking environment. But what about ourselves, and what about our reality? When's the last time you really enjoyed just the voice of your friend? So this is a project I'm working on, and this is a series of front covers to downgrade our super, hyper — (Laughter) (Applause) to downgrade our super, hyper-mobile phones into the essence of their function.
额,有人会告诉我们关于任务超级能手的故事,这些足以控制多任务同时进行的天才大约只占人类(总数)的2%。但是我们自己呢,后有我们的现实世界呢?你上一次仅仅是因为(听到)朋友的声音而(获得)愉悦(的感受)是多久之前了?额,这是我在做的项目,(单功能手机) 这是一系列的机壳前盖,目的是降级我们超强的,牛X的,目的是降级我们超强的,牛X的手机到他们本质的功能。
Another example: Have you ever been to Venice? How beautiful it is to lose ourselves in these little streets on the island. But our multitasking reality is pretty different, and full of tons of information.So what about something like that to rediscover our sense of adventure?
另一个例子:你曾到过威尼斯吗?(漫步)岛上,迷失在狭窄的小路间是多么美妙的经历。 但是,我们多任务处理的实质却大有不同,(它)充满了大量的信息。所以(你们)觉得这个 (单功能指南针) 可以帮我们重拾冒险感的东西怎么样? (单功能指南针)
I know that it could sound pretty weird to speak about mono when the number of possibilities is so huge, but I push you to consider the option of focusing on just one task, or maybe turning your digital senses totally off.
我知道“单功能”听起来会很奇怪,(约有950,000个APP供下载)因为可能性的数值如此庞大 (约有950,000个APP供下载) 但我强烈建议你考虑下(单功能录像播放)专注于一项任务的观点,(单功能录像播放)或者完全关闭你的电子感官。 (单功能乳胶)
So nowadays, everyone could produce his mono product. Why not? So find your monotask spotwithin the multitasking world. Thank you. (Applause)
如今,每个人都能够生产自己的单功能产品。为什么不呢?在这个一心多用的世界里, 找到你自己一心一意的位置。谢谢。 (掌声)