

2021-10-09 13:39:23 22



  Speaking of environmental changes, the "mother river" of our qi gate has changed a lot.

  When I was young, listen to grandma said Chang river was once a great river, the river is wide and the river bottom, sometimes see minnows swim freely. In the early morning, people wash clothes here, and in the evening, people hold a banana fan here to enjoy the cool, chatting.

  Growing up, I heard my mother and father say that people who live on both sides of the river protect the environment. Some people put the trash, dirty water into the river, and make the clean river into a smelly and dirty drain, which makes it disgusting. From the river to plastic bags, the rotten leaves are everywhere. The little fish died and fled. Chang rivers and the lovely girl is human behavior under the "curse" a wrinkled old woman. Alas! Why can't we see a water reflected in the mountains and the mountains around the water? Why can't you have a sense of environmental protection?

  Now, the county government is dealing with the river, river and so on. Many young volunteers have joined in. Garbage, a series of education for hospitals and some residents. After this treatment, our mother river has regained its former beauty. Although the water is not as good as it used to be, I believe that all environmental problems can be solved perfectly as long as we protect the environment.

  Let us join hands to protect the environment and create our beautiful home.


  What a wonderful word in the 21st century. People have always imagined it as an infinite paradise. People's ideas are certainly good, but people are more likely to take action to protect the environment. Because we have only one earth, we all live in this environment, the daily life of us all is closely related to the environment, we consume every day in the resources, and produce the waste. We have only one earth, which destroys the earth, and where can we go? In order to ensure a good living environment for future generations, the environmental protection is urgent and everyone is responsible. We should start from the little things around us.

  How can we turn this "common home" into a "wonderland"? Of course, we should protect the environment and reduce the waste from me!

  First, we can plant more flowers and plants. It can purify air, carries on the photosynthesis, carbon dioxide into oxygen, trees can save a lot of ground water, prevent soil erosion, solid earth, also can withstand the sand. How important the trees are! We can think of environmental protection as a force, and we can beautify the environment. Why not?

  If necessary, can set up a "waste acquisition team", collected some useless things, such as: plastic bottles, waste paper, scrap plastic, scrap metal, waste batteries, etc. Collect it, then trash it and dispose of something really useless. But we also can't underestimate the rubbish, some of the rubbish can only be processed a little bit, the variable "waste" is "treasure". These things: toothpaste tubes, old newspapers, cardboard boxes, etc. As long as we move our hands to do it, we will have an unexpected harvest!

  The most important thing is water resources. Water resources are very important in our lives. We should drink eight glasses of water a day. Water has taken an irreplaceable role in our lives, and it is impossible to imagine what our life would be like without water! We should cherish it and protect it, whether it is in society or in study. We can reuse the water, for example: to mop the floor with water and mop the toilet with a mop of water. Does this save a lot of valuable water? On the other hand, if we misuse the water, then the last drop of water in the world is our own tears!

  To protect the earth is to protect ourselves. To improve the ecological environment is to build a beautiful future. Dear classmates, in order to make our home, school, community and country become more beautiful, more beautiful, in order to make the water more clear, day more blue, we have to do a "green small guard" love the nature, by the practical action to protect the environment, have to protect our common homeland. Start with us!


  In recent days, the spring flowers blossomed, and my mother and I often went out to play. In the park, looking at the beauty, the in the mind very happy, but to look on the ground, the ground rubbish piece, can see people eat food bag under the tree, milk boxes, bottles... In the bin bags, milk box outside a lot of dirty things, from time to time step on the road to not drink milk, sometimes stepped on eat bubble gum... There is a lot of leftover trash in the street where you sell snacks, disposable plastic bags, disposable chopsticks, soup, etc. The air could smell a lot of foul odour, and the environment was miasma.

  Rubbish is not only dirty, but also harmful to the human body. It is home to flies, mice and harmful bacteria. Garbage can be a hassle, and if it's buried in the soil for hundreds of years, it can't be broken down, it stinks, and it pollutes the air.

  I suggest you do the following: 1. Don't spit everywhere. Go out for dinner and bring your own chopsticks. Because disposable chopsticks are made from wood. Buy vegetables in your own bag.

  Let's protect our mother earth!







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