
Celebrity inspirational story two

2022-04-01 22:23:32 5

Clinton's three abandoned

In 1963, 17-year-old bil Clinton saw the President Kennedy in the White House Rose Garden. At a moment of shaking hands, he joined a crazy thought: I also want to make the owner of the White House.

Since then, Clinton gives up three consecutive times to Washington. In 1973, he graduated from Yale University, and some political gifted in Washington saw him for the Democratic presidential candidate Mai Ge Wen, invited him to work. Clinton considered ten days and refused, he was tired of giving others to others. Incident, the University of Arkansas requires an assistant professor, and he decided to do a teaching booksman.

In 1974, he sprouted the idea of ​​participating in the Federal Republic of Arkansas. At this point, a friend named John Dol is called: "I am now the chief consultant of the Federal House, which is responsible for investigating whether the President of Nik Song should be robbed, need a young lawyer, come to Washington." This time, Clinton only considered a day, I declined. John Dan is very shocking: "You have made a stupid mistake. This is the president of the elasticity! How many people dream of, you gave up?"

"The United States has talented young lawyers who are willing to work for you, and don't have a young man who is willing to fight Arkansa." Clinton is politely hanging up the telephone. He worked 18 hours a day, running 21 counties in the state. At each remote town, he walked into the store, café, gas station, or even funeral parlor. "I like a pair of one-on-one 'retail' politics. These small owners and funerals, they know all people in the town, they are the most important votes." Results, he got 48% of the support rate for the first time, but The Republicans of the old qualifications still won.

At the end of 1975, the supporters Clinton once again participated in the election of Congress, "to conquer the political circle of Washington". After an hour, Clinton said "no". "Since I want to do things for Arkansas, don't have to be a Congress, don't do anything else." He decided to campaign the statute of the state, this time he succeeded. In 1978, he became the youngest governor in the history of the United States and won five times.

In 1992, Clinton, who has never been "mixed" in Washington, became the owner of the White House. Looking back, he said: "Deciding that life is not what you choose, but you choose to give up. If I went to Washington, I will not be elected president."

Balzac with bitterness

Balzac is a representative of French realist writers. Balzac has completed ninety novels in his life, with an average of more than twelve hours a day. When 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the servant would wake him up, he put on the white monk, and immediately made a pen. Generally, he will write for five or six times in a row until it is tired to take a break.

Balzac is a world-recognized observation and analyzing human master, but in real life, he is not smart. When he was young, he had failed, owed the debt of the 60,000 francs. After he was famous, despite the income, but due to the extravagant waste, it was finally entered. During this day, a fun thing has occurred.

One night Balzak woke up, I found that there is a thief is turning over the drawer, he can't help but laugh. The little steady asked: "What are you laughing?"

Balzak said: "I am so laughing, I have been over the day, I can't find a cow, what can you find in the night?"

The thief is discussed, and it is going to go. Balzac smiled and said: "Please contact your door."

The thief said: "What is your family four walls, what do you do?"

Balzac said: "It is not used to fight theft, but it is used to wind wind."

Balzac has to exceed the Napoleon. Human tremendous losses.

Xiaobian: Balzac once must exceed the Napoleon, "His sword can't be can't do, my pen can be completed."他做到了。 The example of Balzac is another vivid explanation that life is a mentality.






学成绩不佳的数学大师─埃尔米特 (Hermite)名人故事



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