
5 articles

2022-04-07 10:57:42 14

The taste of the life is thousands of species, has a sorrow, confused, thousands of volatile tastes, the bottom? Is it a book?转变? The persistence is very sweet and warm. Below is Xiaobian to give you the taste of the beginning of the beginning, I hope to help everyone!

Article 1: A taste of the beginning of the end

Everyone will have a successful taste, and I am no exception.

Once, I agreed with my friends to make a shot. In order to meet the arrival of the game, I will have lunch every day, I will go to a unknown stream practice skill, so I won the victory on the game.

The day of the game was finally here. I came to the game, and the game began. The first person played a flat stone, threw it with force, and the stone hit two 沉 under the water. See this scene, I am laughing with my friends, some laughing straight belly, some legs have been sitting directly on the ground, and there is still a slap in the mouth, sending a deafening voice . I live in a nearby neighbor to explore the head, and I am called "Don't quarrel!", We quickly stop laughter.

Finally, I was going to me, I went forward. I first put a handsome posture, then I said: "I have practiced every day! This game is definitely me win." Friends said: "Hey, pull it." I am furious, you Waiting to see it. I picked up a flat and light stone from the stone pile, and the stone flew out like the arrow of the dislocation.

The stone is getting over the water, the flying over the distance. Looking at the distance of the first place is getting closer and closer, my double feet shake, breathing is rushing, my heart has been hoping, thinking: Flying away, flying away. The stone seems to hear my voice, leap to the first position. Seeing this scene, the friends' mouth are great. In the end, I won the first place. At that moment, my heart poured a sweet taste, and I have to work hard in the future!

This time, the game made me taste the taste of success, the joy and excitement in the heart, so I have an endless aftertaste.

2: The taste of the beginning of the essay

The first life is my new starting point. New textbooks, new friends, new teachers ... These will play a lot of color to my life, let me taste a different taste.

I tasted the taste of "book", the taste of the book is a far-reaching forest flavor, the text is piled up, and the book will take the book to occupy the book. Jiangshan. So, my study filled a book. I don't feel more fragrant, I feel worried. So many books, I don't know what year, I can "finish". I really want to be an old book. Looking at the new book full of one cabinet, this "must have a little taste", really makes me stress the mountain.

"Book" 味 没有 资 资 "心 脾", I like the taste of the classroom. Active and unhappy. The taste of the classroom is special, the tension atmosphere when teachers ask questions, there is a relaxed and pleasant discussion, and the five flavors in my heart when answering questions.

The teacher's class is like an interesting commentary, a colorful picture is slowly launched with the language of the teacher, and it is exciting. The students also like this lively atmosphere. Everyone is immersed in the multi-color language. The taste of this class can be described as a lot of money, and the aftertaste is endless!

Of course, the taste of "love" is the most people. Not only the students who helped each other, but also the careful care of the teacher, there is a problem in the class to come to the first time. If there is a problem with learning, teachers are tired of teaching, this taste is also a common taste.

I am no longer the childish child. There is still a bitter taste, I don't feel bitter in the sweetness, I don't feel lost in the bitterness, I have been discovered on the road to find new tastes. 。

Article 3: The taste of the beginning of the essay

Not any taste is good, such as the teacher hit you, you play with the classmates, or quarrel with good friends ... I tasted a bad taste.

那year, I was fascinated by playing basketball. Once, when I was playing with my classmates, a red and bright big basketball flew me here, I am afraid, but I can't move, it seems that I have settled me by a mysterious force. I suddenly feel During the fluster, I didn't know what it was, and the basketball rushed to me like a huge shell. I was stiff. I didn't know when the ball was in my face. The feeling was like a fire.疼痛。 I have never tasted this pain in my life.

When I just went back from the god from the shock, I saw that my friends were joke, I asked "Why do you laugh me. They said: "You look at your face." Then they started smiling again, I think the grass next to the grass is low, the big tree hide is laughing behind the leaves. The wind is blowing while I have blowing it next to me, and I feel that I have no face.

Another time, I am swimming. I was thirsty after the tour, I jumped into the pool to drink water. When I drunk half, I felt a bit blamed. I asked my father. "What is this water?"爸爸? "Dad Said: "This water can not drink! But there is a disinfection piece inside." I listened to this sentence, I want to spit it. I have drank so many such water! I am really stupid, I can't be stupid! I feel that there are a lot of bugs in my stomach to roll inside my belly, I rapidly ran into the toilet ...

The taste of the two makes me unforgettable ...

Article 4: A taste of the beginning of the end

Life is full of life, the grains in his life, everything has its own charm, and the most troublesome chewing, it is the taste of writing.

"Today, we write a composition in the form of a semi-prestige." The teacher immediately cut into the title after entering the classroom.什么? Don't write a boring unit essay?哇! Teacher, you haven't said it! The classroom is boiling. "Well, this time the half-life composition is" ____ ", you will think about it, you have to get out of the common sense, don't fix your thinking in a circle!"

为什么! I have to know that one of my most annoying things is written. This writing, not only to race your brains, I have to spend a good starter, I have to start, I have ended the end, I have to try "remote echo", the narrative of the middle part of the middle is still not重复。 " "

A good composition can make your past event quickly over the brain, the ideas may also be blocked on the half road, let the brain become a mess. In short, every essay I wrote is a thousand people who have passed through the brain, and thousands of language organizations, and then they have been practicing for thousands of times difficult to speak.脑! The word "burning brain" is my best interpretation of essays, and it is also the most authentic taste in my heart!

There are still some rules in writing, like this, like to express your true feelings, you want to think, express your true feelings, this kind of thing is nothing, but once it is used In essay, I dare to write something bad. The whole proposition is written, and it will only control the students' thoughts. It can be dare to "dream" not "words"! The true feelings are used to use, will only be a predecessor composition, or the theme is unhealthy rebellious.

You know, how difficult it is to write an excellent composition, "exporting into the chapter" This kind of thing is just an imagination for me.

Sometimes the textbooks on the textbooks have shrunk our thinking to a small gear, that is, not a circle! It has cut our wings for us, and think about our bold imagination.

Writing, I don't know this word, I don't know what role it is in your eyes, but in my eyes, there is no good taste.

Article 5: A taste of the beginning of the end

I have been used to lonely tastes, I feel like drinking Chinese medicine, very bitter, but you can't swallow it, you have to let you taste it, feel the bitter.

I have no so-called friends, even if there is a fake, my most annoying class is a physical education class. When the teacher said free activities, my so - 适用的“朋友”,他们去找他们的朋友,总是让我干了。每当我独自拥有一个人,我都会倾听我同学旁边的学生的笑声,我很接近他们,我想整合它们,但我没有被忽视,它被驱赶。






结尾:非常感谢阅读“5年初的味道”,更令人兴奋的内容等待每个人,欢迎继续关注,一起成长! 是




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