
2022 No Property No Child Divorce Agreement Model

2022-04-14 18:19:39 8

No property without children divorce agreement model [1]

Male:, Han nationality, born in × year ×× month × × day, ID number:

Women:, Han nationality, born in × year × × day, ID number:

Male, female two sides of the X-year × × ×× Japanese launder marriage registration, the children did not play after marriage. Because the two parties are not integrated, they cannot continue to live together. The husband and wife feels completely ruptured, and there is no possibility. Both men and women are in equal and voluntary principles, and the agreement between the two sides voluntarily divorce is as follows:

First, both men and women voluntarily divorce.

Second, both men and women have no husband and wife joint property, and there is no coup of courage.

Third, the respective property before the marriage is all owned by all, and the private daily necessities and jewelry of both men and women are all owned.

Fourth, the two sides confirmed that there was no common debt during the deposit of the marriage, and any party had debt, and the debt was borne by the debt.

5. Couples do not have help from life difficulties.

Sixth, this agreement is in triplicate, each of the men and women, one copy, a marriage registration authority, take effect after signing the two sides.


× year ×× month × × day × ×× month × × day

No property, non-child divorce agreement template [2]

Party A (male) Name: Gender: ID card number:


Party B (female) Name: Gender: ID card number:


Both Party is registered in the citizenship bureau in the Municipal Minister of the Civil Affairs, and the two parties are no property, no children. It is now not that the two sides are not, causing the husband's feelings to completely rupture, and they can't continue to live together, so the two sides voluntarily divorce and reach the following agreements:

The first part of Party B voluntary agreement divorced.

Second children

Both Party Both parties have no children during the deposit of marriage, so they do not involve their child support.

Segmentation of Article 3 Couples

Both Biece did not have a common property during the deposit of the marital relationship, so it does not involve segmentation of common property.

Article 4 Confirmation of Personal Property before Marriage

1, Party A pre-marriage personal property belongs to AC

2, Party B is married before personal property belongs to B

Article 5 Treatment of claims debt

1. Both Party B has no common credit, debt during the deposit of the marriage, and not involve segmentation of the joint creditor's debt.

2. If Party A or Party B has personal debt debts, it shall be borne by the party, and the other party does not have any form of legal responsibility.

Article 6 The responsibility of concealing or transferring the joint property of couples

Any party of A & B shall not hide, falsely, and transfer the acquisition of marital property or pre-marriage property. If any party has concealing, false report, transfer, escape from the above personal marriage property, the other party has the right to obtain all the shares of the other party concealed, false, transferred, and pursue the legal responsibility for concealing, false, transferring property , False report, transfer, concealment, no right to split the property.

Article 7 Help

Due to the difficulties of life, agree to the compensation for compensation for the compensation of the compensation economy. The above payments should be paid in the year and month.

Article 8 The agreement of default liability

Any party shall perform the compulsory payment obligations as a date on this agreement, and shall pay the counterfeit dollar to the other party (according to the payment of the default).

Article 9 of the effective time of the protocol

This agreement is in triplicate, from the date of marriage registration machine, the date of the "divorce cer提示“被生效,两党举行了婚姻登记机构档案。






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