
Sports Name Malone's personal story and resume

2022-04-02 21:43:33 4

Malone, born on October 20, 1988, was born in Anshan City, Liaoning Province, Chinese men's table tennis athletes, table tennis Olympic champion, is currently the captain of China's ping-pong men.

March began to learn table tennis in Anshan, Liaoning, from 5 years old. 20XX year into the national team; 20xX year gains the Yatan men's singles, mixed double champion; Shiqing Men's single champion; 20xX year, the first man got in the Table Tennis World Cup game, the first man, the world champion. 20XX year, won the tennis Asian champion men's singles champion, becoming the first player in the history of the Yamati Men's men's singles; 20xX year, Asian Cup on Malone won the personal fourth Asian Cup champion, once again The most players of the Asian Cup championship, known as "Asia's first person". In April 20xx, Malong passed the team's team leader through the team. December 14, 20xx, 20xX Year International Table Tennis World Tour Finals, Malone won the championship in the men's singles final. On August 12, 20xx, Malone won the Rio Olympic table tennis men's singles champion. In August 20XX, it was awarded the National May 1st Labor Medal. On October 14th, 20xx, Malone officially announced with Xitai. On December 15, 20xx, Malone was elected 20xX China Top Ten Lawrence Championship Best Male athletes. 20XX January 15, 20XX year CCTV sportsman, the best male athlete award.

Personal profiles

Chinese name: MA Long nationality: Chinese nation: Han nationality: Liaoning Anshan born Date: October 20, 1988 Height: 175cm Weight: 70kg Constellation: Libra


Sports Project: Table Tennis Sports Team: China Table Tennis Team


Main awards: 20XX World Cup Men Championship, 20xX Year World Cup Group Champion, 20xX Year World Cup Men Champion, 20xx China Top Ten Lawrence Championship Award Best Male Athlete

other information

Birthplace: Liaoning Province

Ma Long was born on October 20, 1988 in Anshan City, Liaoning Province.

In 1993, Malone father had to "exercise", "exercise", and "not easy to be injured", and in 1999, Malone entered the Liaoning Provincial Sports School. Wang Jun; 20XX, the 13-year-old Malong is facing the court to be eliminated by the provincial team. However, the coach of Beijing Xicheng Sports School will choose a seedlings in Liaoning, and the coach Guan Hua'an is in Malone, and brought him from Liaoning to Liaoning. Beijing, continue to learn table tennis. [4]


Malone 20xX, Malone entered the national team.

20xX year, Malong won the men's group, men's singles, mixed double championships in the table tennis Yatan, male double-running; got a men's group, men's singles champion, male double, mixed double Asian army in the table tennis world.

Year 20XX, 18-year-old Malong spent the Chinese table tennis team with the Bremen Championship group competition, and won the first world champion; winning the Multi-Hana Games men's championships in the same year.

On February 22, 20xx, Malong defeated Ma Lin after the Kuwait Table Tennis Open, won his first open champion; November 18, in the table tennis professional tour Swedish Open men's double winning finals, Malong partner After seventy-game, Wang Hao took the first seed, Singaporean, Yangzi, and won the men's double champion.

On March 31, 20xx, in the Asian Cup table tennis, March 6th, with 4 to 2 Lower Friends Chen Wei, won the men's singles champion.

On October 25, 20xx, in the table tennis World Cup men's group, the South Korean team was played, and March was able to win, helping the Chinese team sweeping the Korean team to defend success with 3 to 0. In the 19th Asian Table Tennis Championships in the same year, March won the men's singles champion, and got a male double gold medal with Xu Wei, plus the men's champion and the mixed double gold medal who got it with Li Xiaoxia.

In October 20XX, Malone was awarded the Korean player Li Tingyou in the World Cup group competition, helping the Chinese team got a men's champion; November 20th, in the Guangzhou Asian Games table tennis men single finals in Malone 4-2 overcome teammates Wang Hao, won the Guangzhou Asian Games men's singles champion.

In September 20XX, Malone got three champions in 34 days in the 24th table tennis Asian Cup, and also became the first person in the history of Asian Cup. Slovenia Open from 20XX, the Slovenia Open at the end of January 20XX, Malone continued the 45 unbeatened records in 224 days, which became the highest personal record of the International Table Tennis and China Table Tennis Union.

Ma Long 20xx January 30th, the International Table Table Slovenia-race, Men's Same Finals, Mark 3-4, Imposing Zhang Jike, the endless record of 224 days; participating in the London Olympics men's table tennis group competition, in the semi-final against Germany Malone has a unique two points, defeating Ochalov and Sterg, becoming the number one hero of the penny and breaking the finals; in the subsequent men's finals, March is in the first 3-1 Law Korean famous Li Chengmin, The Chinese team won the foundation and harvested the first Olympic champion title.

20XX year, Malong as the core of the male team in the Asian Table Tennis Championship, led Xu Wei, Yan An and Fan Zhendong and other participation and won the group champion, and obtained the men's singles champion, realizing the three consecutive championships of the Asian Championships. The first person in the history of men.

20XX year, table tennis Asian cup men's singles final, Malone Sheng Fan Zhendong with 4-3, and won the 4th Asian Cup champion, which once again became the most players who won the Asian Cup champion. The Tokyo World Table Tennis Championships were obtained in the Earn Games, the men's group, male double (and Zhang Jike) champion; got a runner-up in the Penniculture World Cup. In April, the Chinese table tennis men's team voted through the team, and Malone was elected.

In January 20xx, Malone won the table tennis group World Cup champion; May 3, in the Suzhou World Table Tennis Men's Men 's Same Competition, Madon hit a person's first World Table Tennis Championship. On August 9, the men's singles were obtained in the International Table Tennis World Tour China Open.

On August 9th, 20xx, the Rio Olympic table tennis man single-handed fourth round, Malone pulled the four games in the first two games to defend Zheng Rongzhi into the eighth. On August 11th, Malone in the semi-finals entered the finals with 4-2 Lower Japanese players. On August 12th, Ma Long 4-0 defeated Zhang Jikai to obtain a gold medal of the Rio Olympic table tennis men's single gold medal, achieving personal and full of fullness [3]. On August 18, the Rio Olympic table tennis men finals, the Chinese team (Malone, Xu Wei, Zhang Jike) 3-1 defeated the Japanese team, got the champion, and realized the three consecutive championships of the Olympic men.

On December 15, 20xx, Malone was elected 20xX China Top Ten Lawrence Championship Best Male athletes. 20XX January 15, 20XX year CCTV sportsman, the best male athlete award.

Character evaluation

Malong Ma Long and Zhang Jike play the same, but Malone is fast, it is Zhang Jike's "biggest problem". (Sohu Sports)

Malone's serve is based on the side of the Positive Point Small Triangular Area, the next meal is mainly, and there is more fallen. The correct hand is highlighted, and it will be active in the near-stage. The ball is early, the arc is controlled, and the anti-hands can effectively combine the bounce and fast tear, using the fall in the fast rhythm to make up for the shortage of power. 。 Malone's hair shooting technology is also very characteristic. The two sides have a strong ability to rebound, and the screw of the anti-hands, the arc is a bit turned, often makes the opponent mistake.






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