

2021-10-28 11:36:32 35



第三部分 阶梯训练

Unit one

Passage 1题材:名人传记 体裁 记叙文 关键词pele 词数 276 阅读时间8分钟

Pele was born to a very poor family on October23,1940.His real name is Edson Arantes Do nascimento.Pele is just a nickname.

Pele first learned the game of soccer from his mother,As a youngster, Pele played soccer for a local club.By the time he was 16, he was playing professionally for the Santos Football Club.The club won nine national championships while Pele played for it.

Pele also played for Brazil`s national team in four World Cups.At his first world cup in 1958,when he was just 17, Pele scored amazing six goals.In the final game against Sweden,he scored two goals and Brazil won its first-ever World Cup. Pele also helped Brazil win World Cup in 1962 and 1970.

Pele had an outstanding natural ability as a soccer player. He had great speed and balance and was able to shoot powerfully and accuratelly with either foot and with his head.Many European teams offered huge amounts of money to get Pele to play for their countries,but Brazil declared him an official treasure,so he would stay in the country .

In1974, Pele retired from Santos Football Club.,but the next year,he came out of retirementand and signed a reported ﹩7 million,3-years contract to play for the New York Cosmos of the North American Soccer League. Pele said he did not do this for the money. He said that he wanted to make soccer a truely popular sport in the United States.Millions of North Americans gained a new respect for the game after watching Pele play.

1. The passage is written to ___________

A make readers interested in great soccer players.

B praise Pele foy his soccer skills and national spirits

C list Brazil`s wonderful performances in the World Cups

D give readers a brief introduction to Pele`s achievements

2.The underlined word“treasure”in Paragraph 4 most probably means_______________

A higly valued person.

B valuable gift.

C a great deal of money

D Big winner

3 .Pele came out of retirementand because___________

A he wanted to make more money

B he couldnot live the rest of his life without soccer

C he wanted to make more Americans interested in soccer.

D New York Cosmos paid him more money than any other European clubs

4.What is the right order of the events related to Pele?

a.help Brazil win its first World Cup

b.began professional games.

c.played his last World Cup for Brazil

d.joined an American soccer club.

e. Pele retired from Santos Football Club.

A.b,a,c,d,e B. b,a,c,e,d C.a,b, c,e,d D.a,b,d,c,e




1. D写作意图题。文章主要介绍贝利的成就:16岁开始打职业比赛,9夺国内冠军,17岁身披国家队战袍参加世界杯,在决赛中,攻入两球,力助巴西队首次在世界杯上夺冠。4次参加世界杯足球赛,3次夺冠,被誉为巴西国宝,后又到北美踢球,推动了足球运动在北美的普及等。

2. A词义猜测题。第四段说许多欧洲球队出巨资想请贝利为他们国家效力,但巴西宣布他为“国宝”,以使他留在国内踢球。结合上下文可知treasure在此意为“倍受珍视的人”。

3. C 事实细节题,从文末He said that he wanted to make soccer a truely popular sport in the United States.可以确定答案。

4. B. 事实细节题16岁开始打职业比赛,1958年 17岁身披国家队战袍参加世界杯,1970年最后一次作为巴西国家队员参加世界杯。1974年退役,1975年到北美踢球,推动了足球运动在北美的普及等。

小贴士:contract n 合同。accuratelly adv 精确地。

Passage 2题材:社会生活 体裁:说明文 关键词:homework词数:232 阅读时间:4分钟

Having a husband means an extra seven hours of housework each week for women,according to a new study.For men,getting married saves an hour of housework a week.“It's a well-known_pattern,”said lead researcher Frank Stafford at University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research.“Men usually work more outside the home,while women take on more of the housework.”

He points out that differences among households(家庭)exist.But in general,marriage means more housework for women and less for men.“And the situation gets worse for women when they have children,”Stafford said.

Overall,times are changing in the American home.In 1976,women busied themselves with 26 weekly hours of sweeping-and-dusting work,compared with 17 hours in 2005.Men are taking on more housework,more than doubling their housework hours from six in 1976 to 13 in 2005.

Single women in their 20s and 30s did the least housework,about 12 weekly hours,while married women in their 60s and 70s did the most-about 21 hours a week.

Men showed a somewhat different pattern,with older men picking up the broom more often than younger men.Single men worked the hardest around the house,more than that of all other age groups of married men.

Having children increases housework even further.With more than three children,for example,wives took on more of the extra work,clocking about 28 hours a week compared with husbands' 10 hours.

1.According to the “well-known pattern”in Paragraph 1,a married man______.

A.takes on heavier work

B.does more housework

C.is the main breadwinner

D.is the master of the house

2.How many hours of housework did men do every week in the 1970s?

A.About 28.        B.About 26.

C.About 13.        D.About 6.

3.What kind of man is doing most housework according to the text?

A.An unmarried man.

B.An older married man.

C.A younger married man.

D.A married man with children.

4.What can we conclude from Stafford's research?

A.Marriage gives men more freedom.

B.Marriage has effects on job choices.

C.Housework sharing changes over time.

D.Having children means doubled housework.



1 C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Men usually work more outside the home,...”可知结婚的男人是主要的挣钱养家的人。

2 D细节判断题。根据第三段最后一句中的“Men are taking on more housework,more than doubling their homework hours from six in 1976...”可知在20世纪70年代男人每星期做家务的时间大约是六个小时。

3 A细节判断题。由第五段最后一句可知,单身男人做家务比其他各年龄段的已婚男人做的家务活都要多,故A项为正确选项。

4 C推理判断题。根据短文中所列举的各个时期男人和女人分担家务活的多少不难看出,男人和女人分担的家务劳动的时间是不时地变化的。

小贴士clock v.计时,broom n 扫帚。

Passage3题材:生活故事 体裁:记叙文关键词shopping cart 词数323 阅读时间:6分钟


Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart(购物手推车).They will,in a lifetime,push the chrome-plated_contraptions many miles.But few will know-or even think to ask-who it was that invented them.

Sylvan N.Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937.At that time he was in the supermarket business.Every day he would see shoppers lugging(吃力地携带) groceries around in baskets they had to carry.



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