
My most familiar people classmates essay

2022-04-01 22:40:13 7

My most familiar person classmates essay

My classmate Xue Anran, she has a pair of water-Wang Wang's eyes, a red little mouth, shears a "mushroom head", a short, a "small, not point", is also a little girl who cry.

Once, Mathematics Exam, Xue Anran took 85 points, she cried in her "Wow", and she cried clungs, her eyes were red, and they kept tears in the seat. I walked softly, said softly: "Don't cry. This time I didn't review it, I will try again next time. Even if the first unit is not good, we can also take good results!" After that, I still Gently grab her, she gradually stopped crying.

Another time, she accidentally fell in the door of the classroom, just sat on the floor "呜呜" cried. Wu Hongqing hurriedly put it safely and helped her back to the seat. Some of the students have some noodle paper to wipe the tears, some are comforting her, but she is crying from "呜", until the class bell is stopped.

Although Xue Anran is a little girl who loves, I found that her in this semester has improved, and there is a lot less time. I hope that Xue is replenishing this bad habit of crying and be a cheerful little girl.

I am the most familiar person classmate essay

There are a lot of people I am most familiar, but my most familiar people should count Zhou Wenjie.

Zhou Wenjie's eyes are big, the face is thin, the ear is small, the nose is pointed, the skin is dark, and it seems to India's small black, his mouth is big, laughs like a small Hard Bodhisattva. (Of course, in addition to being criticized by the teacher.) His learning is not very good, but he still loves the prank. Once, I saw him preparing to put the water in the glass in someone else's flower pot, I immediately called him, "" You fell out from the small hole below the flower pot, you are not afraid of being Do you want to look at我? "" He watched me in a contemcerized. "Do you dare to go there?" "If you fall, I don't tell the teacher to blame?" I said angrily. 。 When I heard the teacher, he picked up the water cup and slipped.

Although he was naughty, he was very serious when he was in class, he was very active every time when the teacher raised the problem, and he replied, so the teacher said that he made a very fast, this is a look at him.

Sometimes, when he ran, he ran and ran to sweat. After a few minutes, I saw he was brought to the office to the office. You look, be crazy!

This is the most familiar person, a classmate that is both jealous and serious, I learned a lot of knowledge in him, I hope he is getting farther in the road to study!

I am the most familiar person classmates three essays

That is the most familiar person, it is my classmate. In the classmate, I know him most - Zhu Jiaqi.

Zhu Jiaqi has a big mouth that can say the road, eat rice, always wolf to swallow the tags. It can say that it will be proportional to him. He also has a flat nose like me, there is a small glasses on the nose, and I don't. Don't look at him is a third grade primary school student, but he is not so good!

Last time, I made a joke with him. I deliberately took his pencil box away. He got his face changed. "Hey, you are a child!" After finishing, I will chase me. I will be caught by him. I am in a hurry, and I will rapidly walk into the 'Table Maze' put his pencil bag on his desk. At this time, he looked tone, after a while, he would like to hit me, I know that this 'pig' is not.

Zhu Jiaqi is also very good at help. Sometimes, my math is not done, he will give me an answer, and teach me patiently.

Look, this is what I am most familiar, a good classmate who is good at helping people.



  对于同学之间的友谊我应该思索一下子了。现在是小编为您整理的同学故事作文,希望对您有所帮助。同学故事作文1  她——龚妮婕我的同学,又是坐在我后面的人,但是在我们之间却发生了一件不愉快的事情


  作文一:同学们互相帮助  互相帮助,团结友爱的精神,才构成我们六五班这个大集体!  我和同学们在一起生活了6年了,彼此之间都有感情了,所以我们同学都养成了互相帮助团结友爱的好习惯了。  有一回


  我们的班长是大名鼎鼎的陈泽鸿。为什么说他大名鼎鼎呢,因为他曾经为我们学校争过光,奥林匹克竞赛得了全市第一名。他脑袋圆圆的,矮矮的个子,挺机灵。  他每次早读总是很认真,有感情地朗读课文。而我呢


  “海内存知已,天涯若比邻”。光阴似箭,日月如梭,一眨眼,我便踏入了初中校门。完全融入班级后,我认识了许多新同学。其中有一个在我的脑海中留下深刻印象。一想起到她,我的心头总涌上一股热流。  她






  她,是我在上幼儿园大班时认识的,一直到现在,我们还是一对形影不离的好同学,也是一对好朋友。  她有着圆圆的脸蛋;弯弯的眉毛下镶着一对会说话的眼睛,只要她遇到什么开心的或不开心的事


  友谊是最珍贵的,从同学成为朋友则更加可贵。下面小编精心整理了同学之间的友谊范文,更多相关信息请关注相应栏目!【篇一:同学之间的友谊】  在学校里,同学之间会发生很多事情


  事情发生在一个星期五的体育课上,我们和同学吵架里了。下面是小编整理的一些同学的作文,欢迎查阅,谢谢!作文一:我和同学的争吵  上二年级的时候,我和我的同桌焦云飞吵了起来


  我有一个同学,他坐在我后面,长得高高胖胖,脸色白皙,人送外号“小白脸”。以下是小编给大家整理的介绍同学的作文范文,喜欢的过来一起分享吧。介绍同学的作文一  在我们班里,和我要好的同学很多




  他,是我最要好的朋友,也是最要好的同学。  他,有着一双乌黑发亮的小眼睛,有着较高的身体。头上的头发黑黑的,长相一般,有点欠揍,他的性格豪爽,活泼。只要笑起来的声音能让人听到


  篇一:同学优秀作文  每个人都喜欢发现,因为发现是一种幸福。我发现的不是大自然的奥秘,而是一颗装满爱的心。  我要说的是我的同学——符吉庆的乐于助人。记得在四年级的一天,有一次上美术课


我的同学是开心果作文一  赵建旭是我们班上的头号“开心果”。虽然他上课时有讲不完的小话,做不完的小动作,成绩也不大好;虽然老师经常批评他,甚至罚他的站;虽然他脸皮特厚,一秒钟前还是眼泪串串


  光阴似箭,日月如梭,许多事情就像天空上的星星一样,数也数不清。但在这么多事情中有一件难忘的事在我脑海中挥之不去。  那是一个星期三,太阳火辣辣的炙烤着大地。那时,我正在上体育课


  第1篇 一堂难忘的课作文600字  在我记忆长河里,上过数不胜数的课程,大多都已经淡忘了,只有一节课——数学课,直到现在还记忆犹新。  那天,邓老师拿着书,迈着轻盈的步伐,微笑着走进教室




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