

2021-10-07 12:57:59 27



  During the May Day holiday, I didn't study hard.

  On the first day of the day, I went to bed at noon until I got up, and then I started washing clothes after I got up. I washed it once, and then I started playing computer after washing, and I didn't eat for a long time. At 11 in the evening, the family came to the house. And then they don't play, and start eating. After eating, I start to sleep. This day has passed.

  The second day is still the same as the first day. I got up at 11 and started eating. After eating, someone came, and we came to watch TV once. After watching TV, she left and I started playing computer. At 11, the family came home. After I had been busy and busy playing, I slept with the computer, and the day passed.

  On the third day, I got up earlier than a few days ago, and I got up at 10 o'clock. After I got up, I cooked the meal, and I came home again. After that, we ate lunch, ate uo and played computer again. And it's going to go to bed early today.

  How do I feel that these three days have been a little pig.


  The May 1 Golden Week has gone to several places to play and let people linger.

  Chen Clan Academy is a very good museum. On May 1st, there were many silver tableware, silver furniture and so on, and dozens of out of print ceramics were placed in Chen Clan Academy. These valuable and invaluable treasures have attracted many tourists to enjoy their photos.

  The Changlong water park is the most worthy of Guangzhou. A short water channel about 500 meters wide and 30 meters wide is paved in paradise, with skyscrapers next to it. There are surf games and water splashing games on the short waterway. Tourists are immersed in the world of water and linger.

  Yuexiu park is also famous. Recently, many tourists go to Yuexiu park to play the hard way. I saw this game beside the bat's ancient building in Yuexiu park. When a small hard iron ship went down, it struck a wave. People sitting in it seem to see a piece of water glass. If they fall down, they may splash on the body, which is very exciting.

  Foshan Park, Xiaogang Park, is a sea of flowers. Looking at it, a group of flowers come to his eyes. If a gust of wind is blowing, petals float around, as if the sea has stirred up waves. If people see it, how happy it will be! It's going to be a lot of praise for the flowers!

  The gold of the May Day is a precious time. Let's see it in tourism. This holiday is meaningful and colorful.


  On the day of May 1, mom, I and Xiao Zou aunt went to Hunan to play. On the first day, we came to a rich family, where the roof of the house was brilliant and the furniture was fine, not only with the advanced toilet, the spacious film hall but also the free dining room. What a deluxe house! It's a pleasure to visit such a beautiful house.

  At noon, we went to the mountains and went to the countryside together. There are many small bridges. The first bridge is the rocking bridge. I think it's very interesting. The second bridge is a single wooden bridge, and the next is the rough river. (mom says it's a brook, but I think it's a big river). I'm scared to be scared and walk through the single wooden bridge carefully. The last bridge was a steel wire bridge. I came back half way, because I was too scared. We finally got to the end after a great deal of hard work.

  After lunch in the mountains and countryside, we went to 6501 caves. Because it is the first document of the state in 65 years, so it's called the 6501 cave. It's very cold there. The No. two patio is the highest, it is eighty-eight meters high, and it is directly to the sky, it is used to launch missiles. The caves were excavated by engineers and hammers. The power of human beings is endless.

  Finally, we came to the silver beach, which was formed by the mineralization of coal and ash. Sunlight shines on it, like silver, so it's called silver sand beach. I sat on a silver beach with a motorcycle and a horse, and the horse was very good. I said, "drive" it runs a little faster, and I don't say, "driving", it runs very slowly like a snail.

  I am an eye opener today. What a happy day. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's activities.



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