

2021-09-04 20:55:58 35



  Section II on Friday afternoon class, long-awaited New Year‘s party officially started!

  Class did not use the color bars and other decorative bells and whistles too, but posted in each window of the bars and I think these little decorated than the other classes Rounds. The rescheduling of the class seats are also a bit in the middle leaving a lot of neutral gear, give the students performances. Because I came relatively late, sitting in the last.

  New Year‘s Day party started, and Ning-Ling and Zhou Zhengyang come for a very boring speech. Finally, the first on the program began. Programs are more, I can not describe each of the following I will highlight a number of given me a deep impression on the program bar.

  Zhou Zhengyang walked classroom center, said with a smile: Here, there are requests I, Hu Yi-dong, Wang BenBen, DONG Bing-sing for our speech that we are very familiar pop songs - Pungent . Thunderous applause, students They are excited, and some even knock on the table when the drum. They are four you push me, I pull you will come up. Four lined type, a man sang a has begun. Days, they are too timid, and even dare to sing Jay Chou‘s song, not to mention classes and Wang Jia Lao teachers are at the scene, how they dare to sing? ! Hu Yi-dong made a start gun, he did not sing loud noise, but the first one to eat crab people need courage; the second is king Ben Ben, he changed the past of the fierce, turned into a very m applauded. Because they have the head, back, and Zan Wu Ching-hui brazenly sang on Jolin Tsai‘s Thirty-Six Stratagems of love.

  There is also a program is performing sketches Gong contingent. She speaks of the vivid, very funny, and she mimics the voice of an old, really, as it is the opposite! Her performance won the rounds of applause and laughter, I really worthy of a female comedy king!

  Time off really fast, turned away for New Year‘s Day party is over. I‘m sorry, but am glad to primary and secondary school age the last New Year‘s Day party is the most significant.


  New Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year. Most people spend the New Year'sDay in hotels.January 1st is considered as the New Year's Day. most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time.People prepare for New Year's Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January.The New Year's meal is also prepared from the end of December.During the New Year's Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home.

  On New Year's Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.On New Year's Day,people fiest greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.


  Today is New Year's day, or have a history of New Year's day! "Yuan" has the meaning of beginning, "Dan" refers to the dawn of time, also refers to the day. "New Year's day" is the first day of the year. To celebrate the start of the New Year, celebrate the New Year's day is around the world the common customs. In our country, but also on the national holiday, people greet each other can together! Held some activities to greet the arrival of the New Year.

  New Year's day, we went to the luoyang los sea park, although the weather is very cold, but my mood is still very happy, white cloud like blue sky specially natural cotton candy sent to us. Behind the sun from the sky white clouds sister, cypress standing body the side of the road, they nod slightly under the wind blowing. Enter a gate, the first thing you encounter is the river above the junction of a thick layer of ice, we walked along the river for a road, I picked up a chunk of ice into the river to play, to brother laughed, we can see the junction tree on shore with a layer of "ice", may be due to the weather is too cold, garden workers poured the water becomes ice at once, at the sight of this, I was reminded of the festival, the variety of lanterns in the colorful lights set off don't mention how beautiful. Winter is a beautiful season anyway.

  A happy moment is always short, near dusk, we finished a day's journey.



  关于庆祝元旦作文:庆元旦闹翻天,迎新年乐翻天  “哈哈哈……”,“加油!加油!……”,“快!快!还差一点点了……”,“好!好!赢了!赢了!……”“快来看!快来看!绝对的质量保障,全新的跳楼价


  一元始,喜双来,三花开,四季安,五福临,六大顺,七星照,八仙助,久奋进,十开拓。下面是小编为你整理的欢度元旦的作文5篇,欢迎阅读。欢度元旦的作文1  “丁玲玲”一阵清脆又悦耳的上课铃声拉响了


      "这是一年的开始,这是一切的起点,我们于此时翻开一本新日历,迎接崭新的一年。这,就是元旦。      关于元旦的由来,有一个美丽的传说。      传说,在尧舜盛世之时


  提到元旦联欢会,我们一般最先想到的词语便是开心、回忆、趣事等,那么,元旦联欢会优秀作文怎么写呢?下面是小编为你整理了“元旦联欢会优秀作文”,希望能帮助到您。元旦联欢会优秀作文(1)  星期二下午


写元旦的作文200字 篇1  又逢元旦,XX的脚步随着我们酒后的舞步一起翩翩到来。酒醒后的清晨,阴冷阴冷。没有阳光的问候,有的只是细雨时落时断的祝福,它们轻轻下到路面上的水坑里,圈圈复圈圈


庆元旦作文篇一  今天,我们学校要开展“芭拉芭拉”庆祝元旦的活动。学校的每个人都在装饰大家的学校。  上体育课的时候,老师叫我们自由活动。我在活动的时候看见了许多五彩缤纷的彩带飘落了下来


  在这给人喜庆的元旦里,你们打算怎么庆祝呢?下面就由小编为您带来20xx小学生庆元旦作文,欢迎阅读。  篇一:庆元旦  为了迎接20xx年的到来,我们班在今天下午举办了隆重而热闹的元旦庆祝活动


元旦的作文200字 篇1  今天晚上我们四十班的同学去餐厅里看了元旦节目。  我们刚到餐厅面就做在置顶的凳子上,我们在凳子上门做了很长时间了,但是节目还是没有开始




  盼啊,盼啊,终于迎来了新的一年。我们都好高兴啊!昨天,我们包了水饺,开开心心地度过了一年的最后一天。  我们先是由组长分配好自己需要带的东西,然后跟老师汇报。还要保密馅子呢!我们开始了


  今天是我们学校开元旦庆祝会的日子,我们兴高采烈地来到学校。下面是小编为大家整理的过元旦二年级作文,仅供参考,欢迎阅读。  过元旦二年级作文1  星期六的早上,天高云淡,我怀着激动的心情去学校






      " 今天,是元旦。里充满了欢快而兴奋的浓韵,那些伤心、不高兴的同学不知吃了什么“蜜”似地;那些开心同学的就更不用说了。      我们是毕业班的,学习不能松弛,拼命的学习,顾不得一切


  篇一:  “这边,这边,你猜今天是什么日子?”那就由我来告诉大家吧!今天是新年的第一天元旦,我们学校举行了一场别具一格的游园会。  “快来呀!快来呀!”到这里来玩贴鼻子游戏吧


  第1篇 一堂难忘的课作文600字  在我记忆长河里,上过数不胜数的课程,大多都已经淡忘了,只有一节课——数学课,直到现在还记忆犹新。  那天,邓老师拿着书,迈着轻盈的步伐,微笑着走进教室




  郑人买履,是先秦时代一则寓言故事,出自《韩非子外储说左上》。它既是一个成语,也是一个典故,但它更是一则寓言,下面为大家分享了郑人买履的扩写作文,欢迎阅读!郑人买履扩写作文1  从前


  机器人楠楠   我的生日快到了,在北京工作的舅舅给我寄来了一个大礼包,里面躺着一个可爱的机器人,听舅舅信上说,这个机器人是他们最新的科研成果。我非常喜欢这个机器人,就给她取了个名字——楠楠



一次学校组织的旅游(My School Trip)

  一次学校组织的旅游(my school trip)  i was happy on tuesday because i went to chimelong paradise with my cla


  渐渐的,感觉到手里的什么已经消失了。流光一般的时间从我身边悄悄地溜走,消失不见了。  算了算,十六年的日子已经从我的生命中走去了,以前的生活倒也是那么索然无味。仿佛没有放盐的汤一般



小学生优秀作文:禁毒有我 阳光前行

  【第一篇】  今天,我们学校整个初一级要去参观禁毒所,我们的心情是既兴奋又紧张。  坚决禁绝毒品是中国政府一贯立场。建国以来,党和国家一贯重视禁毒工作,国家制定了一套严厉的禁毒工作方标


  春天来了作文_第1篇:  春天是一个万物复苏的季节。每到春天大雁都会从北方飞回南方,小草长出了新的小苗,桃树和樱桃树长出了嫩芽,开着粉红色的花。  阳光暖洋洋地照在大地的脸上,使人陶醉