

2021-10-23 10:12:39 32



  In the gentle wind, I embarked on a new learning journey, came to the new university, the long-awaited new school, new teachers, new students, new things, to bring a lot of fresh to me, I am a student of the Arts Department, my name is Zhu Yiyi, 18 years old this year, I am a the new, full of a lot of expectations for this beautiful school, I was a lively and cheerful, but those small problems, small faults, and sometimes often accompany me......

  Remember, it was a sunny morning, I got up very early, because my family to a guest, my mom kept busy, I also not bad ah, help dad wash dishes, wash for a while I feel very boring, I am confident of my dad said Dad, I want to do a dish, "Dad asked me cook suspiciously, I firmly said, dad then asked me" what dishes "Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs

  Dad said: "you do," I do not for a moment, I started to move up, the heart, can be happy, while I do sing, sing my song, in the distance came a cry, "when cooking to concentrate on" sometimes mom said, I thought I sing my song will be more delicious dishes, I sing more investment,... I don't have much time to Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs well, I am confident walk to the front of my mom said "I have often superb skill to" Mom smiled and tasted it, who knows the food was just one entrance, the mother spit it out, I was very angry and said: "Mom, don't waste food"

  My mother said "I told you to concentrate on cooking, do you see what dishes ah" I don't believe: I personally tried, good food unpalatable, than drugs. "I recall, I cook ah ah, I want to put vinegar into the liquor, put tomato sauce and put into the sauce, sugar as well as on,.... More think more regret, so I will concentrate on the mother, beside the gentle said to me "you ah, how do not concentrate, look at this dish can kill mice, then to concentrate on" mama said smile away, my heart is very uncomfortable, and I'd like to give the guests eat, the results fell this way, this is not to blame......

  Although I will make these mistakes, but when I make mistakes, I will correct, when I encounter difficulties and never give up, remember that year, I learned to learn to ride a bike, fell very miserably..... It happened 5 years ago. When I saw everyone else could ride a bike, I couldn't help it. I told mom, I want to learn bicycle. My mom said, "well, I'll accompany you, but you can't give up halfway," I said, OK, that's all. I started my bike journey, I look at others when learning seems very easy, so I bold a ride, the results accidentally fell, I cried, my mother saw said "how do you secretly study." this bike is not so easy, fast so go up and change clothes, my mother called you,... For a moment I no clothes, mother also put the points of learning taught me, I thought, I can not so easily defeat, I will drive your car, I ride on the rickety, I was sweating, but that to learn to ride the power has been encouraging me, refueling ah...... Such as the repeated practice for a long time, had so many falls that finally learned, let me know, can not give up easily when they encounter difficulties, must adhere to in the end, if I give up early, will not succeed.

  This is my lively and cheerful, there will be some shortcomings, but I am willing to correct, will encounter difficulties, but I am willing to insist, brave face, this is me, not willing to easily defeat, losing to myself, now I have many good friends, I have confidence that I will be good friends. This is me, a person with his own personality.



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