

2021-10-18 02:40:11 24

What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to success, you must keep your direction.

I feel that I am the king of timeI possess the earth and everything on itand ride into the sun upon my horse.When I loveI become liquid lightinvisible to the eyeand the poems in my notebooksbecome fields of mimosa and

Love is holding hands in the streetMarriage is holding arguments in the streetLove is dinner for 2 in your favorite restaurantMarriage is Chinese take-outLove is cuddling (拥抱)on a sofaMarriage is deciding on a

1)What does little birdie say, 小鳥說些什麼呢?In her nest at peep of day? 在這黎明初曉的小巢中?Let me fly, says little birdie, 小鳥說,讓我飛,Mother, let me fly away, 媽媽,讓我飛走吧。

1)Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 閃耀,閃耀,小星星How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形,Up above the world so high, 高高掛在天空中,Like a diamond in the sky. 就像天上的鑽石。

(1)Boats sail on the rivers, 小舟在河上航行,And ships sail on the seas; 大船在海中操輪,But clouds that sail across the sky, 然而白雲飄過天空時,Are prettier far than these. 比這些更為悅人。

R. L. Stevenson(1)Dark brown is the river, 黑褐色的河流,Golden is the sand. 金黃色的沙丘It floats along forever, 沿著樹的兩邊With trees on either hand. 它永遠在漂流。

一首不错的英语诗作者: Hamlin GarlandDo you fear the force of the wind,The slash of the rain? Go face them and fight them,Be savage again.Go hungry and cold like the wolf, Go wade like the crane:The palms of your hands

著名诗人Wordsworth的一首诗,希望大家能够喜欢诗人—— Wordsworth华兹华斯I wandered lonely as a cloud 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 That floats on high o′er vales and hills, 在山丘和谷地上飘荡, When all at once I saw a crowd,

winter moonevelyn scotta little white thistle moonblown over the cold crags and fens:a little white thistle moonblown across the frozen heather. 冬月伊吾琳·司科特 初月如银沟,吹过冰岩沼;如勾初月白,吹渡寒郊草。


treespinesthe slow measure of the chanted war song……the storm cloud,dull throbbing black against the sky……the lover constant though unloved.poplarsstatuesque cold-eyed womenin smooth,caress-inviting green silken

Remember me when I am gone away,Gone far away into thesilent land.When you can no more hold me by the hand,Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.

There must be somethingupon the hill, when crescent whispers to shadows, trees stretch each tip, and owls halt on the branches. There must be somethingin the breeze, when misty May breathes fragrance, windows half open,

Valentine day You are supposed to buy a rose in such pink atmosphere; I wonder if roses bloom only for us. the store owner winks, afterwards, you can return them.

When I Wake Up Each Morning And See you Next to Me I Know that My Day Will Be All Right Sometimes it is hard to put feelings into words but I want you to know how you affect me When I wake up and see you in the morning

So often, when I'm alone with my thoughts,I feel your presence enter melike the morning sun's early light,filling my memories and dreams of uswith a warm and clear radiance.

Proud Maisie is in the wood,Walking so early;Sweet Robin sits on the bush,Singing so rarely."tell me, thou bonny bird,when shall I marry me?""when six braw gentlemenkirkward shall carry ye.

The day is cold,and dark,and dreary;天冷、阴暗、沉闷;It rains,and the wind is never weary;下着雨,风也刮个不停;The vine still clings to the moldering wall,藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,But at every gust the dead leaves

春的飞逝Richard Henry Stoddard/理查德.亨利.斯托达德There are gains for all our losses. 我们失去的一切都能得到补偿,There are balms for all our pain;我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;But when youth,the dream,departs

Love is Mom's kiss and Dad's pat. Love is sweet roses to a lover and tender caresses to a child. Love is the tree of friendship.Love is mutual understanding and support. Love is forgiveness and sacrifice.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height to My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

When you are old and gray and full of sleepAnd nodding by the fire,take down this book,And slowly read,and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once,and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And

My love, I have tried with all my beingto grasp a form comparable to thine own,but nothing seems worthy;I know now why Shakespeare could notcompare his love to a summer’s day.

Live in you, you love in me; We are two garden haunted by each other. Sometimes I cannot find you there, There is only the swing creaking, that you have just left, Or your favourite book beside the sundial.

Very quietly I take my leaveAs quietly as I came here;Quietly I wave good-byeTo the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riversideAre young brides in the setting sun;Their reflections on the

May Buddha let us meetin my most beautiful hours,I have prayed for itfor five hundred years.Buddha made me a treeby the path you may take,In full blossoms I'm waiting in the sunevery flower carrying my previous hope.

When I come near the red peony flowerI tremble as water does near thunder,as the well does when the plates of earth move,or the tree when fifty birds leave at once.

A man and a woman sit near each other, and they do not longat this moment to be older, or younger, nor bornin any other nation, or time, or place.They are content to be where they are, talking or not-talking.

All day I loved you in a fever, holding on to the tail of the horse.I overflowed whenever I reached out to touch you.My hands moved over your body, covered with its dress,burning, rough, an animal’s foot or hand moving

The quivering wings of the winter antwait for lean winter to end.I love you in slow, dim-witted ways,hardly speaking, one or two words only.What caused us each to live hidden?A wound, the wind, a word, a parent.

In rainy September, when leaves grow down to the dark,I put my forehead down to the damp, seaweed-smelling sand.The time has come. I have put off choosing for years,perhaps whole lives.

Red Rose

a red,red rose robert burnso my luve's like a red,red rosethat's newly spring in june:o my luve's like the melodiethat's sweetly play'd tune.as fair art thou,my bonnie lass.

The Reaper

behold her,single in the field,yon solitary highland lass!reaping and singing by herself;stop here,or gently pass!alone she cuts and binds the grain,and sings a melancholy strain;o listen!for the vale profoundis

cloistered amid these austere rocks,a brooding seer,i watched an hour,close to the earth,lost to all else,the marvel of a tiny flower.to build its palace walls of jadewhat myriads toiled in dark and cold;and what gay

The sun in my dayThe moon in my nightThe spring in my stepYou are my everything.You are the stars in the skyThe birds in the treesThe shimmer, the sparkle, the shine.

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.


Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose. Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heart I'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.


If I could save time in a bottlethe first thing that I'd like to dois to save every day until eternity passes awayjust to spend them with youIf I could make days last foreverif words could make wishes come trueI'd save





I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

世界上我还能有什么追求 世界上我还能有什么追求,我已耗尽了满腔的爱,得到的只不过是失意与忧愁,看起来,只有死才是尽头。然而我并未厌弃人生,也知道我还不至死于悲痛。如果说还将有更大的苦难,我甘心忍受,苦中求生。


我人虽在而心神不定 我人虽在而心神不定,激情荡漾而又周身寒冷。我无端地哭泣转而又发笑,世界虽属于我,而我却两手空空。世上的一切都难以捉摸,心灵中烈火燃烧而眼泪成河。我时而希望,时而沮丧,时而狂乱,时而斟酌。


I have been sleeping all alone, You have been staring in my dreams. I want to kiss you, my baby, I want to kiss you tonight.


My love is like the grasses Hidden in the deep mountains. Though its abundance increase, there is none that knows.


No ploughman's blade will cut thee down, No cutler's horn will mark thy face, And you will be my ain true love,And you will be my ain true love.


英文诗歌Keep Your Direction

What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However




幸福的期盼 我不想让我们的爱象花朵一样鲜艳, 因为花朵总要凋谢美不再现, 也不想说什么地老荒天, 因为那太遥远, 更不相信海枯石烂的誓言, 到那时早就没了人烟, 我只相信刻骨铭心的挂牵




维纳斯与阿都尼鄙夫俗士,望敝屣而下拜;我则求: 阿波罗饮我以缪斯泉水流溢之玉杯。 献与 扫桑普顿伯爵兼提齐菲尔男爵 亨利·娄赛斯雷阁下 阁下, 仆今以鄙俚粗陋之诗篇,献于阁下,其冒昧干渎,自不待言


鲁克丽丝受辱记献与 扫桑普顿伯爵兼提齐菲尔男爵 亨利·娄赛斯雷阁下 我对阁下的敬爱是没有止境的;这本没有头绪的小书,只显示这种敬爱流露出来的一小部分而已。是您高贵的秉性,而不是这些鄙俚诗句的价值



英语爱情诗-When I love

I feel that I am the king of timeI possess the earth and everything on itand ride into the sun upon




玉楼春 晏殊绿杨芳草长亭路,年少抛人容易去。楼头残梦五更钟,花底离情三月雨。无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。  望夫石  王建 望夫处,江悠悠;化为石,不回头




偿还一切都将在春天偿还 是的,到时候了将天空偿还给鸟将嘴巴偿还给人民将你偿还给爱情如果这样,我愿意将我偿还给春天的深渊在又高有远的早晨我紧握双拳把血握红让它们心脏里奔跑如果这样


最美天空灰灰的时候 望望远方的山 飞来飞去饿飘絮 将带去我的魂 她仍然在那里 在那里,静静地 静静地 天空红红的时候 念念心中的你 飞来飞去的飘絮 将带走我的魂 她到了


醉花阴薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。佳节又重阳,玉枕纱橱,半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖。莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。 一剪梅红藕香残玉簟秋。轻解罗裳,独上兰舟。云中谁寄锦书来


生查子 牛希济春山烟欲收, 天淡星稀小, 残月脸边明, 别泪临清晓.语已多, 情未了, 回首犹重道: 记得绿罗裙, 处处连芳草. 江城子 苏东坡十年生死两茫茫。不思量,自难忘。千里孤坟,无处话凄凉


《清平调·其一》 作者:李白 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢。 【注解】: 1、清平调:一种歌的曲调,“平调、清调、瑟调”皆周房中之遗声。 2、槛:有格子的门窗


柳永  登孤垒荒凉,危亭旷望,静临烟渚。对雌霓挂雨,雄风拂槛,微收烦暑。渐觉一叶惊秋,残蝉噪晚,素商时序。览景想前欢,指神京、非雾非烟深处。  向此成追感,新愁易积,故人难聚。凭高尽日凝伫


题南剑州妓馆潘牥生怕倚阑干,阁下溪声阁外山。惟有旧时山共水,依然,暮雨朝云去不还。应是蹑飞鸾,月下时时整佩环。月又渐低霜又下,更阑,折得梅花独自看。【赏析】  此词为词人重访旧地怀思之作


吴文英  烟波桃叶西陵路,十年断魂潮尾。古柳重攀,轻鸥聚别,陈迹危亭独倚。凉飔乍起,渺烟碛飞帆,暮山横翠。但有江花,共临秋镜照憔悴。  华堂烛暗送客,眼波回盼处,芳艳流水。素骨凝冰,柔葱蘸雪


《楚江怀古》 作者:马戴 露气寒光集,微阳下楚丘。 猿啼洞庭树,人在木兰舟。 广泽生明月,苍山夹乱流。 云中君不见,竟夕自悲秋。 【注解】: 1、木兰舟:此因楚江而用《楚辞》中的木兰舟。木兰:小乔木


  《山居秋暝》  空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。  明月松间照,清泉石上流。  竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟。  随意春芳歇,王孙自可留。  《山居秋暝》作品评述  【注解】:  1、螟:夜色


《谷口书斋寄杨补阙》 作者:钱起 泉壑带茅茨,云霞生薜帷。 竹怜新雨后,山爱夕阳时。 闲鹭栖常早,秋花落更迟。 家僮扫罗径,昨与故人期。 【注解】: 1、泉壑:犹山水


《春雨》 作者:李商隐 怅卧新春白袷衣,白门寥落意多违。 红楼隔雨相望冷,珠箔飘灯独自归。 远路应悲春晚,残宵犹得梦依稀。 玉珰缄札何由达,万里云罗一雁飞。 【注解】: 1、白袷衣:即白夹衣


《北青萝》 作者:李商隐 残阳西入崦,茅屋访孤僧。 落叶人何在,寒云路几层。 独敲初夜磬,闲倚一枝藤。 世界微尘里,吾宁爱与憎。 【注解】: 1、崦:指日没的地方。 2、宁:为什么


《宿业师山房待丁大不至》 作者:孟浩然  夕阳度西岭,群壑倏已暝。  松月生夜凉,风泉满清听。  樵人归尽欲,烟鸟栖初定。  之子期宿来,孤琴候萝径。  【注解】: 1、烟鸟:暮烟中的归鸟