
One day to travel in the ancient town composition

2022-04-09 23:01:53 10

Today, our family travels to the ancient town of Panyu, this trip made me learn a lot of traditional cultural knowledge about Lingnan ancient village, and let me understand the life of the previous Shawan.

Perhaps it is a holiday, visiting the traffic people in the ancient town of Shawan is endless, the position where the parking can park is almost full, we have been going to stop the car for a long time. It seems that there is indeed an unique attraction in the ancient town of Shawan.

On the road, I deliberately find the origin of the ancient town: Shawan Ancient Town was built in the Song Dynasty, the historical and historical cultural accumulation and the ancient Lingnan folk architectural art is the characteristics of the ancient town of Shawan. Shawan fluttering, lion, sculpture, orchid, etc. is the traditional folk cultural art of the ancient town; reflect the water-grinding brick wall of Lingnan architecture art style, oyster shell wall, 镬 镬 风 volcanic wall, brick carving, gray plastic, murals, etc. Good storage.

The shell wall, as the name refuse is the wall made of oysters, the ancient sand with the shell of oysters, and the lime makes a wall. The biggest feature of the shell wall is: fire, anti-insect, and the effect of winter and cool summer cool. Through this cladding wall building structure, it fully reflects the intelligence of the ancient sandwich.

In addition to the oyster wall, there is a strange "museum" wall in the ancient town of Shawan. It has undergone different dynamics, and is built by seven materials. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shawan had zero-scattered people living in the Ming Dynasty. The population gradually became more, because Shawan is an island, the building materials are difficult to transport, so people will take them on the spot, use the mud wall, one, two-layer mud wall There is very little china, gravel, and shells. The mud wall of the third layer is different, mixed with gravel, broken bowl, disc fragments, rotten tiles, and shells are significantly increased. In the Qing dynasty period, the wooden window on the wall was rot, the house owner used the gap of two meters from the brick. During the Republic of China, the ground and outside the wall gradually accumulated, the wall became short, and the security hidden dangers also existed. The owner of the wall can't endure the mud wall, so on the mud wall and blue bricks, the red brick filled with the Republic of China, this blocking wall is actually a museum of the historical building materials in Shawan.

Many things are accidentally made. After hundreds of years, the hard construction of Shawan, they may have never created and protect the consciousness of "cultural relics", but today, they left a strong Lingnan historical culture and ancient folk building for the descendants.艺术。



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