2019-10-27 21:28:59 50
1. Ill pick up the tab. 我来结账。 2. I want to pick your brain. 想向你请教下。
3. Pick yourself up. 振作起来。 4. You have to pick your moments.说话要选时机。
5. Stop picking on me!别老找我茬! 6. Lets pick this up later. 下次接着说。
7. Take your pick. 随便挑。

1. Hows life treating you?最近过得怎么样? 2. Ill treat you to dinner. 我请你吃晚饭。
3. They treat me like crap. 他们对我特别差。 4. Its my treat. 我请客。
5. You are in for a treat. 你肯定会满意的。
6. How dare you treat me like this? 你怎么敢这么对我!

1. I cant stand him any more. 我无法忍受他了。
2. It was just a one-night stand. 只是一晚上的感情而已。
3. He stood me up. 他放我鸽子。4. Im not gonna stand by. 我是不会袖手旁观的。
5. Dont stand in my way. 别挡着我的路。6. Then I stand corrected.那我说的没错。
