2019-12-20 13:00:02 74
南京环球雅思分校 陈颖
C8 T3
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?
1. 问题是什么
题干很清晰,首先描述了背景,有人认为解决日益增长的交通以及环境问题的最好办法是增加汽油的价格。依据背景提出两个问题,我们可以将问题补充完整。问题1: To what extent do you agree disagree with this opinion?你对于这种观点的看法?注意这里the best的定义,不一定要求是最有效的,而是要最优的。 问题2:What other measures do you think might be effective to solve growing traffic and pollution problems? 你认为还有什么其他措施可以解决日益增长的交通以及污染问题?所以在写作过程中需要分别对两个问题进行回答。
2. 对象和范围
这道题并没有明确对象是谁,但是在范围上是进行了规定的。依据关键词growing traffic and pollution problems, 我们可以知道我们讨论的范围即是交通以及环境问题。
3. 题型是什么
这篇文章属于混合类的题型, 题干中的两个问题分别属于不同的题型。问题1,Agree disagree?典型的观点类题型。问题2 ,What measures...?则是属于报告类的题型。
问题1:to what extent do you agree disagree?
升高油价- 减少人们使用私家车的频率 - 解决了交通和污染问题
升高油价 - 并不能长久的减少汽车的使用 - 不能解决交通和污染问题
问题2:What other measures do you think might be effective?
发展清洁能源 - 减少汽车使用时产生的污染 - 解决交通和污染问题
Traffic solutions
In der to reduce traffic we should change our wking habits
The internet can now be used to connect people
Me people could wk from home
Meetings can be held as video conferences
Wkers could be given flexible timetables
Another solution would be to tax drivers
Wkers should share their cars and travel together
In London, f example, there is a congestion charge
This helps to raise money f better public transpt
Public transpt needs to be reliable and efficient
Task Response
1. all parts of the topic are responded to well
题干的关键词为:increasing the price of petrol; solve growing traffic and pollution problems. 在各段中都得到了回应:
首段:traffic and pollution from vehicle, solving these problems对应growing traffic and pollution problems. a simple rise in the price of petrol对应increasing the price of petrol.
段二:the increase in traffic and pollution对应growing traffic and pollution problems. higher fuel costs对应increasing the price of petrol.
段三:tackle the problem of pollution对应solve growing...pollution problems.
段四:traffic congestion对应 growing traffic...problems.
总结段:traffic and pollution reductions对应solve growing traffic and pollution problems.
2. all parts of the question are responded to well
首段和段二对问题1 做出了回应:
首段:句2,Solving these problems is likely to need me that a simple rise in the price of petrol.(要解决这些问题仅仅增长汽油的价格是不够的。)表明作者对题干所描述的观点是不完全同意的。
段二:句3的前半句,while it is undeniable...是对题干观点的肯定,是作者赞成的部分,但是后半句,higher fuel costs are unlikely...是对题干观点的否定。句4 同样也是对观点的否定,认为增长汽油的价格必定会给长期需要外出使用汽车的人造成不便。
段三:句6,to tackle the problem of pollution...是对问题2中污染问题的回应。
段四:句9,However, traffic congestion...则是对问题2中交通问题的回应。
虽然问题2是一个问题,但是却包含了两个方面,范文将问题拆分,分为了traffic problem和pollution problem两个方面进行回答。同时在首段便已经将pollution problem限定在pollution from vehicles,由交通产生的污染。使得全文的逻辑更加的严谨。
3. main ideas are clear
Main ideas 我们需要对主体段进行分析。范文的主体段分别为段二,段三,段四,我们依次分析。
段二的main idea:句3,While it is undeniable that...,虽然私家车的使用无疑是造成交通问题和环境问题不断恶化的原因,但是并不能长久的减少开车的人数。
段三的main idea: 句6,I think to tackle the problem of pollution, cleaner fuels need to be developed. 我认为要解决污染问题,必须开发洁净的能源。
段四的main idea:句10,To do this, we need to improve the choice of public transpt services available to travellers. 要解决交通问题,我们需要为人们提供更多可以选择的交通出行方式。
4. explanation/examples of main ideas are clear
段三的逻辑:句6表明是对问题2中pollution problem那部分进行回答,同时提出措施即为发展清洁能源。句7,句8是对该措施的可行性以及合理性的解释说明。
段四的逻辑:句9,However转折,by changing the type of private vehicle照应段二。开始回答问题2 traffic problem部分。句10则是真正提出了措施,提供更多的出行方式。句11 和句12 采用了举例说明的方法证明句10提出的措施的合理性。
Cohesion and Coherence
1. good overall structure
范文的逻辑是十分清晰的。首段:对事实的陈述,照应题干的背景描述。同时回答了问题1表明作者的观点。段二:对问题1的回答,既肯定了题干观点的合理部分,同时提出不足,可以看出作者更多是偏向于disagree一方的。句5过渡,引出对问题2的回答。段三:对问题2的回答,但是只回答了其中的一部分,pollution problem。段四:同样是对问题2的回答,回答了剩余的另外一部分,traffic problem。句9同样是一个过渡,照应段二的同时引出对另一部分的回答。结尾段:对全文的总结。
2. the first paragraph clearly introduces the essay
首段句1 是对事实的陈述,照应了题干的背景,引出话题。同时将话题的范围缩小到traffic and pollution from vehicles,交通以及交通引起的污染。虽然首段的要求只是引出全文,但是范文的首段同时是对问题1的回答,表明了作者的态度。
3. topic sentences introduce paragraphs well
段二:句3即为main idea,回答了问题1,表明了作者对题干观点的态度。段三:句6同样是main idea,提出发展清洁燃料来解决污染问题的措施。段三:句9虽然不是main idea,但是既照应了段二的措施,同时引出了对traffic problem的解决措施的讨论。
4. clear central topic within each paragraph
这一点类似之前的main ideas 的分析。段二:回答了问题1,在肯定了题干观点合理性的同时更多的是指出了它的不足。表明自己的观点。段三:是对解决污染问题措施的回答,通过发展清洁燃料来解决污染问题。段四:则是对解决交通问题措施的回答,要解决交通问题,需要给人们提供更多的出行方式。
5. logical paragraph development
首段:引出话题,同时表明了自己的观点。段二:对问题1 的回答,并引出三、四两段。句5 But there are...起到过渡的作用,引出三四段对问题二的回答。段三段四分别是对问题2两个方面的回答。句9承前启后,在照应段三的基础上引出段四。结尾段对全文进行总结。
6. linking phrases are used well
There is no doubt that(用于阐述背景)traffic and pollution from vehicles...(照应题干的growing traffic and pollution problems,同时将论述范围缩小到由交通产生的污染,增强全文的逻辑性)Solving these problem...(these problems 照应句1) a simple rise in the price of petrol.(照应 increasing the price of petrol)
While(尽管,表示让步)it is undeniable that...(it作为形式主语)the increase in traffic and pollution(照应growing traffic and pollution problems), higher fuel costs(照应increasing the price of petrol)...limit the number of drivers.(the number of drivers照应the private car use)As (表原因)this policy... (this policy照应increasing the price of petrol)very unpopular with everyone... (驳斥题目中the best to)But (转折)there are various other measures that could...(there be句型, 照应问题2measures)on these problems.(these problems指代 increasing traffic and pollution problems)
Ithink(表明之后是自己提出的措施)to tackle the problem of pollution,...(照应pollution problems)The technology(The technology 照应 clear fuels need to be developed)quieter and clearer to use.(照应clear fuels)...to adopt this new technology(照应clear fuels need to be developed)would be a me effective strategy...(与petrol price control相比较), especially in cities.(照应首段in cities)
However,(转折)traffic congestion(照应increasing traffic... problems)...by changing the type of private vehicles people can use.(照应段三提出的措施,)To do this, (this 指代solve traffic congestion).F example,(举例论证)if sufficient...were built and effectively maintained in our cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduces.(if虚拟语气; 照应effective, in cities and on motways; solve growing traffic and pollution problems)Long distance train and coach...(依然是举例,前一句是市内交通,这一句是长途交通)be made attractive and affdable alternatives...(照应前面 available to travellers)
In conclusion,(总结,简洁明了)I think that long-term traffic and pollution reductions(照应solve growing traffic and pollution problems)... to use public transpt me, (照应段三)and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient system.(照应段四improve the choice of public transpt services.)
Lexical Resources
1. appropriate wd choices
2. control of wd endings/fms
3. repetition is avoided
这条标准是我们耳熟能详的:替换词的使用。我们举一些范文中的替换表达。我们举一些范文中的替换表达:Increasing the price of petrol: a simple rise in the price of petrol/ higher fuel costs/ this policy;Growing traffic and pollution problems: traffic and pollution from vehicles/ these problems/ the problem of pollution/ traffic congestion/ long-term traffic and pollution reduction/ improving air quality/ traffic on the roads;Cleaner fuels are needed to be developed- the technology/ this new technology;Other measures- a me effective strategy
4. spelling is crect
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
1. a variety of sentence structures are used
关于语法的两大标准中,grammatical range是比较难把握的,也很难用一两句话说清楚。我们只有通过不断地分析范文来揣摩。在第一篇的分析中,我们只作简单句/并列句和复杂句的区分。
可以看出,全篇复杂句和简单句交替使用。主体段2,3 的开头结尾多用简单句,阐明自己的观点,更加简洁明了。
2. Articles
3. sentence structures are crect
4. punctuation is crect