
初一英语作文my friend 3篇

2021-10-04 10:12:17 26

  好朋友不仅仅一起开心,快乐,还一起分担痛苦。下面是第一范文网小编给大家精心挑选的初一英语作文my friend3篇,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!

初一英语作文my friend篇1

  In the first grade, I met a new friend, gao meng.

  She's 11 years old. But she's shorter than me. She had the mushroom hair, very lovely. She has thick eyebrows and a small mouth. Not too bad!

  One noon, I went to the canteen with her to buy a meal, I bought a bowl of noodles, I accidentally spilled the noodle soup. She said, "are you careful, or shall I hold it for you?" I said, "ok." She carefully put a drop of water on my seat. I laughed and said, "thank you so much." "It's nothing, it's a piece of cake," said gao meng. "Why are you so serious?" I asked. She narrowed her eyes and said, "these are all normal exercises." I thought to myself: she works very steady, really serious, I should be like her! Then I had an idea: I must be friends with her.

  From then on, I took the initiative to play with her and studied with her. We really became good friends.

初一英语作文my friend篇2

  There is a very tall tree in my yard. It's my best friend.

  From afar, the tree was beautiful, the tree rising from the earth like a green cloud. Looking closer, the trunk was round and thick, like a soldier guarding our home. A large, thick trunk would take several people to fold it together. Leaves are of different shapes and sizes, and you can't find two very identical leaves. Countless... Every morning exercise and breathe fresh air under the tree.

  In the summer, the weather is hot and the man is "roasted and dried". In the evening, a great many old people, children, little girls, young men... All under the big tree, I am no exception. Some old people play chess, checkers, go, and deep bridge... Some children play "eagles and chicks", "throw handkerchiefs" and "hide and seek" in the trees. They have a good time!

  Autumn came and the leaves fell, which was the best gift that it had given me. Because leaves fall, can be beautiful and practical bookmarks.

  Winter arrived, the sky up and down the snow, I wear more and more clothes, more and more thick. I suddenly remembered that my good friend tree was standing in the north wind, and hurriedly dressed him in "cotton clothes" - straw rope wrapped in it.

  I like my friend - big tree!

初一英语作文my friend篇3

  The round face, the short hair of the ear, and the narrow eyebrows below, flashing a pair of big eyes with question marks, medium body, lively and slightly naughty... Why, who is this? She is my best friend, xia bing xin.

  She is very observable and can use her head, so she always comes first in every composition. Remember once, ni teacher said: "today, we ask the composition of the good students to come to the front, read the work to everybody to listen to." When she read her work, all the students in the class put their ears up to fear that they might miss it. She wrote the fruit platter, writing to be lively and interesting, the students after listening, all mouth water, want to taste. Class is over, the students all around xia bing xin, ask her to write the secret of good composition. Xia bing xin, always to satisfy everyone's request. Then the summer ice heart is not to mention how happy!

  The summer ice heart is very good in all aspects, but it can be just as bad -- short face and angry. I remember that in the third grade, she was angry when she didn't ask her to answer the question. For this thing, I have two times to write to her, let her get rid of this bad habit, I wrote these words: both letter "magnanimous point, cheer up, you will find that the road ahead will be more and more wide!" But she saw it, and I couldn't change it, and I had to go with her.

  My dear friend, when can I not see your angry face? Don't forget, when you face the difficult situation, and I this friend share with you!

  May my friend smile forever!



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