如果我生气了 If I Get Angry
2021-11-07 14:09:51 18
Everybody will get angry when they have argument with others. The way to deal with the bad mood is very important. If we can’t handle well, we may lose the important person in our life. When I get angry, I will tell myself not to say any word, because whatever I say, it must hurt others. The bad mood will make me lose my mind, so I need to calm down and stay alone. I will listen to light music or watch fun TV shows. after much laughter, I reconsider my attitude, then things will become easier. I learn to control my bad mood.
结尾:非常感谢大家阅读《如果我生气了 If I Get Angry》,更多精彩内容等着大家,欢迎持续关注,一起成长!