
Two essays in traditional Dragon Boat Festival

2022-04-12 14:30:18 6

The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival [article 1]

Today is the Five Dragon Boat Festival in the Lunar New Year, and our family is happy in the dining room. I suddenly asked my father: "How did the Dragon Boat Festival come?" Dad said that he didn't know that others did not know. So I had to go to the book to find it.

According to legend, in ancient times, Chu State Countries - Qu Yuan's reuse of Chu Huaiwang. Those despicable villains often say that Qu Yuan's bad things in front of Chu Huai, Chu Huai Wang gradually does not need him, Qu Yuan's political ambition can not be realized, sad and indignant. There is a powerful Qin Gui to find Chu Huai Wang, and Qu Yuan see that this is the conspiracy of Qin Wang, and then persuaded the king. I didn't expect Chu Huai, not only didn't listen to him, but also expelled him out of the city. As a result, Chu Huaiwang was turned off in the house, and after three years, he was dead because of melancholy. After the death of Chu Huai Wang, after Chu Xi Wang was in the position, he had a play all day, ignored the political affairs, and the Chu State weakened one day. Qu Yuan repeatedly persuaded Chu King, but was exiled into a distant river side. Later, the prince occupied the capital of Chu State, and Qu Yuan said that the sadness was very sad. Because I didn't want to be a slave, I jumped into the rolling of Rong Rong in the morning of May 15th. Later, in order to protect Qu Yuan's corpse, I will put the scorpion and eggs in the river. I hope that the fish in the river should not eat Qu Yuan, and put the boat as a dragon to pull it in the river to drive the water. Since then, in order to commemorate the patriotic spirit of Qu Yuan, the annual lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival.

Hey, the original Dragon Boat Festival is coming so.

Dragon Boat Festival custom [2]

There are many statements about this traditional festival. Here I just want to say the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.

Since I can follow my brother, my sister is starting to start to work to work almost every Dragon Boat Festival is over the sand dunes in the northwest of the village.

In many years, my grandfather picks up without roots before dawn, and goes back to the grass on the windowsill. After clipping, it is sandwiched on the ear. The atmosphere of this festival is filled in the faint fragrance of this wax. No gorgeous language is required, full of health, happiness of children.

Sometimes I will wake up with me, but sometimes I smell the fragrance of the water, I will wake up from my sleep. No matter what you can't talk before this morning, there is no root water. Usually, we have a few days. We are very embarrassed. After drinking free of root water, symbolic useless water washing face, the next program is divided into eggs. The egg is my mother or I am so good, but I have a good point. At that time, the eggs were not every day, not how much it would be. The big brother is a boy, grandparents always give him S ten, and our sisters can be divided into six eight. Every time I look at my mouth, I can sneak more or two, I don't forget to pat in me back.

The eggs we have made, and the children who call the left neighboring house have been departing very early. It must be climbed to the top of the North Dunes before sunrise, and then look back and watch the sunrise. At the end of May, the hometown of June is green into a piece, and each family of children, there is also neighboring villages from all directions to this.

The boys led the puppy, blowing whistle, whiteling from us, see who can climb the first. If you climb up, you don't wear shoes, online trousers legs, sometimes roll back. Every time I climbed a small hill, I took out the eggs to eat her eggs. So picked red skin when I was divided into eggs.

I am very proud to spend the following waving, shouting, just on the side of the egg. Four or five people pulled the songs, the spring breeze笑声跳舞,春日迎接我们。北部沙丘的每一个沙丘也很开心。



我最喜欢的传统节日是 - 龙舟节。因为龙舟节,按顺序为几年的诗歌曲元,每个家庭都必须打包我最喜欢的蝎子。今年的龙舟节让我仍然记得。


奶奶将我的包的蝎子和她的包“完美”蝎子放在一个大锅中。煮沸时,我的祖母告诉我龙舟节的起源:我有一个非常爱国的诗人。他的名字是屈原。许多叛逆的人都在他的才能中。在黄,他对他的坏话说。 。很快,淮王去世,屈原被驱逐出城市。屈原看着他心爱的国家,并觉得他没有改变世界上的任何东西。为了让屈原的身体没有被鱼类食用,发明了蝎子喂鱼。


这是我最喜欢的传统节日 - 龙舟节。



  【第1篇】  翻开日历,周六又是一年端午。  端午的由来,我是很早就是知道的。  我从小就对端午节很期待,不用说鸡鸭鱼肉的美味对我的吸引,单是叔叔姑姑来家一起吃饭就很高兴


  【第一篇】:端午有感  又是一年的五月,又是一个端午,又是一个值得纪念的日子。纪念我们伟大的爱国诗人—屈原。  公元前278年,秦军攻破楚国京都。屈原眼看自己的祖国被侵略,心如刀割


  【篇一】  一个粽子一颗心,祝您事事都称心,一个粽子一份情,祝您天天好心情,端午节里寄心愿,合家欢乐福满堂,手机短信传祝福,单单祝你端午节快乐!  绿绿粽叶裹吉祥,填满真诚情意长,清清江水龙舟荡


  【篇一】  1.清晨,为你端来一份白鸽,端来一份祝福:端走烦恼忧愁,端来快乐逍遥;端走辛苦疲惫,端来成功悠闲;端走所有的不如意,端来好运和幸福。端午节快乐!  2.今年端午又来到,家家户户好热闹


  关于端午节的歇后语:  1、 端午的黄鱼 —— 在盛市上  2、 癞*躲端午节 —— 躲得了初一


  【篇一】  短信乘着“龙”舟,捎来端午的问候。愿你:一世“龙”门多福气;“龙”腾虎跃早成功;鱼跃“龙”门财运广;凤骨“龙”姿有活力。预祝:端午节快乐!  今年端午节期间出了个怪事,我当时正好路过


  赛龙舟:  賽龙舟,是端午节的主要习俗。相传起源于古时楚国人因舍不得贤臣屈原投江死去,许多人划船追赶拯救。他们争先恐后,追至洞庭湖时不见踪迹。之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼


  【篇一】  端午龙舟竞渡,引来你的关注;几个粽子下肚,让你满足过度;头插艾草酒喝雄黄,愿你怀抱平安,拥有健康,带着甜蜜,牵着财运,快乐度过端午节!  阳光映着彩霞,柳叶迎着微风,蓝天向着白云


  【篇一】  满街都飘满了粽子的香味,你在远方可闻到了家乡的粽子香,今天也买点粽子,一起过个快乐的端午吧!每逢佳节倍思亲,祝你端午节平安快乐!  人生路漫漫,无需惊天动地,快乐就好;友谊最珍贵


  五月初五端午节,端午送你五个五:祝你收获多多,五谷丰登;收入多多,五花八门;朋友多多,五湖四海;快乐多多,五彩缤纷;幸福多多,五福临门!  锄禾在端午,汗滴禾下土。为了盘中餐,生活不怕苦


  篇一:难忘的端午节  端午节快到了,超市购物,粽子成了主角,五花八门的火腿粽、豆沙粽、蚕豆粽、蛋肉粽,长的,圆的,方的,三角的,应有尽有。这些粽子都被摆到入口处和柜子最显眼的地方


精选给朋友的端午节QQ祝福语集锦31句  一条短信息:祝福一串串:端午节到了,祝快快乐乐,开开心心;健健康康,轻轻松松;团团园园,恩恩爱爱;和和美美,红红火火


  篇一:家乡的端午节  我的家乡在信阳,那是一个具有浓厚古风的城市,还保留着很多节日的习俗。我最喜欢的节日就是端午节了。  每年农历五月初五的早上,妈妈就会从菜市场买来几把艾蒿插在门上或窗户上


  端午节简短祝福语(1)  1.您的手机从6月起已具买粽子功能,预订粽子拨110,送货119,如有疑问请与本中心联系,网址:三达不溜点不坑你坑谁点抗么!祝端午快乐!  2.喝一杯雄黄酒,和快乐干杯


  篇一:过端午节  今天、是端午节的前一天,妈妈说,端午节到了,我们去买些粽子吃吧,顿时冒出几声,“行行”。我说:“今天还不是端午节,买粽子干啥?”我妈妈说:“对呀,还没到,这样吧


  深入挖掘雷锋精神的时代内涵,倡导青年志愿者做到时时学、处处学。今天,小编要跟大家分享的是社区学雷锋志愿服务活动总结,感谢您的阅读!志愿服务活动总结【一】  雷锋精神是我们中华民族宝贵的精神财富




  【篇一】  1、一身的迷彩服,让每一位同学都多了一份英姿,多了一份责任。  2、磨练顽强的斗志,培养吃苦的精神,锤炼良好的品质。  3、做事不怕难,自无难人事。天下无难事,只怕有心人




  尊敬的党组织:  2019多年前,勤劳勇敢的中国人民用智慧、勇气和汗水开拓了连接亚欧非大陆各文明的人文、贸易交流通路,与沿线各国人民共同铸就了辉煌的古丝绸之路。千百年来






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