

2023-07-28 03:28:57 11

篇一:The Person I Admire Most

The person I admire most is my mother. She is a strong, intelligent and hard-working woman. She raised me and my siblings on her own and always put our needs before her own.

My mother is someone who never gives up. Even when times were tough, she always persevered and found a way to make things work. She worked long hours and sacrificed a lot to give us a good life, and for that I am forever grateful.

My mother is also a great listener. She always takes the time to listen to our problems and offer advice when needed. She is someone we can always turn to no matter what.

Most importantly, my mother is a kind-hearted person. She has a heart of gold and will always help those in need. Her selflessness is something I strive to emulate in my own life.

Overall, my mother is an amazing person who I truly admire. She is an inspiration to me and many others, and I am lucky to have her in my life.

篇二:The Most Influential Teacher in My Life

The most influential teacher in my life is my English teacher, Ms. Smith. She has been my teacher for the past two years and has had a huge impact on my learning and personal growth.

Ms. Smith is a dedicated and passionate teacher. She always goes above and beyond to help her students understand the material and encourages us to think critically and creatively. She also challenges us to push ourselves and reach our full potential.

But what sets Ms. Smith apart from other teachers is her caring and supportive nature. She takes the time to get to know each of her students and is always there to lend an ear or offer advice. Her kindness and compassion have made a huge difference in my life and the lives of many others.

Furthermore, Ms. Smith is an excellent role model. She exudes positivity and professionalism in everything she does, and I aspire to be like her in my future career.

In conclusion, Ms. Smith is more than just a teacher to me. She is a mentor, a friend and an inspiration. I am grateful to have had her as my teacher and will carry the lessons she taught me with me for the rest of my life.





  经过几个小时的颠簸,我们终于到达了此行的目的地——乌镇。  乌镇,像许多江南小镇一样,有穿过小镇的狭窄河道,有傍水而筑的朴实民居,有乌蓬船悠悠地在小河上荡过,有巷子深处升起的袅袅炊烟


      尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:      大家好!我演讲的题目是“小事求大善,小节立大德”。      今天的这方舞台只给了我百秒的时间,不过,大家一定都注意到了,刚才


      在这又暗又冷的阴天,我呆呆地走在路上,不知所措。很快,难过的泪水夺眶而出。      那是一次语文单元测,我本以为考的会很不错,但结果却不尽人意——八十六分,连平时学习较差的同学都比我高


      每个人都有自己的优点,有的人会唱歌;有的人会下棋;有的人会打篮球……而我,我会溜冰。      记得我第一次溜冰,是在一个阳光明媚的早晨。一到溜冰现场,我就赶紧去穿“装备”




      我的姐姐,头发不怎么长,但是她的个字真是出奇得高。比我大三岁,今年15了,身高却有一米六二了。她没有特点,眼睛小小的,身材是瘦瘦的……      而姐姐令我特点,就是她的脾气了,那么凶


      在开始说零之前,先让大家回答一个问题:“一个人有三头猪,卖了三头,还剩几头猪?”      你们会说零头。显然,这个答案是正确的,可古人却为这个问题纠结了几千年之久,对于零的掌握






      世界上有许多人,他们都各有各的优点。有的人天资聪颖,有的人拥有优美的舞姿,有的人拥有舒缓的歌喉……而我则拥有一颗善良的心灵。      一天早上,我很早就来到了学校。校门还没开




      如果说父爱如山,那么母爱就是一潭清泉,但你对我的母爱,比清泉重千斤。——题记      妈妈:      您好!      妈妈:我想对您说,您不漂亮,却落落大方;您不出色,但温文尔雅


      经过4个多小时的路程,终于抵达了目的地——日照,大家都兴奋极了!      我们先去吃了午饭,然后前往宾馆。老师安排好我们的房间,让我们1点钟左右在大厅集合,前往万平口沙滩。初次看到大海




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篇一:The Person I Admire MostThe person I admire most is my mother. She is a strong, intelligent and hard-working woman. She raised me and my siblings o