8B Unit1词组与句子
2021-09-12 07:37:29 22
8b unit 1一个小时前它在碗里的。 it was in the bowl an hour ago.1. 你看到我的食物了吗? have you seen my food?2. 我刚吃了。 i’ve just eaten it.3. 我再也不要跟你玩了。 i don’t want to play with you any more.4. 不同时期的交通工具 transport at different times5. 收集信息 collect information6. 不同形式的交通工具 the different forms of transport7. 时代变了 times have changed8. 采访某人 interview sb. / have an interview with sb.9. 你有多了解阳光镇? how well do you know sunshine town?10. 从那以后一直住这 have lived here since then
11. 你有没有曾经搬过家? have you ever moved house?12. 在城镇的南部 in the southern part of town13. 直到1965年,我们一直住一起。 we lived together till 1945.14. 在城镇的中心 in the centre of town15. 这些年阳光镇有没有改变许多? has sunshine town changed a lot over the years?16. 政府已经把那个地方改造成了一个公园。the government has turned the place into a park.17. 阳光河旁边曾经有过一家鞋厂。 there once was a shoe factory near sunshine river.18. 以前水污染是问题吗? was water pollution a problem before?19. 工厂过去常常把它的垃圾倒进水里。the factory used to dump its waste into the river.20. 垃圾里的毒素 the poison in the waste21. 这是一个非常严重的问题。 it was a very serious problem.22. 采取行动减少污染 take action to reduce the pollution23. 某些方面来说是的。 in some ways it is.24. 有开阔的空间 have open space 25. 我有时感到有点孤单。 i feel a bit lonely from time to time.26. 也 as well as27. 水污染真的是一个问题。 water pollution was a real problem.28. 阳光镇的变化 changes to sunshine town 29. 和过去一样频繁 as often as before30. 玩牌和中国棋 play cards and chinese chess31. 李先生还没有回来。 mr li hasn’t come back yet.32. 约翰已经玩这个电脑游戏几次了。 john has played this computer game a few times.33. 你好久没有来看我了。 you haven’t visited me for a long time.34. 北京历史展览 an exhibition of the history of beijing35. 你呢? what about you? 36. 它是有关于什么的? what’s it about?37. 我忘记了标题。 i have forgotten the title.38. 它是有关于北京过去一个世纪的变化。it’s about changes in beijing over the past century.39. 我已经决定再去看一次。 i have decided to see it again.40. 这次不会错过的。 i won’t miss it this time.41. 我将在那呆整整一周。 i will stay there for a whole week.42. 享受阳光和海滩 enjoy the sun and the beach43. 顺便说一句 by the way44. 已经拥有一艘船超过80年了 have owned a boat for over 80 years45. 一本有关于星光镇过去和现在的书a book about starlight town in the past and the present46. 从XX年开始投入使用。 it has been in service since XX.47. 亲眼看到变化 see the changes myself 48. 自己乘车去学校。 i come to school by bus on my own.49. 我妈妈早晨有更多的时间。 my mother has more free time in the morning.50. 我很高兴她有更多的时间放松。 i’m happy that she has time to relax more.51. 我也有同感。 i have the same feeling too.52. 我喜欢和你聊天。 i enjoy chatting with you .53. 离阳光镇不远 is not far from sunshine town54. 它过去是一个安静的地方。 it used to be a quiet place.55. 这些年这个地方已经变了。 the area has changed over the years.56. 一个新的铁路从XX年开始就投入使用。a new railway station has been in use since XX.57. 去那更快更容易了。 it is faster and easier to get there.58. 但他们仍然给人们带来了许多问题。but they have also caused many problems for people.59. 给他们带来现代生活 have brought them a modern life60. 一个新的旅游景点 a new tourist attraction