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以下提供一份英文个人履历表范例,仅供参考。对照一下,跟如何写中文履历表有何不同之处? 英文个人履历表(一) 秘书英文简历范文 secretary (senior) sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing. objective to contribute acquired administrative skills to a senior secretary/word processor position. summary of qualifications *more than 13 years administrative/clerical experience; type 90 wpm.*self-motivated;able to set effective priorities and implement decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.*proven communication abilities,both oral and written. professional experience 1988-present caldyne associates,providence,ri secretary process technical reports,engineering specs,and traffic studies utilizing multi-mate wp.type all requisite documents for staff of 30 professionals.arrange meetings,handle incoming calls.expedite ups mailings,federal express,faxing and courier services.type statistical charts,manuscripts,correspondence,and minutes.order supplies,coordinate daily meetings,arrange luncheons,and administer labor cards. 1984-1988 bristol bank,bristol,ct secretary/receptionist utilized call director,typed reports,letters,and expense sheets.reserved conference rooms,order supplies.responsible for calligraphy assignments. 1981-1984 sargent agency,hamden,ct secretary assigned to school of public health.managed typing of medical charts used in textbooks for government funded medical program in iran. education pollack secretarial school,jackson,tn 1979 computer skills dos,microsoft word,ibm compatible,lotus 1-2-3 separate category for computer experience calls attention to candidate's technical knowledge. education is applicable to candidate'sjob objective and adds weight to resume. 英文个人履历表(二) 原版的英文简历 peter david stevens university of texas at austin 1 university station - c2369 austin, tx 78712 (512) 555-3454 [email protected] education: bachelor of business administration in marketing university of texas, austin, tx, may XX college and graduate school of business major: marketing; minor: spanish cumulative gpa: 3.8 professional skills entrepreneurial: designed, published and promoted 35-page marketing web site. established, managed, and sold lawn service consisting of 20 clients. founded and maintained car detailing service responsible for 25 clients. professional sales: telemarketed as an order-taker for longhorn tire supply, which involved learning and implementing sales presentation and conflict-resolution skills. performed cold, door-to-door sales calls to obtain clientele for a deli delivery route and landscape service company. solicited austin business professionals for donations and sponsorships of ut crew, club hispanic, and george bush hall events. communications: composed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist for the texas business weekly. drafted professional letters for the texas bureau for compliance monitoring and a financial assistance proposal for the austin rotary club in an academic internship with the migrant farm workers association. performed reading, writing, and speaking activities in spanish while participating in a language immersion program in costa rica, a latin american studies trip in guatemala, and a business internship program in ecuador. multicultural: developed integrated marketing plan for sale of services to latin american municipalities through internship program in ecuador. participated in spanish immersion program in san josé, costa rica, while living with a local family and attending a language school for one month. interacted with mayan indians to observe their cultural norms and study their language for two weeks through a latin american studies trip to guatemala. honors who's who among students in american universities national honor society: 4 semesters dean's list: 4 semesters honor roll: 2 semesters activities resident assistant, ut department of residential life general member, ut alumni association rower, ut crew team notes: the cumulative gpa (grade point average) is the calculation of all grades received while an undergraduate or a graduate student at the university.
姓 名: 小杰 性 别: 男 民 族: 汉族 出生年月: 1985年10月 婚姻状况: 未婚 身 高: 176cm 体 重: 76kg 户 籍: 新疆昌吉 现所在地: 福建厦门 毕业学校: 南洋学院 学 历: 专科 专业名称: 国际商务 毕业年份: XX年 工作经验: 二年以上 最高职称: 中级职称
职位性质: 全 职 职位类别: 餐饮/娱乐-餐饮/娱乐管理/物流/仓储-物流主管 职位名称: 值班经理,项目经理, ; 工作地区: 福建厦门 ; 待遇要求: XX-3000元/月 ; 不需要提供住房 到职时间: 可随时到岗
语言能力: 英语 4 ; 日语 一般 ; 普通话 标准 电脑水平: 熟练掌握电脑操作
教育背景: 时间 所在学校 学历 XX年9月 - XX年7月 南洋学院 专科
培训经历: 时间 培训机构 培训主题
XX年7月 - XX年8月 新疆昌吉军分区-驾校(驾校) 驾驶 XX年8月 - XX年11月 学校 物流师资格 XX年9月 - XX年3月 学校 大学英语 工作经历
所在公司: 厦门市麦当劳 时间范围: XX年5月 - XX年5月 公司性质: 外资企业 所属行业: 餐饮、娱乐、酒店 担任职位: 值班经理
人员协助招募和保留那些对顾客满意充满热忱的员工。根据既定的长期和短期目标,协助及时为员工完成绩效评估。 示范所有的员工工作站和维护保养工作的绩效标准。必要时,以合作小组的方式工作。有效使用预值班和值班策划工具,从而优化qsc,并在工作站范围内安排员工岗位轮换,满足客流量需求。为下一任值班经理做好班次筹备工作。在没有监督的前提下,进行班次管理/区域管理。利用在班次管理和区域管理中,调控食品成本、工时、损耗和现金等。 自我评价:
本人性格温和开朗,思想正直,诚信,稳重。有强烈的上进心、事业心和求知欲。工作认真踏实,责任心强,善于独立思考,分析问题,解决问题。有强烈的集体荣誉感,较强的社会适应能力,良好的团队精神。能够吃苦耐劳,适应多变的环境,愿意尝试各种挑战。格言:我相信,爱一行才能干好一行! 联系方式
联系电话:1370040050 联系地址:厦门中山路55号
1、不容忽视的原则问题 跟求职信一样,履历表是你的推销文件,代表你全部的资料。试幻想你是面试官,对所有申请人也一无所知,只可凭一份履历表的资料而决定会否面见这个人,如果是你,你又会怎样决定呢? 所以你不得不了解履历表的基本原则: 履历表的撰写技巧应从雇主的角度出发 让雇主透过履历表的资料找寻合适人选 重点突出有关申请职位的经验与技能 将雇主有兴趣的资料写在前面 利用文来说服未来上司,让他相信你就是他渴望聘请的人才 履历表应每次度身订造,因应每个职位的要求而变动,以强调某方面的特质 强调某方面的特质 2、内容焦点--强调个人特色 请问以下那一项才是正确之选呢? 1)学生照 2)即影即有相 3)生活照 4)陈旧黑白证件相。 5)一张拍于有水准的影搂、预先打扮一番,梳理整齐、精神奕奕、笑容自信的彩色证件相。 据一些人事经理透露,他们常碰到以下几种无奈的情况:履历表制作认真但相片拍摄马虎。 相片样子过分严肃、态度嚣张、没有笑容,看来难以共事。 要求寄上照片,但没有做到。 附寄资料:不用附寄推荐信与学历证明,这些资料通常在面试时才需要。重点陈述: 对于毕业生来说,由于没有工作经验,所以履历表的重点应放在学业成绩之上,或曾参予的课外活动及暑期工作经验。至于早已踏足社会的申请人,可加强工作成就与实际工作经验的重点描述,而不用详细列明学业成绩,应尽量表现个人的特色。内容如实: 资料清楚如实,千万不要说谎或夸大其辞,以免面试时露出马脚。有利资料: 一些对自己不利的资料可以不用填写在履历表上,如会考的数学科目不及格,或者曾在很短时间内转职,这些资料会令人感到不踏实。以下业务经理 (business manager)中、英文履历表范例一文,仅供参考。
building no.3, apt.6021148 north jiefang roadguangzhou 510400 resume dahai zhang objective to work as a general manager in an joint venture enterprise in guangzhou experience 7/1988-8/1991 supervisor of administrative department of baiyunshan pharmaceutical general factory. responsibilities included supervision of twenty staff members, planning and directing all phases of departmental operations, preparing work schedules, coordination of all the departments in the factory.8/1991-present vice director of guangzhou administration and service center for enterprises with foreign investment. responsible for providing guidance for investment and trading activities, introducing investment projects and potential partners, arranging study and inspection tours, organizing business talks. education 9/1984-7/1988 bachelor of business administration at people's university of china (beijing).9 / 1978-7/1984 guangzhou no.34 middle school foreign language english: intermediate in reading and fluent in speaking。 personal data birth date: may 16, 1966 sex: male health: excellentfamily status: married, one child.id card no: 440104660516007。 |
广州解放北路1148号3栋602室510400 个人简历 张大海 目标 在广州合资企业担任总经理职务。 工作经历1988年7月至1991年8月 白云山制药总厂行政处主管。职责包括督导二十个职员、计划及指导行政处的全盘工作、准备工作安排、协调全厂各部门之间的关系。 1991年8月至今 广州外资企业管理服务中心副主任。负责指导投资与贸易活动、引进投资项目和介绍合作伙伴、安排学习考察旅行、组织商谈。 学历 1984年9月至 在中国人民大学(北京)攻读工商管理学士1988年7月 学位。1984年7月 在广州第三十四中学读书。1984年7月 外语: 阅读中等水平、口语流利。 个人资料 出生日期:1966年5月16日 性别:男健康状况:极佳家庭情况:已婚,一个小孩身份证号码:44oio466o516007。 |